Role of Whey Protein in Weight-loss

Role of Whey Protein in Weight-loss

A scoop of Whey protein which is often touted as a complete meal replacement.

I often get this question - What is better - Whey protein supplements or protein from Natural sources?

First, let’s understand why is protein considered good for weight loss.

The food we eat is broken to make energy. But to break down this food, energy is required, which induces weight loss. This is called the thermic effect of food.

Now the protein sources that you consume will be digested very slowly in your body and so the body requires great amounts of energy to break down protein into amino acids and further great energy, hence you lose weight.

This answers the question, how protein helps in weight loss.

Now coming to whey protein supplements and if whey protein is bad for you.

Short answer: No

But can you have it during weight loss

Again the answer is No - whey protein is not recommended for weight loss.

You see when you work out, your muscles undergo wear and tear, and you need something to repair them, which is high in absorption which is where whey protein comes into use as they get absorbed rapidly and also help you build lean muscle mass.

Owing to their rapid absorption, consuming whey protein powders when NOT WORKING OUT leads to weight gain.

This is why, if you are not working out, natural sources of protein is what you need, as their slow absorption keeps you full for longer periods of time and also increases your metabolic rate, hence you lose weight.

TL;DR - Dissing one kind of protein to show the other in good light is not my intention. It is highly imperative to understand when to eat what kind of protein. Whey protein powders are an excellent source of protein only if you work out and wish to gain lean muscle, however, if leading a sedentary lifestyle, stick to natural sources of protein which are absorbed slowly.

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