Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in combating COVID-19 at Present and in Future

Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in combating COVID-19 at Present and in Future

Table of Contents:


Introduction to the Coronavirus and current situation......................................2



Literature Review:..............................................................................................3

World Situation of COVID-19:..........................................................................4

Status of Nepal in the fight against COVID-19..................................................5

Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in combating with COVID-19 in terms of wash and engineering...................................................................................................6

My responsibility to support the Nation. ..........................................................15

Institutional Arrangement. ................................................................................15

Way forward. .....................................................................................................16

Conclusion and Recommendations....................................................................16



Brief Bio-data......................................................................................................17




















 This article deals with the roles of science, technology and innovation (STI) in combating the coronavirus. It talks about the corona virus, its origin from the health perspective. Then it talks about the corona virus cases around the world and in Nepal today. Then it talks about the challenges and opportunities during this corona virus crisis. The roles of science and technology to combat the effects of corona virus is then talked about, especially in a general context.


Introduction to the Corona virus and current situation in Nepal

The series of disastrous pandemics dominated the human community in the past few centuries.

A pandemic as defines by WHO is “the worldwide spread of a new disease”. The COVID-19 (Corona Virus disease 2019) is a major public health concern caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a declared global pandemic by WHO in March 11, 2020. The novel corona virus emerged from Wuhan province in China in December 2019 from the sea foods and thought to have a zoonotic origin. The phylogeny analysis confirmed that is closely related (88-89 %) to two bat derived SARS like corona virus, namely bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVzc21.

Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face.

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).

From the context of COVID-19, it is droplet and contact transmission where droplets from infected person from sneezing and coughing can infect a new host. Also if the droplets are retained on surface of object and other person comes in contact of the object the infection can spread. A WASH intervention is an effective method in prevention of such transmission. A hygienic approach of hand sanitation can reduce the effect of spread which can be achieved by either alcohol based sanitizers (>80%) or effective hand washing with soap and water. It has been observed that being an envelope virus COVID-19 doesn’t survive in water for long but as suggested can be observed fro few hours and up to 2 days in sewage. Also other form of surrogate corona virus has been found to be able to survive in water environment which leads to the possibility of next outbreak which may be far more deadly and can easily spread through water as water being a necessity and consumed by all.






 The current situation in Nepal is lock down due to corona virus. During these times, students of Kathmandu University are on lock down including the author of this article. So, during these times, the Professor of Civil and Hydraulics Engineering, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ramesh Kumar Maskey instructed us to write an essay on the topic. As students of engineering and ultimately science, it is our responsibility to understand and express our views on this deadly pandemic and to find solutions to the current anf forthcoming problems as such.


 This essay is justified on every level. In a general sense, this essay will invoke students to learn about the corona virus in general along with WASH approach to tackle such  pandemics`. This method to collect information regarding corona virus including method to combat it from students is very useful. Such information garnering may collect valuable opinion from students which may have escaped others and may be helpful.

Since Prof. Maskey is coordinating with the Technology Development and Innovation Group, one of the six thematic groups to fight against COVID-19 under the High-level Committee of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, our opinions, if useful may have the right ear. Thus, this article is very important in the sense of approach and ideas developed by student of science of Nepal to combat such pandemics.


Literature Review:


SARS-CoV-2 is closely related to the original SARS-CoV. It is thought to have a zoonotic origin. The disease was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of China's Hubei province, and has since spread globally, resulting in the ongoing 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.

It is an envelope virus. Genetic analysis has revealed that the coronavirus genetically clusters with the genus Beta coronavirus, in subgenus Sarbecovirus (lineage B) together with two bat-derived strains. It is 96% identical at the whole genome level to other bat coronavirus samples (BatCov RaTG13).

In February 2020, Chinese researchers found that there is only one amino acid difference in the binding domain of the S protein between the coronaviruses from pangolins and those from humans; however, whole-genome comparison to date found that at most 92% of genetic material was shared between pangolin coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2, which is insufficient to prove pangolins to be the intermediate host. Outside the human body, the virus is killed by household soap, which bursts its protective bubble.











World Situation of COVID-19:


As of 1st May 2020

All images obtained from

Status of Nepal in the fight against COVID-19

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Nepal has taken a strong stance in prevention of covid-19 through national lockdown that has put the whole population under home isolation. This has been an effective measure for now but has put the risk of fall of economy, putting vulnerable  population at risk and isolated family apart. Lockdown has put the whole country at halt which may lead to more unemployment and loss of education. Due to lack of development, Nepal has to ask for assistance for supply of essential equipment to tackle with the outbreak such as mask, test kits, ventilators. The weak education system hasn’t been able to produce effective scientific work force along with lack of resources for research. The tax collected by the government hasn’t been used properly and nobody was formed before this pandemic for research and development, handling and financing in crisis that has led to the country to take eased out loans from Asian Development Banks (ADB) and World Bank (WB). Even though the measures taken by the government has helped it to list itself out from highly risked zone to risked zone, it is only due to acceptance of the people to abide by the imposed restrictions and the honorable roles played by the National Security Forces in times of crisis. It has been also noted that most private hospitals and doctors are unwilling to take in patients due to the fear of the disease. Lack of proper system of basic services such as food and water.

