The Role of AI in Our World (Part One)

The Role of AI in Our World (Part One)

“The world has changed. I see it in the water. I feel it in the Earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, For none now live who remember it.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien

Do we notice how our world is changing day by day, with AI becoming increasingly ubiquitous? Are we ready for these changes? Do we marvel at them or fear them? Does AI benefit humanity, or does it bring with it serious risks?

Artificial intelligence didn't arrive in our world through a revolution; rather, it's the result of the evolutionary development of technology and society.

AI has already firmly established itself in our world and continues to evolve rapidly. It plays an increasingly important role in many aspects of our lives.

Everyday life, industry, medicine, transportation, education, security, and scientific research – this is just a partial list of the aspects of our lives that have been permanently altered and continue to evolve.

AI, without a doubt, is a powerful tool that can both benefit humanity immensely and create new challenges.

Some key questions we must address include:

  • Ethics: How can we ensure the ethical development and application of AI?
  • Safety: How do we protect against misuse and negative consequences of AI?
  • Control: How do we control AI and ensure its safety?
  • Job Market: How will AI impact the job market and what can be done about potential unemployment?

There's a fascinating hypothesis: humans might not fully understand how AI works because we haven't fully understood human consciousness itself. Could AI help us understand our own minds?

Overall, AI is continuously changing the world, a process that is not only ongoing but also accelerating. Yet, to what extent do we control this process and understand where it will lead us? It's crucial to understand how AI is being used in our lives to maximize its benefits and minimize the risks of its application.


