role of the Overview Effect
Konstantinos Konstantinidis, M.D., Ph.D.
Director - ExCtu - addressing the Health Tourism Sector "Builder Class" (a.k.a. the "growth makers" and “developers”) by providing the infrastructure supporting economic activity and enabling the system to function
…the mental clarity which results from considering “things” in their entirety - and seeing the big picture
To illustrate this article, on moving away from “desti-national” and towards “trans-national”, I used the front cover of the book titled “Transnational Corporations and the Global Economy”, edited by Richard Kozul-Wright and Robert Rowthorn, a paperback edition of which one can buy for $141.80, through Amazon (? ).
promoting the Destinational Brand
…shooting oneself in the foot
I have, sung the praise of the “destination” – and have even claimed that consumers do their “choosing” by first deciding on the destination.
I also champion the systemic (Pentad Strategy) approach to “designing, creating – or transforming” destinations.
But at the same time, I have written about the overview effect – urging the Builder Class (a.k.a. the Growth Makers and Developers) to escape the self-limiting “trap” of developing and promoting their “creation” (business – enterprise and even destination) as a “destinational” brand – as opposed to a transnational brand.
Stated a little differently, promoting the brand as “destinational” is a strategic error – and something akin to shooting oneself in the foot.
The term "transnational" emphasizes that something has a broader “reach” – i.e., it goes beyond the “notional” boundaries of a single nation.
Promoting the brand as transnational enables it to “play” in (and benefit from) the ht8 transnational Contemporary Health Tourism Metamarket (which in turn, is part of the Big3 (i.e. the “Integrated Economic Ecosystem, Transaction System and the Metamarket”).
See, if you want, “the road ahead – the Big3 and Integration -? .
the overview effect, in the context of Health Tourism
…thinking and doing beyond national borders – and even “destinations” – and certainly, beyond “competition”
The overview effect, in the context of Health Tourism, is a powerful motivator for those working on creating future-proof (EMVIO) sector-specific Legal Entities (ssLEs).
The overview effect fosters a more global mindset, encouraging the builder class to think and do beyond national borders – and even “destinations” – and certainly, beyond “competition”.
From that perspective they see Contemporary Health Tourism as the “beautiful game” that it is – and are motivated to ensure that it remains associated with truth, goodness and beauty ( ).
The overview effect inspires a more integrated (as opposed to “fragmented”) approach to shaping the future of Health Tourism.
The “overview effect” encourages a more long-term view of the sector and its prospects.
In other words, from the “overview perspective”, the motivation to establish Contemporary Health Tourism (ht8) – and get it adopted and implemented - becomes obvious and imperative.
From that perspective, national boundaries become of secondary importance and obsession with "competition" becomes laughable.
See if you want: Contemporary Health Tourism and the Overview Effect -? .
Konstantinos Konstantinidis, M.D., Ph.D. Thanks for sharing!??