The role of microbes in food fermentation and preservation
Rotaract Club of University of Kelaniya
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Microbes are tiny living things that are found all around us and are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Microbial diversity is truly staggering, yet all these microbes can be grouped into five major types. These are Viruses, Bacteria, Archaea, Fungi, and Protists.
Fermentation is a process that helps break down large organic molecules into simpler ones through the action of microorganisms. For example, yeast enzymes convert sugars and starches into alcohols and proteins into peptides/amino acids.
Beneficial microorganisms also known as probiotics or fermentation agents, provide health benefits when consumed and play an important role in food preservation. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB), acetic acid bacteria, yeasts, probiotics, and bacteriocin-producing bacteria are beneficial microorganisms that play a role in food preservation. These organisms produce organic acids, alcohols, and other compounds that convert sugars and other components in food to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria through fermentation. The fermentation process changes the texture and flavour of foods, making them more palatable and extending their shelf life.
Food preservation by fermentation relies on the principle of oxidizing carbohydrates and related derivatives to generate end products, typically acids, alcohols, and carbon dioxide. These end products control the growth of spoilage microorganisms and because oxidation is only partial, the food retains enough energy potential to be of nutritional benefit to the consumer.
Over the years, many foods such as meat and fish, dairy products, vegetables, soybeans, other legumes, grains, and fruits undergo fermentation. Examples of fermented foods include milk, yoghurt, wine, beer, and cider.
A fascinating group of beneficial microbes contributes significantly to preserving and enhancing various food products.
During fermentation, Lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus and Streptococcus, convert carbohydrates into lactic acid. This process creates an acidic environment that inhibits the growth of spoilage bacteria, thereby extending the shelf life of fermented foods. In addition, specific strains of lactic acid bacteria contribute to the characteristic flavours of products such as yoghurt and certain cheeses.
Acetic acid bacteria are responsible for the production of acetic acid, an important component in making vinegar. The presence of acetic acid prevents the growth of harmful bacteria, ensuring the shelf life of foods such as pickles and pickled vegetables.
Yeast is essential to fermentation processes and produces carbon dioxide, which contributes to the rise of dough and the texture and flavour of various baked goods. In fermented beverages like beer and wine, yeast plays a key role in converting sugars into alcohol, turning ingredients into tasty beverages.
Probiotics, known for their health benefits when consumed, also play a significant role in food preservation. These beneficial microorganisms contribute to the longevity of fermented foods and beverages. In addition, they improve the nutritional value of products such as yoghurt and kefir, promote intestinal health and help digestion.
Certain beneficial bacteria produce antimicrobial compounds called bacteriocins. These natural preservatives prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and protect food from spoilage and contamination. Bacteriocin-producing bacteria are used in various food preservation methods to improve food safety and extend product shelf life.
The world of food preservation owes much to the unsung heroes – beneficial microorganisms. Their remarkable ability to transform raw materials into tasty, nutritious and safe foods is nothing short of extraordinary. Fermented foods stand as a testament to the wonders these microbes create.
In Every Part of Fermentation, Microbes Dance with Flavor!