The Role of SCADA Systems in Smart Factories

The Role of SCADA Systems in Smart Factories

The configuration of a smart factory may include a combination of production, data and communication technologies, with the potential of integration across the entire production supply chain.

A vital component of the smart factory concept is the ability to collect data. Vibration sensors, for instance, can provide warnings when equipment requires to be maintained, at the same time, integrated automation software allows automation and control engineers to collect this data so that it can be analyzed and the findings used to ensure that the correct decisions are made. This helps avoid manufacturing problems like unplanned downtime.

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The aim of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems is to ensure that manufacturing organizations can process data in the most efficient way, in order to make intelligent decisions and communicate problems in the system in the best way possible. Typically, the SCADA architecture starts with programmable logic controllers (PLCs) or remote terminal units (RTUs) which can communicate with a range of plant equipment such as factory machines, human machine interfaces (HMIs), sensors and end devices. These communications and data are then routed from this equipment to the computers that are equipped with SCADA software.

By means of SCADA systems, plant operators can set alarms or notifications whenever pre-defined values exceed set parameters. This ensures any deviation in the industrial automation process is identified in real-time.

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