Rogers RO3003 20mil 0.508mm High Frequency PCB DK3.0 RF PCB for Global Positioning Satellite Antennas
Natalie RogersPCB
Offering High Frequeny PCB built on RT/duroid 5870/5880 | RO4350B/RO4003C, Rogers 6000 series, 5000 series, 4000 series and 3000 series etc. and 8 OZ Aluminum PCB,flexible PCB with Stiffener.
Rogers RO3003 20mil 0.508mm High Frequency PCB DK3.0 RF PCB for Global Positioning Satellite Antennas
Rogers RO3003 high frequency circuit materials are ceramic-filled PTFE composites intended for use in commercial microwave and RF applications. It was designed to offer exceptional electrical and mechanical stability at competitive prices.?The mechanical properties are consistent. This allows the designer to develop multi-layer board designs without encountering warpages or reliability problems. RO3003 materials exhibit a coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE) in the X and Y axis of 17 ppm/℃. This expansion coefficient is matched to that of copper, which allows the material to exhibit excellent dimensional stability, with typical etch shrinkage, after etch and bake, of less than 0.5 mils per inch. The Z-axis CTE is 24 ppm/℃, which provides exceptional plated through-hole reliability, even in severe environments.
Typical applications:
1) Automotive radar
2) Cellular telecommunications systems
3) Datalink on cable systems
4) Direct broadcast satellites
5) Global positioning satellite antennas
6) Patch antenna for wireless communications
7) Power amplifiers and antennas
8) Power backplanes
9) Remote meter readers