(#27 ReachLawyer Friday Talk Show)
Floyding : Desiccating Democracy Part X
Are we hearing the discordant Dirge of Democracy???
We promised ourselves a sovereign, secular, socialist, democratic republic. We made a commitment to secure ourselves justice (social, economic and political); Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith & worship; Equality of Status and Opportunity; and above all, to promote amongst ourselves Fraternity. It was within this framework of rights that we staked our claim to a country where the dignity of the individual was guaranteed. It was within this framework of mutual respect and empathy that we pledged to uphold the unity and integrity of the nation. Why? Because, persecuted people can never share in a collective identity if they're stratified, muzzled and incarcerated. The promise of the constitution rests in its guarantees to every citizen. That is the contract we signed when we delivered ourselves from the servility of colonialism. When demands of fealty are made from a starved, poor and incarcerated people, those demands are not just irresponsible, they're violative of the pact we signed with the state.
In the years that have lapsed since the day of this promise, we are at a loss. We have no idea that we have made these promises to ourselves. Those whom we elected to represent our best interests, over a period of time, have recast this promise as the petulant demands of those who seek to destroy the country. Those in power sold us these dreams, and part by part, even dreams were reduced to rubble. It is no longer fitting to describe ourselves as citizens if we aren't allowed to meet our constitutional responsibilty as a citizenry. We have relegated ourselves from status of a citizen to subjects (some say ‘citizenship’ as an idea was never ‘given’. Its an irony that one could even make such a statement )
We have reached a state where everything seems to be unreal. Are we living in a dystopian world? A brave new world, perhaps, where just being alive is an act of bravery.
Economy, industry, workers, farmers, women, Dalits, muslims, minorities, healthcare are all in DISTRESS.
Are we aware of the situation? Is it not hurting us? It appears as though we have reached a state where we have developed insensitivity to all these transgressions. We are insensitive towards rape, murder, lynching, hate crime, destruction of lives, theft, extortion, torture, abuse, indignities, hatred ……… that many are suffering.
When the state is interrogated, they brand any and all dissent as the rants of "radical" leftwing elements. Irrespective of your role as an academic, student, worker, farmer, activist, the moment you question and dissent, you are branded a terrorist, anti-national, member of the "Tukde-Tukde" gang, a Pakistan agent etc. They create labels for each situation, and many gleefully deploy these labels with violence. All farmers of Punjab are now termed as Khalistani terrorists (an old forgotten word now brought to use again)
Constitutional Institutions, including the Judiciary, are openly subservient to the dictat of the State. Who cares for the Keshavananda Bharti Judgment anyway, right?
Media, a pillar that was a great strength through all these years, is but a cacophony of harsher noise.
It is said that most of us are happy to be subjects. How happy are we?
It is being told that someone else is responsible for the situation. Not the government.
It raises questions : Who are WE? What are WE? Is it too much of democracy?
Are we desiccating democracy?
T M KRISHNA, a celebrated Carnatic Classical Vocalist, Award-Winning Author, Activist and Ramon Magsaysay Award Winner, speaks
Friday December 18, 2020 @ 6 pm REPUBLIC
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