Role of green Hydrogen-based fuels in our future – Part 2

Role of green Hydrogen-based fuels in our future – Part 2

As you may recall, in Part 1 of this series, I described how green hydrogen is made, and what it costs to produce. I also touched on other future fuels derived from hydrogen. In this second part I address how the role and use of fuels will change when we move from fossil fuels to sustainable fuels in different sectors. I am not a specialist of all these sectors, so I focus on the facts and costs that will impact the choices when these sectors move from fossil fuels to sustainable fuels.?

With “sustainable fuels” I mean fuels that either contain no carbon, or do not add any new carbon to the atmosphere. If a fuel contains carbon (like methanol), the carbon for producing the fuel must be captured from the atmosphere either directly or through some bioprocesses. We do treat wood and other biomasses exactly this way = consider them renewable.

Another topic I want to mention: For capturing carbon from atmosphere, the lowest cost option is to capture the carbon from sources with high CO2 concentrations, like steel and cement factory stacks with up to 10 % CO2. All the carbon ends up in the atmosphere so capturing it provides exactly the same benefit as capturing any other carbon molecules from the air. I have seen some opinions that this kind of carbon capture would not qualify for sustainable fuels, which seems strange as it would prevent us from using the one of most cost efficient methods of reducing carbon in the atmosphere!

Part 2: Using sustainable fuels in the future

Just as they do today, individuals and companies will in the future choose their energy sources - among the acceptable ones - based on economic analysis, seeking for the lowest cost option. This is not easy to predict today as politics have an important role to play. Fuel prices will depend not only on production costs, but also on taxation, subsidies, and other government interventions that may be assessed to different forms of energy for political reasons. These may depend on things like local availability, weather conditions, political reasoning, support for local industries, and other factors which may be hard to predict.?

I try to stick to fundamental facts and not forecast any political patterns or behaviors.??

2.1 Access to fuels

When we discuss how the use of fuels will change, the first question is how can we access the fuels??

Liquid sustainable fuels

Liquid fuels can typically be transported in ships and trucks in large energy quantities, and stored in storage tanks. When markets for sustainable fuels emerge in wide scale, liquid fuels should become accessible almost anywhere while the at-site cost will depend on the transport distance and type. The primary sustainable liquid fuels are methanol and ammonia, which are both part of our societies already today.

Gaseous sustainable fuels

Access to gaseous fuels is more complicated. If you want to distribute them in gas form, you need a pipeline infrastructure.?

Let us look at methane first: We have natural gas grids covering wide areas of the world and using them to transport sustainable methane requires no further investment. One could gradually increase the share of sustainable fuel by blending fossil and sustainable methane, without any changes to the transmission grids, compression, storage and consumer applications. Easy!

I am a bit surprised that the methane option is not discussed more in public. Methane will of course cost more to produce than hydrogen, just like ammonia or methanol. I hear that people may not like this because the existing oil & gas field infrastructure is leaking quite a lot of methane, a greenhouse gas. But how does the overall economic math look for methane produced in factories + using current infrastructures, compared to other sustainable fuels? We need to know.

How about hydrogen? Hydrogen presents a very different challenge: We do not have more or less any infra for this hard-to-handle gas, which requires special materials over the whole system including pipelines, gas compressors, and also the consumer side. All infrastructure needs to be designed and built, including home and industrial appliances. Looong way to go.

Converting natural gas grids to hydrogen is not a simple or easy process - accessing hydrogen through existing gas pipeline grids would involve major investments, and years of construction. There are many questions to answer, just an example: How to contractually convert all users of gas to hydrogen, at the same point of time?

Storing hydrogen is maybe the biggest problem. In gaseous form it is quite possible - in smaller local scale – under high pressure (typically 300…700 Bar), which requires a lot of compression energy, and the energy content/m3 remains relatively low. Underground salt caverns can be treated so that they can hold hydrogen tight inside, but as they exist only in some areas of the world, they are not a global solution.

Hydrogen can be liquified to transport large energy quantities in ships and trucks, but this comes at quite high cost as you lose 1/3 of the hydrogen energy in the liquefaction process, which requires cooling the gas down to – 253 C (-423 F) to stay in liquid form under normal atmospheric pressure. No ordinary stuff, this sounds cold even for a Finn! And as the storage keeps slowly heating up the hydrogen, you get boil-off gas which you continuously need to liquify to put it back to the storage… This route may be politically interesting but due to large losses and high costs, is it really going to be our best practical and economical future fuel option? I would say: The more I studied, the more I started to doubt!

