Brenda Hutcheson
Florida Real Estate Specialist at Coldwell Banker Sunstar Realty, Business Owner, Entrepreneur
“Every child loves positive fatherly encouragement.”
Here are just a few of the many responsibilities a Father has when it comes to raising children.
1. Motivator
As a dad, you are at times a helper, a coach, and a friend. One of your jobs is to?motivate your children?toward daily productivity and healthy growth. I find that my kids are not always self-motivated to?reach their full potential?in character, discipline, and spiritual growth. So when I see that potential, this is where I often find the need to come in, sometimes creatively and other times firmly, to motivate them. Sometimes this is with ideas, incentives, schedules, or simply clear expectations.
2. Enforcer
Fatherlessness is a great concern in our society today. And one of the greatest disadvantages many kids in fatherless homes face is the lacking male presence and leadership they need. A huge part of having a father in the home is having an enforcer in the home. Like it or not, kids naturally respond differently to male leadership, especially in the family. Dad being the main enforcer of family rules and boundaries at home also makes a mother’s job so much easier.
3. Encourager
Because children are born with a desire for their father’s approval and attention,?one of the best ways to encourage them?is to be their biggest cheerleader and their greatest fan. Giving them regular compliments and positive reinforcement in the areas of their strengths can go a long way. I personally have seen the demeanor of my children change when I say encouraging things like, “You’re going a great job” or “I’m so glad you’re mine.” Every child loves positive fatherly encouragement.
4. Trainer
There are lessons and life skills your child will never learn apart from being taught.?Part of the role of fatherhood is training our children to be good at life. From learning how to ride a bike to knowing how to manage good relationships with the opposite sex, and everything in between, your child needs your intentional investment. Yes, it takes time and a bit of inconvenience, but it’s so worth it in the long-run.
5. Counselor
Kids struggle too. Sometimes, as adults, it’s easy to forget this because their problems seem so small. Do you remember how?small?things were?big?things as a kid? Children don’t naturally know how to navigate the issues of life that are thrown at them. That’s because they’re kids—they’re adults in training. They regularly need direction, answers, and advice. Dad, strive to be your children’s chief counselor, their go-to for advice. Because they will get it from somewhere, so why not from you?
Taken from Andrew Linder.