IPR and Internet
Information technology is going to change the world dramatically. Even by 2020, people will do things differently, think differently, learn things differently and interact with each other differently. Intellectual property Rights has different impacts upon thedevelopment of ICT.
Intellectual property Rights have a considerable effect in the Development of ICT. As we all know that WIPO is an international organization established in 1970 to promote protection of intellectual property rights throughout the world and ensure the cooperation of the alliance for administration. WIPO seeks to strengthen international copyright protection in response to rapid advances in information technology such as the Internet and changes in social conditions.
The term “IPR” encompasses many issues that are not connected to Internet government. But some IPR issues, particularly those dealing with copyright and trademark, and perhaps software patents, are central to Internet governance. The creation of ICANN was prompted largely by the desire to protect trademarks in the domain name space. Content development and an open and internationally equitable mechanism for adjudicating Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are vital to realize a vision for sustainable cultural identity and diversity and make accessible the benefits of a knowledge society. It could be recognize that the role of IPR as critical to facilitating economic development, but it must be balanced by the right for circulation and sharing of knowledge, including recognizing the importance of Free and Open Software and alternative licensing regimes. Council of Europe conventions concerning regulating content and activities deemed to be harmful or exploitative needs to be addressed through appropriate national legislation, and international law. The term intellectual property rights describe the set of different regulatory concepts that control the production and usage of intellectual objects. The three main concepts are patents, copyright and trademarks. In the context of WGIG a question that must be addressed is to what extents IPR issues are changed in form and substance as a consequence of the Internet and to what extent do the issues are remain ones of managing IPR in a digital world. The Internet allows the relatively low cost duplication and relatively easier worldwide distribution of intellectual objects; an attribute of the Internet that is in part allowing the rapid and effective diffusion of IP across many countries and users and for example, makes much of the Internet function, facilities the development of the content for e -commerce, and opens new opportunities for cultural and economic development. The ease, however, of duplication and distribution also makes IP highly vulnerable on the Internet. The nature of the Internet makes it extremely hard to enforce exiting IPR legislation without the cooperation of the users. Technical attempts to attach copy protection measures or the use of Digital Rights Managements (DRM) techniques to intellectual objects have until now been mostly unsuccessful or contested by consumers, since they prevent all kinds of duplication of the content, including those granted to users by law to protect public and personal access. The enforcement of this legislation through police actions would possibly require the introduction of such a high degree of personal surveillance that some fundamental basic rights such as privacy and freedom could be endangered. There is n o agreement yet on the proper balance between these human rights and the need to protect the interests of intellectual industries. So, in the case of Internet the protection would be narrow. Patent is non-strategic to business. Some Views on Intellectual Property Rights. The first extreme view on intellectual property is to see it through legal rights securing and restricting its use. From the right holder’s perspective, intellectual property rights are the method to secure intellectual property and exclude others from using it.