Europe seems to be going for a hydrogen infrastructure using a gas grid, a decision that feels to me more based on past experience than an analytic selection and logical decision process!? If you have the money, you can do what you want (a Bugatti would be nice!), but I am not sure this will be the widely selected sustainable fuel approach for the world.?

Two key reasons for my doubt:

  1. The use of fuels will decrease radically when they are produced with renewables. As electricity is cheaper than the fuels (see point 2.2 below), we will use electricity in many applications where we use fuels today. This will reduce the fuel demand quite dramatically compared to fossil fuels and new infra decisions need to be made on that basis instead of copying the past
  2. Hydrogen infra is very expensive to build and storing it in large quantities gets VERY expensive. Permitting will certainly meet some NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) resistance. Just for reference, the time needed to permit & to build a new high voltage transmission line in democratic countries is today around 15 years! For local uses it just may be a better economic option to go for sustainable methanol and/or ammonia, or methane thru the gas grid – then we accept to pay a bit more for the fuel, but make everything else, including transportation, storage and use, much easier and more economical.

What many people are suggesting is that there will be hydrogen hubs instead of grid infrastructure – kind of hydrogen industrial parks! In the hubs it may be more economical to centralize hydrogen production, storage and use. Hydrogen would then be a local fuel in hubs, enabling production of “green” products like iron and consumer goods - including other sustainable fuels - which would then be “exported” from the hubs. This makes a lot of sense to me, kind of centralized economies of scale. Building such green hubs on top of salt caverns might make a lot of sense. Some countries have already started to invest in this model .

2.2 Fundamental difference between the past & the future

A fundamental economic difference between fossil fuels and sustainable fuels is their price compared to the price of electricity. Up until now, we have produced much of our electricity with various fossil fuels, and as the conversion efficiency is typically 35-55%, electricity has always cost more than twice the cost of the fuels it was produced with. In the future, solar and wind electricity will be used to produce hydrogen-based sustainable fuels, which leads to:

Future Fact 1: Sustainable fuels produced with renewables will ALWAYS cost more than the electricity they were produced with.

Note on Fact 1: 24/7 electricity generation cost for fuel production is higher than the cost of variable solar or wind power as it includes the costs of storing and shifting excess generation for future use like day to night. Economics will dictate whether it makes more sense to run electrolyzers continuously on full power with more expensive 24/7 electricity, or to adjust their output based on wind and solar generation.

2.3 Fuel selection for various sectors

2.3.1 Electricity generation

As I am a power generation guy, let’s look at electricity head on.?

As described above, in the future it will not be economically viable to use sustainable fuels to produce base load electricity in thermal power plants. The overall process from electricity to fuel and back to electricity involves major investments in “process factories”, including power plants, and offers a round-trip conversion efficiency of a mere ~ 30%. You started with green electricity, and in the process of remaking it, you lost 70% of it! Obviously, the electricity produced like this would be several times more expensive than the electricity that was used to produce the fuel. No go!

If you opt to store the wind and solar generated electricity in batteries, and not to produce fuel, you get a process efficiency of almost 90% with a much lower overall process Capex, and you have electricity thru days and nights. No brainer? The same is valid for cars…

Future Fact 2: Base load power generation with sustainable fuels will not make economic sense in the future.

Note on Fact 2: There are always exceptions… As there will be a world market for sustainable fuels, and they are most competitively produced in places with best wind and solar resources, remote areas and areas with poor local wind and solar resources may find such fuels the best economical option for power generation - with no other reasonable options. This is OK as those fuels are carbon neutral.

There is, however, an important role for the sustainable fuels to play in decarbonized power systems: Long term energy storage! Store fuel instead of electricity, and use it during odd weather patterns to ensure security of supply.


Wind and solar plants produce electricity based on weather conditions – wind and daylight. They will have to produce all the electricity we need in the future – unless you have some hydro or other non-fossil generation - while their output constantly varies, and we need to store the excess generation for the periods when generation is lower than consumption (nights, cloudy and rainy periods, calm winds, dark winter…).?

Future power systems will consist of:

Renewable energy generation?

All electricity we use is generated in wind + solar & some hydro. Due to capacity factors between 10%...60%, strong overbuild is necessary. Optimal quantities depend on local wind, solar and hydro resources.

