The Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS) is a branch of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) that regulates bodily functions that are not under voluntary control and thus are automatic. The Parasympathetic Nervous System is also known as the 'rest and digest' system since it conserves the body's natural activity and calms the individual once an emergency has passed. The Parasympathetic Nervous System reduces arousal.?

The cranial and sacral spinal nerves make up the majority of the parasympathetic nervous system. Preganglionic neurons from the brain or sacral spinal cord synapse with only a few postganglionic neurons located in or near the effector organ (muscle or gland).

?Parasympathetic Nervous System reduces arousal in areas such as the eyes, salivary glands, stomach nerves, blood vessels, and bladder nerves. This begins in the brain and propagates out via long fibers, which link up neurons near the organs they intend to act on, allowing for quick responses.

The PSNS is?in-charge of energy production, digestion, and assimilation. It works to restore homeostasis and is active when the body is resting or recovering. It lowers the heart rate, stimulates normal peristaltic smooth muscle movement in the intestines, and increases the secretion of all digestive juices and tropic (tissue-building) hormones. A person's parasympathetic override (dominance) can contribute to lethargy, loss of normal motivation, and depression. Many people have a parasympathetic nervous system that is underactive and a sympathetic nervous system that is overactive. The stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system is one of the primary benefits of relaxing massage. It further stimulates a state of relaxation and promotes the PSNS’s healing and rejuvenation functions, which support homeostasis.



There are numerous responses associated with the Parasympathetic Nervous System(PSNS) and the organs affected by it. The PSNS has the ability to reduce heart rate, particularly when at rest following physical exercise or stressful situations where the heart rate would have been increased.

The response also constricts the bronchi, causing breathing to slow down to a resting rate. The PSNS causes the pupillary dilation of the eyes. While pupils dilate in stressful situations to allow more light in, this action is not required in relaxed situations. Lacrimation, or the production of tears in the eyes, is also caused by the PSNS. This is done to lubricate and protect the eyes' delicate tissue. The PSNS also stimulates salivation in the mouth, allowing for easier digestion of food via salivary enzymes. Digestion is aided within the stomach as well, causing it and the intestines to move and releasing bile for the body to digest fats.

The PSNS can also contract the bladder to allow urination and move food within the intestines down the digestive tract to allow bowel movements.?

Once the threat has passed, the parasympathetic nervous system's job is to relax the body and use hormones to slow down those frantic responses. Over time, the PSNS gives the body a calm and relaxed feeling. The changes are not as rapid as those of the sympathetic nervous system.

An easy acronym to remember how and where the PSNS works is SLUDD. This stands for:

? Salivation: As part of its rest-and-digest function, the PSNS increases saliva formation, which contains enzymes that assist in digestion of food.

? Lacrimation: Lacrimation is a modern name for crying. Tears lubricate your eyes, safeguarding their fragile tissues.

? Urination: The PSNS compresses the bladder, causing it to squeeze and allow urine to exit.

? Digestion: The PSNS increases saliva production to aid digestion. It also causes dilation, or the motion of the stomach and intestines, which allows the body to breakdown fats by releasing bile.

? Defecation: The PSNS restricts the sphincters in the intestine and carries processed particles of food down the digestive system, allowing individuals to urinate.

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A sensation of worry, dread, and unease is known as anxiety. You can start to perspire, become agitated and anxious, and experience rapid heartbeat. It can be a typical response to stress. You might have anxiety, for instance, when confronted with a challenging challenge at work, before taking a test, or before making a crucial decision. You might feel more energized or able to concentrate if you're anxious. But for some with anxiety disorders, the terror can be incapacitating and last for a long time.

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There are various varieties of anxiety disorders, such as:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder(GAD): GAD patients worry about everyday matters like their health, finances, jobs, and families. But they have been worrying excessively for at least six months, and they worry virtually every day.

Panic Disorder: People with panic disorder have panic attacks. When there is no risk, these are brief but frequent episodes of extreme terror. The assaults start off abruptly and can linger for a few minutes or longer.

Phobia Disorder:?People who suffer from phobias have a strong fear of something even though it presents little or no real risk. They might be afraid of flying, spiders, crowded areas, or social situations (known as social anxiety).

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Different symptoms may be present depending on the type of anxiety illness. But they all combine some of the following:

·???????Difficult to control anxious thoughts or beliefs. They disrupt your regular life and give you a restless, nervous feeling. They persist and have the potential to develop worse with time.

·???????Physical signs like shortness of breath, a racing or pounding heartbeat, inexplicable aches and pains, and dizziness changes in behavior, such as refraining from routine tasks you used to perform

·???????Caffeine, other beverages, and specific medications can exacerbate your symptoms.



Oftentimes psychological factors, such as persistent concern about losing a job or a family issue, are what lead to stress. Other times, external factors, like an approaching important deadline or having to travel to work during a hectic rush hour, can be the reason for the anxious sensations. Whatever the source of the stress, when a person experiences high levels of anxiety, their body reacts by releasing stress hormones, which induce physiological changes including a racing heart, shallow breathing, tense muscles, and perspiration. The fight or flight response refers to the body's entire set of responses to stress.

