The Role of Your Spirit Being In Your Life
Augusta Ihezuo
I Help Business Owners Simplify thier Business Operations, Automate their Sales & Marketing Processes and Increase their Sales and Brand Visibility Online as the Grow their Business to Scale
Your life experiences is the function of the wealth in your mind. It’s a result of your state of mind, and the healthier your body is the longer you will last on this planet earth.
So your body is the container that needs to be serviced, it is a vehicle that moves you around, so without your body you will not be permitted to be on this earth realm.
Now do you know that your spirit is the link to divine infinite intelligence? It’s written in the book of Job 32:8; “The spirit inspiration of the almighty gives him understanding.”
So I know your next question will be, what is the role of the spirit in totality in your life?
Well your spirit is the real you! it is eternal, it is inform of a breath , it is a force and not physical. It has origin, it is part of you that comes from God, a part directly from your creator.
God our creator lives in the spirit realm and He is infinite in the concept of time and space. Which means that the concept of space and time does not exist in the spiritual realm.
Do you know that your tomorrow has 14 different possibility and our God who is infinite knows every possibilities for our life and that is why he inspires ideas into our mind.
So whenever you connect to your infinite force, we call it inspiration. So now that we know what inspiration is, let’s talk about understanding.
Understanding is what brings in profitability. Hence you can have information, knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
So the information that I am giving you now becomes knowledge when you assimilate it, understand it and practicalize it or teach it.
But please let me warm you, if you consume information and gain knowledge through it but you did not practice it, you cannot be successful or wealthy with that information. Because information can only be powerful when you practice the knowledge you gained.
But the person that gains information, consume the knowledge and practice the knowledge gives you understanding. Remember applied knowledge is wisdom.
So what happens when you obtain profitability from the information you applied? When you obtain profitability from an information that you applied that is wisdom and you are seen as a wise person.
But I need you to note the difference between knowing something and understanding something.
Now understanding differ from person to person based on the way we applied it. So when you expand understanding, it means that you are creating a personalized approach to create your own customized result.
There are 4 different approach to creating a customized: Information, knowledge, Understanding and wisdom.
I need you to know that knowledge, comes with emotions, don’t stop at information level, gain understanding and practicalise to gain wisdom and money/wealth becomes your result.
So with understanding, you will begin to ask yourself, these things that I know how can I make money out of it?
Because understanding makes you out standing.
This is why you need to do your bst to become profitable with your knowledge, e.g you can monetize your knowledge by teaching people what you know, by creating digital products with them. You can send me a DM if you need assistance and you want me to help you monetize your knowledge.
So I need you to ask yourself, “how can I make money from this knowledge that I have? Remember this is the understanding zone.
Here is a secret I want you to know that will help you with the answer that you seek, “Inspiration from God Almighty can give you the answer to your questions on how you can make money from your knowledge.
I need you to always bear in mind that inspiration means, spirit in motion, which means divine insight and understanding makes the difference.
The more connectivity you have to your spirit and to a spirit the higher understanding you will have and the more money/wealth you can make.
So my dear alphalion in business, I want you to focus on connecting with the right spirit of wealth because you can’t get to certain levels of wealth without inspiration and inspiration gains you understanding which wisdom becomes.
So having said that, let talk about what you can do? Let’s answer the question of what you can do?
What refers to the niche you need to play in.
Can refers to your abilities.
You refers to your personality.
Do refers to your value
So let take for instance you have a bill right now and you don’t have the cash to pay that bill. This question is asking you, What Can You Do?
Your answer to this question will pay your bill, (tell my story of grass to grass and back to glory).
You see every situation in life will always ask you, “What can you do”?
I need you to note that whatever it is that limits you is not always what you don’t have but what you have and don’t know you have or don’t know how to use it.
That is where the word ignorance is expressed. It is there but you ignored it. So my dear alpha lions in business, stop ignoring the things that you have.
Never give excuses as to why you don’t have something because excuses define you as a failure. But when you take responsibility you produce results.
Remember excuses can’t be deposited in the bank.
Stop looking for excuses that explains why you are broke, if you do, then you are lazy, and you will end up justifying your laziness by been busy. That is why you give excuses.
You make excuses and you justify it by been busy.
That is why I need you to repeat this after me, “I will never be lazy and I refuse to make excuses!!!
Now what can you do bores down to what skill do you have that you can use to solve someone else problem and get paid for it?
There is only one skill that you need to know among others which is the father and the greatest of all skills; and that skill is call SELLING!
If you can sell, you will never be broke again. If you know how to sell, you will be highly valued every where you go.
But if you have skills and you are broke, it means that you are not selling your skills. You don’t know the business of your skill which is how to sell your skill and monetize it.
I need you to know that your ability to sell will always keep you in the realm of wealth. That is why you must always learn and sharpen your selling skills.
Let me explain, if everything I have right now is taken away from me, I can get myself back to wealth and riches by selling. Because I know how to sell.
So I need you to go out there and sell something, go and learn how to sell. And the best way to learn how to sell is by selling. So go and practice and keep practicing.
Because selling is the only solution to your money problem.
The online way you can learn how to sell is not just by enrolling into a course or training but by actually selling!
See eh… you can grow from a person that can’t sell to a person that sells out. Selling your skills will pay you when you sell shamelessly to people.
Remember, people are your greatest asset, so learn to network with them, meet them. And don’t forget, learn the skill of selling and keep sharpening your selling skills.
So my assignment for you today is for you to write down 5 things that you can do and explain how you can use it to earn money, how can you sell your skill to earn money?
If you are listening to me now and you don’t know how to sell, you want to learn how to sell you truly desire to learn how to sell as a beginner or you want to sharpen your selling skills as an intermediate or a professional.? I have 3 things for you, these are 3 ways I can help you learn and master the art of selling.
1.?? You can buy my eBook on the money biochemistry. And have access to video version. It goes for N5000. Click Here to Access
2.?? You can enroll into my course on how to sell beyond boards which goes for N70,000. Click here to enroll
3.?? Lastly you can sign up for a one on one coaching where I teach you how to sell and give you the selling strategy you need to implement in your business be it product or service that will help you sell out like crazy. N300,000 (Click Here To Gain Access) for a done with you and for you session or N150,000 (Click Here To Gain Access) for a done with you session.
To learn more and gain access to any of these that I mentioned, use the link in the description session or the link in my bio and go to course & pricing session to enroll into the option that is best fit for you.
For no. 3 click here
Thank you for your time, and I love you all and don’t forget I am rooting for you. See you on the inside.