System stability function

Purpose: Maintain steady frequency and voltage on a second-to-second basis. This includes adequate ramp-up reserves to go through any system failures without black-outs. Battery storage together with synchronous condensers are currently the most competitive solution for this function.

Storage for shifting excess renewable generation to low generation periods

Short to Medium term storage

Includes daily weather balancing (solar smoothing, changes in wind) and shifting solar from day to night. Battery storage is according to our modelling clearly the most economical solution for short to medium term storage as prices keep coming down. Economic limit for battery storage size is set by the fact that it is not scalable: Capex increases linearly with storage size (GWh). In the future lower battery costs may extend economic battery sizes to around 12 hours, but not to weekly, monthly or seasonal storage.

Long term energy storage

The weather is not the same “average” every day – we may have cloudy and rainy periods for a week or two, a high pressure may stay on us with no wind for a long time, winter may offer much lower solar intensity – you name it. Recently, we have seen more odd and even extreme weather phenomena globally

The power system must be designed to go through any and all such weather conditions, however long they may last.

The common approach today is to try to do this with renewables and battery storage (only). This leads to far oversized power system:

  1. Wind and solar fleets need to be strongly overbuilt so they can generate in advance all the extra electricity needed during any potential weather events
  2. The size of the battery storage must be expanded significantly to be able to store the extra energy needed during such week-long weather events

As costs of battery storage increase linearly with the size of the storage (GWh), a battery storage to cover, for example, two weeks of unusual weather patterns with low wind and/or solar generation becomes extremely large and expensive. And a big part of the large storage would under normal weather conditions not be needed, it would just wait for “something to do”, and the costs would be excessive

For Long Term energy storage we will need a scalable solution. Here we go: Storing sustainable fuel in tanks next to a power plant enables very large and dispatchable (dispatcher controlled output and runtime) sustainable energy storage

  1. The power plants use sustainable fuel = are carbon neutral, but provide the system operator valuable assets to dispatch when the weather behaves oddly. Actually, such dispatchable firm power storage improves national security of supply
  2. Our Power system studies show typical capacity factors of 3-6% for these plants with sustainable fuels, so they consume quite small amount of fuel = fuel cost is negligible
  3. Such dispatchable power storage removes the need for strong overbuild of renewables and battery storage, which provides major capex savings
  4. In my next posting I will share an example of Chile, where installing 2,6 GW of such long term energy storage (by 2032) reduces the optimal power system size (in GW) by 20 %, and reduces new investment needs to 17,000 M$ compared to 27,000 M$ for a system consisting only of renewables and storage!!! 10 B$ is not peanuts for Chile!
  5. Note: Both power systems provide zero carbon electricity, one with 10 B$ less investment. We really need to rethink this one!
  6. This long term storage solution is highly scalable as one can double the size of the long term energy storage (in GWh) merely by installing another fuel tank and filling it with sustainable fuel! The costs of expanding the energy storage size/duration are minimal.

As we see, green fuels will play a role in power generation, but indeed a very different one than what we are used to. Electricity produced with sustainable fuels is more expensive, but using them as long term energy storage instead of batteries enables remarkable reduction of unnecessary overbuilding of renewables & storage.?And as a consequence, the cost of carbon free electricity for consumers goes down.

My company W?rtsil? is working hard to bring highly competitive products for sustainable fuels to the market. You may have heard that we are already a leader in hydrogen, find some recent news here:?Commercially operated W?rtsil? engine runs on 25 vol% hydrogen blend, a world first .

Future Fact 3: Flexible power plants using sustainable fuels form an economically superior long term energy storage solution for decarbonized power systems.

Whether politics and regulations will allow sustainable fuels to be used in power generation is an important topic. Today we share a common mindset, automatically linking power plants to fossil fuels: “As we must stop using fossil fuels, all power plants must go!” We are just learning to see the important role sustainable fuels and flexible power plants will play for us in the zero carbon world.

2.3.2 Stationary fuel uses, on land

In this group I include energy users who have access to electricity grids, and whose application/use is fixed to a location. These energy users get their fuel today either through a gas grid, a fuel pipe, or by truck. Typical fuels are natural gas, fuel oils, and in some cases LPG.

As sustainable fuels will cost more than electricity, customers connected to national grids will look for ways to use electricity instead of fuels. Some examples:

  1. Producing low temperature heat for premise and home heating will all go for electricity, using heat pumps. No more gas furnaces or oil boilers in homes!?
  2. To produce steam or other mid temperature heat for industrial processes, electrical boilers will be used instead of traditional boilers with fuel burners. Heat pump R&D is currently developing heat pumps for higher temperatures of well above 100C (212 F) so also applications like this may benefit from them soon
  3. Industries who need high temperature heat could enjoy the same benefits but technologies for various applications (e.g. glass) may not yet be commercially available. I assume supply will gradually emerge when demand rises.

