The role of conferences as sites of scholar-activism: A guest blog post in Conference Inference
Marilena Karamatsouki
Psychologist and Systemic Family Therapist in Private Practice /Co-Editor of the journal Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice
After the European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ECQI) in Edinburgh last February, three of my colleagues and I collaboratively wrote a paper with our reflections on the conference and qualitative research as activism for Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice. You can read it here.
After the paper appeared in Murmurations, we were asked whether we were interested in writing about the role of conferences as sites of scholar-activism for a blog called Conference Inference. The blog featured interesting entries and the editors, Dr. James Burford and Dr. Emily Henderson are curious about the ways conferences work, impact our lives and produce new knowledge. So, I decided to undertake the challenge!
The editors were very helpful with comments, suggestions and feedback. So, here it is: my guest blog post for Conference Inference! Enjoy!
(The photo is from my presentation ?A systemic exploration of relational space as a means of activism? in the ECQI 2019 in Edinburgh.)
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