
Technical and vocational education is one of the easiest way to get away from poverty and improve your skill. In addition to achieving the following sustainable development goals: goal 4, goal 5, goal 8, goal 9 and goal 10. These includes (1). end poverty in all its forms everywhere (2). promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth (3). full and productive employment and decent work for all (5). reduce inequality within and among countries, ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all will be achieve with effective and efficient TVET. All these SDG, s and the main trust of our education polices and regulatory framework in Nigeria will go a long way in assisting the human development of the society and the country. TVET is a planned program of courses and learning, experiences that begins with exploration of career options, supports basic academic and life skills, and enables achievement of high academic standards, leadership, preparation for industry-defined work, and advanced and continuing education. The mandate of TVET is to provide individuals with learning experiences and training that equip them with skills to manipulate their natural environment and nurture development for their immediate community and the nation in general.

The overall gain of the TVET is also in line with the main objectives of the national policy on education (1998) in Nigeria. These include building:1. A free and democratic society;2. A just and egalitarian society;3. A united, strong and self-reliant nation;4. A great and dynamic economy;5. A land of opportunities for all citizens. Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) has been recognized as the wide-diversified education system instrumental in making the remarkable contribution to economic growth of a country by a way of suitable manpower production relevant to the needs of industry, society and changing technological work environment. Our lack of trained and skill human resources may be as a result of our failing educational system and lack of adequate manpower to power our small, medium skill and large scale industries. Problems of TVET in Nigeria

Unfortunately, education on technical and vocational training for skills acquisition suffers the most neglect. The sector is underfunded, the basic infrastructure needed to facilitate teaching and training is lacking virtually in all institutions offering programs in technology and vocational education. There are lack of workshop, rooms, and where they exist, the machine, equipment and facilities therein are in most number obsolete and in some cases housed in dilapidated building , the prevailing curriculum on TVET is old and without current issues and trends , there is acute shortage of experienced technology instructors in the country and most of the few available do not possess the necessary skills for practical activities, there is neither retraining scheme to keep teachers of technology abreast of the rapidly changing labour market nor do institutions offering technology education conduct production-based activities where TVET teachers could undertake their practical orientation on research and development.

As stated earlier some of the crucial aspect of the SDG covers areas that a comprehensive use of the mandate of TVET will help improve.

4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Targets: Ensure that all people have access to quality education and lifelong learning opportunities. An efficient TVET will ensure that this takes place. This will show when youths and adults in formal and informal education and training go through TVET. This Goal focuses on the acquisition of foundational and higher-order skills; greater and more equitable access to technical and vocational education and training and higher education; training throughout life; and the knowledge, skills and values needed to function well and contribute to society

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

It seeks to ensure that women have better access to paid employment, have full access to productive resources; and enjoy equal participation with men in political, economic and public life. This can be made possible by enrolling to the TVET and empowering woman and girls with the skills. With economic empowerment and change in power relationship, Women and girls will be able to help the country achieve this important goal.

Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

The Targets: Continued, inclusive and sustainable economic growth is a prerequisite for global prosperity, therefore, this Goal aims to provide opportunities for full and productive em-ployment and decent work for all while eradicating forced la-bour, human trafficking and child labour. Economic growth can lead to new and better employment opportunities and provide greater economic security for all. Through TVET average hourly earnings of female and male employ-ees, by occupation, age and persons with disabilities will increase; Also the unemployment rate will increase and due to our demography youths within 15-24 years will be empowered through employment and training.

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

Artisan and other technical staffs needed for the participation in building the needed infrastructure and also contribute through innovation especially the percentage of the population that pass through TVET and went on to acquire further training and practice through their initial exposure to TVET. The targets under this Goal focus on the promotion of infrastructural development, industrialization and innovation, which can be accomplished through enhanced international and domestic financial, technological and technical support, research and innovation, and increased access to information and communication technology. Infrastructure provides the basic physical facilities essential to business and society; indus-trialization drives economic growth and job creation, thereby reducing income inequality; and innovation expands the tech-nological capabilities of industrial sectors and leads to the de-velopment of new skills.

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries.

TVET will also help in reducing the high level of  inequalities in the society.

Ogwu Paul Okwuchukwu



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