Rohi Microfinance Services
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Introducing MyCredit

Rohi Microfinance Services Visit Us Introducing MyCredit

Rohi Microfinance Services Company is excited to introduce the basic concept of MyCredit, a revolutionary product loan. This innovative idea is set to transform the entire perspective of microfinance.

While microfinance is a business like any other financial venture, focusing on returns for investors, it is crucial to remember that microfinance loans are not consumer loans; they are productive loans. This distinction raises two important questions:

Ensuring Loan Security We design micro or medium-sized loans with a strong emphasis on loan security, using complex formats and substantial material collateral to safeguard the loan. Our goal is to maximize the security of grants and ensure safe lending practices.

  1. Enhancing Loan Productivity Alternatively, we can focus on the productivity of the loan by designing it to maximize benefits for the borrower. This involves using powerful loan appraisal tools and thorough eligibility checks to ensure that the loan serves a productive purpose. This approach requires supporting a value chain with pre- and post-evaluation.

Rohi Microfinance Company aims to operate with a new mindset and credit environment, focusing on data collection, analysis, and six-fill trends. Our priority is loan productivity over security, providing not only financial support but also strategic thought.

We are committed to fostering a credit environment where loan productivity is the primary target, ensuring that every loan contributes meaningfully to the borrower's success and overall economic growth.

Rohi Microfinance Services Pvt Ltd

Empowering Dreams, Transforming Lives



