- The consultant's role is to assist the CEO in preparing the business plans.
- The methodology may differ from the past. The objective is to generate a better plans achieving higher goals, with new strategies, models and improved metrics.
- Budget forms are initially prepared to be filled by all members of the management team.
- Heads are required to evaluate their own department through gap analysis and benchmarking.
- The consultant shall initially seek the CEO's views on his plans for the company. What are the potentials and problems that the company is facing.
- These facts shall be confirmed with the heads of departments. Any gaps or differences shall be clarified before the first brainstorming meeting.
- What kind of market segments are we targeting at the next few years? New or penetration markets? The estimated market size should be determined.
- How do we finance the sales? Working and fixed capital.
- Sources of finance shall be discussed with the CEO and CFO.
- The CEO should review the cash flows prepared by the CFO.
- Finally, the business strategies, models and metrics are integrated to achieve the ROE/ROA and ROC outcomes.
- Based on these structures, the budgets could then be prepared.
- The goals are cascaded and broken down into KPIs and performance targets.