Chemical industries that use petroleum products as a feed-stock may convert to use hydrogen as an alternative green feed stock with obvious impacts on product costs. For such processes conversion to use only electricity is not possible. The same is valid for the steel industry, which is currently using carbon to capture the oxygen from iron oxide, and can be using hydrogen for the same purpose. The cost of steel will go up, but this would make it green! Steel mills and chemical plants could be important participants in the future hydrogen hubs.

Politics will have an impact on all these applications as taxation does impact the energy source selection economics. It is hard to see, however, how and why decarbonized electricity would be so highly taxed for consumers that it would become less viable option to use than sustainable fuels - so I would assume the things mentioned above are going to be pretty “factual” in practical world.

2.3.3 Mobile uses

In this group there is no electrical grid available as the user (vehicle) is moving. Fuels for these uses are taxed in many domestic markets and often the tax makes up a big part of the total fuel cost. Politics can and will play a role in guiding the demand for this group.


Batteries offer a superior solution for cars. Instead of the hydrogen car efficiency of below ~ 30% (efficiency from electricity-to-hydrogen-to-car movement), batteries offer over 80% efficiency for the same car movement. Battery drive lines have been more expensive than combustion engines in cars, but the difference has been and will be further reduced. No brainer really.

  1. Some car manufacturers have promoted hydrogen vehicles for longer range and faster “charging” than batteries. Higher engine and fuel storage prices, expensive fuel and limited fuel infrastructure do not suggest a bright future for this option
  2. The battery industry seems to be able to develop technologies for continuously faster charging, with decreasing costs/kWh. As charging stations are rapidly built in many countries, charging is becoming less of a nuisance

No solution to beat batteries in this application are in sight, and there is no real political reason to make the EV option more expensive versus fuels unless the battery production process itself would be seen as harmful in some ways.

Trucks, delivery vehicles, buses

This is a more complex case as these vehicles are often used more or less continuously so there is no time for charging batteries. The choice here will depend on the type of use and distance driven, and the costs of waiting for charging vs the extra cost of using fuel.

As it now looks, batteries keep getting more competitive and are in a good position to capture a growing market share of applications. One future option for this type of continuous-use vehicles could be standardization of battery packs which could be interchanged at charging stations.

Again politics may affect the choice, i.e. the cost difference between fuels and electricity will define the choices businesses make.

Ships and aircraft

I combine these two groups as they should follow similar patterns… In short, the choice of fuels vs batteries here depends on the distance to be travelled.

Vessels and aircraft travelling back and forth over short distances (e.g. ferries, small aircraft), and/or moving around all the time in the same area (e.g. harbor tugs) may find use of batteries the best option.

Long-distance/overseas vessels/flights will need to have a liquid fuel on board. Size, cost and charging time of batteries would be excessive. Hydrogen is not an economic option here either.

On ships the fuel choice is primarily between sustainable methanol and ammonia. Both fuels can be used in modern engines. Ammonia is a relatively aggressive chemical with special handling rules, but can be stored on board. E-methanol would be the easier fuel for marine vessels. It is a very good fuel for reciprocating engines and is easier to handle and store in fuel tanks under normal pressure. We have seen, as an example, Maersk’s decision to go for e-methanol:

Aircraft turbines require a high grade liquid fuel, e-kerosene, e-methanol or similar. Hydrogen is not an option here either due to storage size limitations?

Thanks for “attending” my lessons on hydrogen! If you have questions, drop them below or reach out to me directly.

Malin ?stman

Vice President, Strategy & Business Development at W?rtsil? Energy | Energy Transition | Strategy | Growth & Innovation |

1 年

Great read Jussi!

Christian Gillheim

Ledare inom teknik och energiutveckling

1 年

Excellent read!

juha k?nk?nen

Business Area Director at ?landsbanken Abp

1 年

Excellent read. Case of Chile probably cannot be copy-pasted to e.g. Nordic countries, but on a general level it was hard to disagree on conclusions.


Excellent overview. Thanks!

Roel Swierenga

Ecosysteemontwikkelaar Energie - NV NOM

1 年

Compliments for this excellent overview and sharing your thoughts on this complex topic!