Most detected COVID cases belonged to the Muslim minority which has raised risk of anti-religious movement in a religiously harmonic country like Nepal. These are mostly due to influence of Indian media and misreporting of report by certain newspapers.

Role of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in combating with COVID-19 in terms of WASH and engineering

Role of engineers and engineering (General)

It has come to highlight that creating tall or strong buildings aren’t the most important aspect of being an engineering. An engineer should be able to work and design what is needed in actual context. The government should make reform in study patterns to convert engineering to focus on what is needed. And in context of Nepal, the major development that our society needs is the Water-Food-Energy Nexus. Without proper development of these nexus, first construction of “Stupid Infrastructures” can lead to waste of available limited resources. Engineers should now be encouraged to work more on efficient and effective design of infrastructure which helps in good quality and quantity of the nexus. They should be encouraged to work and study on design of efficient canal system to draw water from better crop yield. Better design of energy system integrated with water and food. The delivery systems of these networks should also be taken into consideration. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that these system is very weak and the food grown by the farmers are rotting while the people are getting hungrier.

The hospitals designed isn’t well suited to handle pandemics in Nepal and can be easily over whelmed.

Requirements for Quarantine facility in a community-based facility is asunder

1. Location:

? Preferably placed in the outskirt of the urban/ city area (can be a hostel/unused health facilities/buildings, etc.)

? Away from the people’s reach, crowded and populated area

? Well protected and secured (preferably by security personnel/army)

? Preferably should have better approachability to a tertiary hospital facility having critical care and isolation facility

2. Access considerations

? Parking space including Ambulances etc.                                       

? Ease of access for delivery of food/medical/other supplies

? Differently-abled Friendly facilities (preferably)

3. Ventilation capacity: Well ventilated preferably natural

4. Basic infrastructure/functional requirements:

? Rooms/Dormitory separated from one another may be preferable within-house capacity of 5-10 beds/room

? Each bed to be separated 1-2 meters (minimum 1 meter) apart from all sides.

? Lighting, well-ventilation, heating, electricity, ceiling fan

? Potable water to be available

? Functional telephone system for providing communications.

? Support services- fooding, snacks, and recreation areas including television

? Laundry services

? Sanitation services/Cleaning and House keeping

? Properly covered bins as per BMW may be placed

5. Space requirements for the facility:

? Administrative offices- Main control room/clerical room

? Logistics areas/Pharmaceutical rooms

? Rest rooms- doctors/nurses/supporting staffs

? Clinical examination room/ nursing station / Sampling area

? Laundry facilities (on- or off-site)

? Mess/Meal preparation (on- or off-site)

? Holding area for contaminated waste

? Wash room/Bathroom/Toilet

6. Social support resources/ Recreational areas

? Television and radio / Reading materials/ indoor plays

7. Monitoring the health of contacts:

During that period, contacts should be monitored at least daily for fever and respiratory symptoms.

These are some of the important features that a hospital or COVID-19 Quarantine center should look like as recommended by NCDC. Such guidelines should be read and analyzed by engineers and produce new methods of isolation patients of next pandemic which can occur through different modes of transmission. Its engineer’s role that his design or modification doesn’t allow those taking care of infected such as doctors, health workers, and nurses etc. to get infected. Hence these types of design modification should be thoroughly analyzed and tested along with sharing of the research and ideas. Most research that have been carried out in the country has not been practically implemented e or market based. They have been a study to only follow on the footsteps of foreign professionals where their country has been through the industrial revolution and in the tech revolution. But in context of Nepal no industrial revolution was achieved hence we are still dependent upon different equipment imported from abroad.

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Now is the time for people in field of science and technology to put research based those are needed now and practicable, affordable and effective to the general populations. These research can be on materials that are available locally. Engineers on the lead role should now design on effectiveness rather than for shows.


COVID-19 has brought a challenge to the way infrastructure must be designed and the need of a resilient infrastructure design of high importance. On the top of the list lies two sectors Agriculture and WASH. Both these sectors are heavily effected by any crisis on their quality and demand. During this outbreak of COVID-19 it has shown that infrastructure system must be developed as such to be able to meet both quality and quantity of demand. Most disease transmission can be prevented through WASH intervention. As can be elaborated through the F-diagram below.

