Role of data in healthcare Industry - Knowledge Graphs

Role of data in healthcare Industry - Knowledge Graphs

Chapter 5 – Role of data in healthcare

Knowledge Graphs

Knowledge graphs (KGs) were firstly introduced by Google in 2012 and then was implemented to mange its general-purpose knowledge base.

KGs in essence, capture information, shape and arrange a data-base or multiple data-bases, based on that information around certain or given domain (such as people or events), and produce or reveal the connections between multiple elements or factors of a given data base. In another word, it simply visualizes the relationships between variables or elements of interest, with aim of simplifications, deeper understandings and a mean of communication between human and system.?

It can be easily noted that KGs are a perfect example for differentiation between data and knowledge.

KGs resemble to a to a network of interconnected points. The points are the entities of interest and the connections defines the relationships.

In another word, once ontology is combined with data, KGs are created.

An ontology is a data schema which defines or reveals relationships between real-world entities (elements) such as objects, events, situations, or concepts.

Thus; Ontology + Data = Knowledge Graph

Below is a simple example of an ontology for movie industry:?

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KGs are alive and dynamic, unlike relational systems (MySQL or Oracle), in which data is stored in tables. These type of data store models are proper for stable business processes, unlikely in need of change in data store model, in future.?

Meanwhile, there are complications and serious challenges within KGs context.

Modern knowledge graphs are the result of complex assemblies of manual and automatic modelling and data ingestion pipelines. Staying on top of these processes while ensuring that the information remains up to date, consistent and trustworthy requires specialized socio-technical methods ranging from knowledge acquisition to natural language processing to machine learning and human-computer interaction.

Application of KGs in healthcare will broached later.

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