Role of Biomimetic Peptides in Skin Care

Role of Biomimetic Peptides in Skin Care

Understanding the Role of Biomimetic Peptides in Skin Care.

Have you ever wondered why skin ages? With advancing age, skin cells, known as fibroblasts, produce less collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, and also fewer glycosaminoglycans (which maintain high water content in the skin).

As a result, the skin loses its firmness, elasticity, thickness, and water content. It becomes thin, droopy, dry, and has a higher tendency to develop wrinkles.

For years, aging men and women asked, is there anything they can do to keep fibroblasts working the same as when we were young?

The honest truth is, mature skin will never function like young skin. HOWEVER, it is certainly possible to significantly improve its function and appearance with active ingredients of the new generation.

One of these ingredients is biomimetic peptides.

Biomimetics is the imitation of biological activity. Biomimetic peptides are short, synthetic segments of 3 to 6 amino acids that mimic natural biological activity that occurs in the skin.

We use these peptides to encourage the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and proteoglycans (which maintain the water content in the skin). They firm, delay the formation of fine wrinkles, and improve the appearance of existing ones.

By Ronit Segev, MA, Bsc