When the Sympathetic Nervous System is engaged, the body undergoes changes very quickly. Corticotropin and adrenocorticotropic hormones are continuously released by the brain until it determines that the threat has passed, keeping the body on high alert and prepared for strenuous physical action. The Parasympathetic Nervous System lowers the stress response after the threat has passed by releasing hormones that calm the mind and body while suppressing or delaying many of the high-energy bodily tasks. Cortisol levels drop as a result.

Once the Parasympathetic Nervous System is activated, the mind and body feel calm and relaxed. People can learn to activate their parasympathetic nervous system in order to immediately reduce their anxiety and stress. This also improves their mood, boosts one’s immune system, and lowers their blood pressure.



There are numerous ways to train your Parasympathetic Nervous System. Mild exercise, meditation, yoga, diaphragmatic breathing, and even nature walks are examples.

1.????Reduce stress: Most of us believe that stress is unavoidable. We can learn to manage our stress response by limiting or reducing the stressors we can control and changing our reactions to those we can't.

2.????Meditation: As it's nearly impossible to eliminate all external stress, meditation can help to reduce our reactivity to uncontrollable stress. Meditation teaches us to manage triggers, slows our heart rate, and lowers blood pressure, all of which are symptoms of PSNS activation. Meditation also aids in the reduction of lactic acid in our muscles, which promotes healing.

3.????Breathing exercises: Slowing your breath on purpose signals to your body that everything is fine, as it activates the PSNS. Breathing exercises can help to strengthen your lungs, boost your immune system, and lower your heart rate. To activate your PSNS, try the following breathing exercise: Inhale for four counts. Hold your breath for four counts. Exhale for four counts. Repeat up to ten times. If you want to deepen the practice, count to six.

4.????Yoga: Yoga, like meditation, will assist in activating your PSNS. It also improves your ability to reduce your fight or flight response when faced with a stressor. Regular yoga classes or self-practice will improve your breathing, resilience, strength, flexibility, and overall health.

5.????Nutrition: Excellent nutrition is critical to our overall health and fitness. Avoiding stimulants like caffeine and sugar will aid in PSNS activation. We can help the PSNS by eating a balanced diet of food groups, minerals, and nutrients.

6.????Exercise: Exercising intensively stimulates our SNS. Light cardio exercise, on the other hand, can reduce SNS activity while activating our PSNS. The key is to alternate between high-intensity work and slower-paced activities.

7.????Osteopathy: Osteopathy can aid in the reduction of anxiety and its effects on the body. The overactive nervous system of the body and the symptoms associated with it, such as tight muscles, headaches, and digestive issues, are assessed during treatment. Osteopaths look at and treat your body and mind as a whole.

8.????Get enough rest: Sleep is critical to your overall health and well-being. It allows your body to rest and recover, allowing you to be fit and well the next day as healing occurs in the deeper stages of sleep. Blood flow to the muscles is increased, bringing oxygen and nutrients that aid in cell repair and regeneration.

9.????Talking therapy: It is critical to speak with someone, whether family, friends, or a professional therapist, who can assist you in identifying anxiety triggers. Therapists can assist you in developing coping strategies to avoid long-term anxiety that has a negative impact on your health. Remember that small steps can lead to big, positive changes in the long run. These are trying times; be gentle with yourself and take each day as it comes.


Your PSNS is an essential component of your body's key functions. When it fails to function properly, you may experience a variety of bodily dysfunctions that have an impact on your health.

In regards to anxiety, when something causes us anxiety, our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems respond in a normal and necessary biological manner. We all have the same reaction; it keeps us safe.

For those of us who suffer from anxiety, our systematic nervous system is repeatedly triggered over time. The danger does not pass as quickly as a specific trigger, such as coming face to face with a lion, would, as the threat does not go away, our cortisol levels remain elevated. This means that our parasympathetic nervous system does not activate, and our anxiety response remains constant. Chronic stress or anxiety can result in physical problems. This could include blood vessel damage, constant fatigue, headaches, and digestive issues.

It may take some practise to use these skills effectively when we are anxious. Sometimes we need to tinker with or adjust the skills we learn until they are useful to us. For example, we may not like putting our faces in cold water and may not have a freezer, so we cannot freeze ice packs. Instead, we could use ice packs or soak an old t-shirt in cold water (t-shirts are less scratchy than flannel). The good news is that it makes no difference how anxious we are or how 'strong' we feel. Some methods and tools such as relaxation exercise, meditation and mindfulness can help to reduce our anxiety by reducing it in a physical way rather than trying to reason with it or think our way around it.

?If you believe you are experiencing difficulties with one of your body's parasympathetic nervous system functions, consult your doctor to find out how you can get help.


Yu, V. (2021, December 27). Everything You Need to Know About Activating the Parasympathetic Nervous System. Vagus.Net Nerve Stimulation.

Parasympathetic System. (2021a). Physiopedia.

Nall, R. M. (2020, April 23). Your Parasympathetic Nervous System Explained. Healthline.


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