Role of GIS in Disaster Management
The significant role of GIS technology has been explained in the Disaster Management Domain. Here you will get how the GIS is playing a crucial role in Emergency time. The overall application of GIS leads to tremendous benefits to society effectively.
Recently, everyone faced a world-level pandemic problem i.e., biological disaster COVID-19 for searching or getting information about the health care facilities & it is a good example to understand the importance of information through maps. In the healthcare domain, GIS technology is supported against the global pandemic disease COVID-19. The battle through Mapping of available data like existing COVID Positive cases, quarantine centers, hospital infrastructure capacities, and identifying hotspots using IGIS Based COVID-19 Response & Monitoring Solutions. The GIS Real-Time spatial mapping and analysis skills will also act the main role in the efficient distribution of vaccinations.
GIS’s Role is not limited to Biological disasters & giving lots of information about all types of disasters (Natural & Man-made) and provides seamless benefits to society. The GIS technology helps identify disasters before they occur, using forecasts or risk zone maps. The GIS Technology is combined with Global Positioning System (GPS), which will help to receive/update the help from disaster rescue teams. The details of the disaster like the occurred place, severity level, and how many areas are affected & disaster directions will be mapped using GIS Technology. Read more: