The ROI of Reverse Mentoring
By Deana Calvelli, authored for the Philadelphia Business Journal, originally published January 18, 2013.

The ROI of Reverse Mentoring

When we think of mentoring, we usually think of experienced employees who invest time helping younger employees with their career development. Smart companies are learning how to turn generational differences into a competitive business advantage. We are now in an era where it is not uncommon for subordinates to be more proficient than their leaders in certain areas. Reverse mentoring is just a fancy name for a relationship where a seasoned employee learns from a younger employee. You may already be doing it today. While most think of reverse mentoring as a means for older employees to keep up with the technology revolution, there are many other benefits. What can mentors and mentees gain from reverse mentoring? How can you get started?

1. Increase employee engagement and retain top talent — Reverse mentoring is an inexpensive way for your organization to make younger employees feel more confident and valued. Many firms have tightened learning and development budgets. What a great way to create a mutual learning environment for mentors and mentees at no added cost.

2. Discover and develop future leaders — With so much work completed via email today, we are getting less face time with our colleagues. Making time to get to know the younger workers in your organization has never been more important. Your young mentor may be your next rising star.

 3. Drive inclusion and supports diversity strategies — Each generation has differences in communication styles, strengths and stereotypes. Reverse mentoring is a great way to improve working relationships among generations. Older employees are now finding themselves in situations where they are reporting to a younger employee. This trend is increasing rapidly. Reverse mentoring can help older workers get comfortable with the reality of having younger leaders in your organization.

4. Connect better with clients and prospects that have younger buyers — Have you thought about bringing a younger employee to an important pitch to help you seal a big deal? Ask a mentee to have a role at the meeting where they will connect with younger employees at the client site.

5. Inexpensive way to market test and enhance social media marketing — Younger employees can provide an instant focus group opportunity. Gen X and Millennials are known for providing open feedback and will have great suggestions to make your message more impactful and hip.

 6. Inspire creativity — If you don’t have younger employees represented on a project, ask your younger mentor to participate. Watch the dynamics in the room change. It may spark innovative thought.

7. Encourage knowledge sharing — More than ever, organizations are challenged with varying levels of knowledge among the generations in the workforce. Reverse mentoring helps close the knowledge gap. For example, Millennials have the highest level of utilization of social media, while Boomers can share the business savvy they have attained over many years.

8. Encourage a culture where feedback is valued — Have the courage to ask your mentee how your message in a meeting was received. You may be amazed at how your words and actions are interpreted by others.

9. Test effectiveness of how top management is communicating your organization’s strategy and mission — Ask a mentor for feedback on the latest memo on the firm’s strategy. Are people getting your message? Or are they hitting the delete key because their inbox is overflowing? Start an open dialogue with your mentor on how you can improve communication in the office.

10. Give younger employees a stronger sense of purpose resulting in higher productivity and quality work.

Keys to reverse mentoring success:

Willingness to learn. Given the rapid pace of change in our world and the fact that we are working and living longer, life-long learning is essential.

Talk less. Silence is powerful. Count to three before you speak. Don’t miss that great idea your young mentor was just about to share.

Listen. Focus and “be present.”

Trust. This is a prerequisite to push each other outside of their comfort zones.

Transparency. Seek to understand the communication preferences of your mentors. Be open to modifying your style and approach.

Don’t be distracted. Don’t look at email or answer the phone. Everyone’s time is valuable.

Give your mentor credit. It’s as simple as mentioning your mentor’s contributions at the next staff meeting.

Lead by example. Let employees see how you embrace reverse mentoring.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal, a four-star general and former commander of the U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan, has spoken on his military experience which led him to be more willing to be “reverse mentored from lower.” McChrystal said, “A leader isn’t good because they are right. They are good because they are willing to learn and to trust.”

By: Deana Calvelli, Forum of Executive Women member, originally published Jan 18, 2013, Philadelphia Business Journal

I think this is a great article and still pertinent. Thanks for sharing!

Amara M. Briggs

Connecting my clients to strategies to help them achieve their personal purpose.

1 年

I love idea #4. Great article D!!!

Jay Washington, MBA, CEBS, AIF?, RICP?, RI(k)?

Eastern US Sales Director at LeafHouse | Fiduciary partner putting advisors table side with the client | Non-profit Board Member | Champion for financial security | Change Advocate |

1 年

I am going to read this as I am covering this very topic in our first annual Women’s Symposium.

Deana, This rings true today as it did then, perhaps more so. As we emerge from the pandemic in which we worked remotely, communication and relationship building has suffered. Great article!



