The Role of a President
Ali Parandeh Zandpour
?? Communication & Startup Coach. With 25+ years in IT, SaaS & Startup World I help you Present with Impact & Pitch to Win. ?? Award Winning Speaker ?? | TED? organizer
Just under 9 years ago I was elected as the president of my Home Owners Association. It all happened in haste. We were unhappy with how the things were run at the time and someone nominated me as the president. I was already part of the committee and I knew a little bit about the job but not enough. My only objective was to serve and to help, to make sure that all those jobs that we talk about are completed and that they don’t just become talks and fights at next annual meeting.
Indeed the role of any president is to serve and there is no better way to describe it. Irrespective of whether he / she has been elected as the President of his Home Owners Association, Club or Country, their role is without the slightest bit of doubt to serve the people who have elected them and to accomplish those tasks, jobs or promises they have made and been trusted upon to carry out.
Nine years on, I find myself yet again in this position. This time as the president of my Toastmasters Club, the achievers club. A club that inspired me and fired up my passion once again.
I have accepted with honour to be the president of my toastmasters club “The Achievers Club” in order to serve and learn with them and from them. To share my experience and to learn from theirs.
In the past twelve months we have witnessed many unpleasant things on our tiny planet earth. The rise of terrorism, violence, distress, breakups and more, many of which have their roots in lack of good communication, compassion and leadership.
The Gregorian calendar marks the year as 2017 even though the birth of the universe was some 13.7 billion years ago. In fact there is no difference between 2016 and 2017, it is just continuation of time, evolution and progress.
I hope that all presidents take a moment to remember the importance of communication and leadership in their role and remind themselves on a daily basis that they are there to serve. Over the next 12 months in order to serve and fulfil my role, I will strive to contribute to our club by improving our communication and leadership skills, helping to build a better and more compassionate society on our tiny planet.
8 年Congratulations Mr. President!