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Fig: F diagram


As from the diagram it can be clearly observed that many transmissible disease can be prevented through different level of wash intervention. These maybe of hygienic, water or sanitation nature. Designing a system and infrastructure that provides an effective barrier can be the next prevention of a global pandemic.

“In Nepal about 3.5 million people do not have access to basic water services.”-UNICEF

Basic water services refers to the provision of water from improved water sources within 30min of a household. So, 3.5 million people either have to travel more than 30min to fetch water or are drinking from unimproved water sources such as surface water. This had already put the population at risk of water bore diseases such as diarrhea and cholera outbreaks (2009-Jajarkot outbreak). These are some common types of diseases that could be easily prevented by design of effective centralized water treatment systems. But even the centralized water treatment system that KUKL operates doesn’t deliver safe and continuous water supply which lead to people buying water from tanker distributors or using unsafe sources. Most of the sources that are used by the distributors are in risk of contamination or aren’t sufficiently processed which can increase risk of water born disease outbreak. The lack of water infrastructure had already put burden on the economy as well along with putting women, children (especially girls) at higher risk. Insufficient water has forced women and girls to miss other activities or miss their school in order to fetch water.

This has been even more of a challenge as pandemic has put risk for people to come out of their homes to get their daily essentials, including  accessibility of clean drinking water. Even though drinking water tankers and jars have been allowed to be transported, there exists a great risk of cross contamination. As the bottles may not be sanitized properly before being refilled the refilling is done manually which increases risk of contamination. Most household do not have point of use treatment systems during these pandemic as lack of gas or due to economic people are forced to consume such water directly. Hence it is very much essential to now develop initially a good wash system that incorporates policies, laws and funding then development of water treatment infrastructures.

“Ensuring good and consistently applied WASH and waste management practices in communities, homes, schools, marketplaces, and health care facilities will help prevent human-to-human transmission of the COVID-19 virus.”- WHO

Even though the COVID-19 hasn’t demonstrated transmission through water, other corona virus such as SARS have demonstrated their ability to survive in water condition. Hence it is benevolent that such virus or disease may not originate to cause the havoc in a greater scale.

“Disinfection will facilitate more rapid die-off of theCOVID-19 virus.”-WHO

On this context the position of Nepal is quite clear, the water to be treated from ground water source in KUKL plant is broken down and out of operation for a long period.

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Fig: Out of service bio sand filter in KUKL

It is quite evident that we taste high level of chlorine in water that we rarely get from the pipeline. It is due to the fact that the flow measurement instrument is broken and the flow into the system cannot be measured hence chlorination dosing is conducted on basis of assumption of visible turbidity of water which has led to higher level of chlorine residue at times while no chlorine residue at other times. The mixing process of the chlorine is manually done through operator.

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Fig: Chlorination Unit in KUKL

“For effective centralized disinfection, there should be a residual concentration of free chlorine of =0.5 mg/L after at least 30minutes of contact time at pH <8.0.A chlorine residual should be maintained throughout the distribution system, a number of household water treatment technologies are effective in removing or destroying viruses, including boiling or using high-performing ultrafiltration or nan membrane filters, solar irradiation and, in non-turbid waters, UV irradiation and appropriately dosed free chlorine.”-WHO, Water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management for COVID-19

Similarly our distribution network is laid along with sanitary pipes in cities while are openly exposed to natural condition in rural areas. This has led to exposure to of impurities along the path of distribution. Hence the even somewhat treated water gets reintroduced with impurities. If the supply gets infected with impurities containing microbes it may lead to next pandemic.

A case as reported in WHO Water Safety in Distribution Systems, gives an account of Johannesburg, South Africa. Johannesburg Water utility provides drinking water supply to 4.4 million consumers through an extensive distribution network of over 22 000 km of reticulation.

In April 2012, the appointed contractor was excavating a section of the sewer network which ran parallel to the water distribution system. When one of the sewer manholes was removed as part of the construction, an adjacent air valve of the water main moved, resulting in a break on the water main. Due to the break in the water main and the ongoing excavations on the sewer main, there was an immediate and apparent intermixing of water and sewage, leading to water contamination.

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Source: WHO Water Safety in Distribution Systems

 “Each stage of treatment (as well as retention time and dilution) results in a further reduction of the potential risk. A waste stabilization pond (an oxidation pond or lagoon) is generally considered a practical and simple wastewater treatment technology particularly well-suited to destroying pathogens, as relatively long retention times (20 days or longer) combined with sunlight, elevated pH levels, biological activity, and other factors serve to “accelerate pathogen destruction.”-WHO, Water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management for COVID-19

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Fig: Rainwater Harvesting


Engineer can start working for development of proper WASH system from basic household design. They can incorporate slopes in the roofs from collection of rainwater which may be stored in underground storages. These underground stored water not treated can be used for flushing and dish washing proposes where demand on drinking water can be reduced. Similarly piping system can be design to collect water that may be used for gardening. In times of crisis such as COVID-19 a common community ground storage may be created to collect the rainwater from houses present in the community. These water may also be consumed through simple household methods such as boiling, SODIS, or by applying some common disinfectants such as chlorine.

