Role models for a greater future!
Saturday evening, Ziad Naufal, PhD, DABT, MPH Naufal and I had a truly remarkable experience as we had dinner with the ‘Abi Saabs’. I have often talked to Ziad in the past about this amazing family who, like him, hail from Lebanon. For those who know Equilibria Services , you will be well aware that for several years we had the privilege of creating a non-profit called E-Colors in Education which was led by Dr. Rosalinda Mercado.?
It wasn’t long after the inception of ECiE that we got to meet Sarah, the middle sister of this incredible trio. She was one of the original E-Color champions at Holmquist Elementary School. Thanks to Kimberly Toney, Diana Cavazos and Susie Sanchez the trajectory of the sisters became monumental in the impact they have had on all who fall within their sphere of influence, and way beyond.
So, during our conversation last night, eight years on since I was fortunate enough to meet the family, I sat in awe listening to Hana, Sarah and Leana each sharing their stories. Observing a very proud mum conversing with Ziad in Arabic was like watching poetry in motion.?
The whole experience was bordering on the surreal, and frankly, made me even more determined to find a way to rekindle our vision of E-Colors, Every School, Every Nation.?
If you see what’s going on around the world today and the level of escalated intolerance that is evident for all to see, wouldn’t it be a step forward to arm future generations of leaders with the same ‘toolkit’ that these three sisters now have at their disposal?
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