The Role Of The Rich: Making a Difference

The Role Of The Rich: Making a Difference

Philanthropy is really something that is being taken on board by the wealthy, and it should be. I think that if you are successful, great wealth can go along with that success. If you have enormous wealth than enormous responsibility should goes with it too. It’s also the responsibility to use their entrepreneurial skills to get out in the world and to solve some of the world’s problems, and also to use their financial strength to get out in the world and solve some of the problems.

I think that this is a trend and a positive trend. Capitalism is something that seems to be the only system that works. Capitalism is great in a lot of ways. A young person can come up with an idea to make a difference in other people’s lives. They go with this idea, and they can be successful, their idea grows and they make some money. The problem with capitalism is that sometimes they make an amount of money that it is completely unnecessary to make. So in order to avoid stifling capitalism by imposing huge taxes on the wealthy, it’s their responsibility to give that money back to society in one form or another.

Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and many more very successful business people have agreed to give away the majority of their wealth. They have committed to do this either while they are alive or after they die, instead of leaving it to future generations. I believe that that is the right thing to do. The good thing about these people is that they are entrepreneurially minded so they have the opportunity to really see the problems in the world in way, which allows them to tackle these issues with their skills and financial means.

Entrepreneurs can see problems slightly differently than others and often they can influence where others fail. When the president of Uganda was threatening to pass a law that would take gay people and throw them in prison for life, and also impose lifetime imprisonment on people who failed to report a gay person…it was business leaders who stepped in got the president to veto the bill. It has long been the case that business people have quite a lot of clout in the world, if they can use that clout positively they can change the world for the better.

The example above really was just the business skill of conflict resolution with financial leverage. In business it is right at the beginning of a conflict that if you move quickly enough. If you can get the two sides together. For the sake of your company, or country, or family, please compromise. Don’t let this get to a point where no one wins. Usually you can resolve that conflict quickly.

If you are in a position to make a difference you have to try and make a difference.

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Mike Johnston is the owner of GIA Coaching. GIA is committed to creating an equal playing field for small and medium sized business. GIA teaches and helps to implement the best strategies in the world for marketing, sales, leadership, innovation and time management. Our aim is that it doesn't finish there but that we give you the skills and strategies to then improve those.

San Lwin

CEO Shwe Padethar Co., Ltd.

9 年

Your article directly hit my present time in life. I do not have much wealth to give away but I am trying to give together with my time and entrepreneurial skills to help solve the problems in the community. I believe that I am trying to make the difference. Thanks.