So from individual home design for water supply, the engineer should focus on community integrated design as well. 

In District level, engineer should be able to design effective treatment plants that can provide consistent delivery of drinking water to each household as much as possible. Engineering should now not only focus on study to design but the methods of maintenance as well as maintenance of the infrastructures is the key breakdown of the system.

In regional and national level engineers should play a vital role in development of rules, acts and guidelines related water resource management. As water resources aren’t well managed one sector may get benefited from the implemented project while the other may incur negative impact. Hence, development of priority and ability to integrate different systems should be pointed out and placed by the engineers.

Sewerage development is least in context of Nepal and even though the end of Open Defecation was announced in Nepal but still it is visible that people practice open defecation due to weak implementation and lack of public services.

It is time for engineers to not only laydown roadways but also provide accessible sanitary services to people of all (i.e. special consideration for women and disabled) at appropriate distances.

Design of schools in WASH friendly way that WASH can be self-prompted through learning of WASH by students at home. WASH should now be an integrated part of school both practically and theoretically as it is a common place for a group of people to meet each other raising risk of large transmission. Most children attending schools in rural areas travel a long distances hence increasing the risk of higher infection. Developing a system of proper provision of clean water both for cleaning and drinking along with soap and good sanitation can limit that spread. For this schools can be constructed in sites with adequate water available or a proper delivery system should be connected to schools. These practices can encourage students to teach their parents about necessity of WASH.

For design distance of Latrine and ground water sources there are some rules that must be followed:

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These simple designs that can help prevent widespread contamination and help prevent spread of diseases. These type of basic design study should be handed out to each engineers. In context of Nepal most household doesn’t follow these types of rules which can in itself may someday lead to outbreak of an epidemic in Nepal.

My responsibility to support the Nation

The foremost responsibility of every Nepalese citizen is to abide by the rules of lockdown and prevent spread of the disease. As a student it my duty to continue my academics along with learning of new ideas to prevent the spread of the disease.

I have also been working as a volunteer with Nepal Health Council (NHC) and Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences (KUSMS) in prevention of transmission of the COVID-19 by gathering data about persons returning from foreign through telephone interviews.

Institutional Arrangement

Now is the time for institutions to implement online facilities. It is also time to revise the courses that has been developed to tackle the basic needs first then on other advances. It’s the foundation or base that supports the better looking super structures after all.

Way forward

The corona pandemic may end soon but the next pandemic might always be a day ahead. Hence it is essential for Nepal to take hard stances with development of strict guidelines to tackle another pandemic through economic, social and infrastructure measures. These measures should be strengthened up to local level by making people aware about them. Pandemic reaction bodies should be created that trains people to create items needed during pandemic such as face masks or hand sanitizers. It can be an effective approach to train people to produce hand sanitizers as people sell homemade alcohols which can be further distilled to increase the % alcohol and convert them to sanitizers.

It is also essential to locate private hospitals and doctors who ignore to look after patients those not infected by COVID-19 too. Bodies should be formed to tackle with such pandemic in future and different educational courses should be involved in school level. The news outlet should be set under such guidelines that they aren’t able to target specific group of population for the cause of disease. With enhancement of IT, this has been quite a challenge and media as the 4th organ of the government has freedom of press but they should be reminded that their freedom do not harm others.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The corona virus has brought a huge change in the fundamental way society operates. There is now a lot of challenges for life to return to its normal ways. The conclusion to draw is to practice better designs and infrastructures that helps to tackle the next pandemic better. Now is the time to bring essential changes in the educational system that is equipped to tackle every situation in resilience.


I would like to thank Prof. Dr.-Ing Ramesh Maskey for providing me this opportunity to write an essay regarding the corona virus.


Brief Bio-data

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The author of this article is Pratap Bikram Shahi. He is currently studying Bachelors in Civil Engineering (Specialization in Hydropower) in Kathmandu University, ongoing in the 7th semester. His usage skills include AutoCAD, GIS, SAP2000, Word, Excel, Copy Editing, and EPANET. Also, he has been involved as one of the prevent coordinator of SANKALPA 19 Event in Kathmandu University. He is also a member of Water Youth Network an international volunteering network in water sector.

He can be reached through:

[email protected]


Ural Kafle

Urban Studies, Planning, and Political Ecology

4 年

Kudos, Pratap!!! Such amazing ideas and even greater presentation!

Rujjwal Timalsina

Student at Sagarmatha Engineering college

4 年

Great Article ??

Sangita Ghimire

PhD Student at University of Illinois at Chicago

4 年

Great writing! Keep it up!


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