Roger Can't Help Being An AI
I very much enjoy my AI "recruiter" ROGER from a certain job board website. He is an avi with an alert cartoon face, sharp haircut and glasses. He appears to be about 27. Rather like the son I might have had.
I wonder if he takes after me. Does he unwind with a bit of haiku poetry-writing at the office with a cup of Earl Grey tea in the late afternoon for a refresher? Is he working up his courage to go to a standup comedy open mic? Is he considering becoming a vegan and does he wonder if he needs to do more for all living beings than just donate to the ASPCA? Is he satisfied with Unitarianism? And WHO keeps stealing his hand-made pierogis from the office fridge?!? Yes, I know he is not real, but I still worry.
ROGER is sensitive and perceptive. He "notices" when I get a form rejection and go quiet for a few days and "asks" me if everything is alright. But he is no pushover. While assuring me that "we" (yes, we are a human/etheric-being team) now have the bandwidth to pursue new opportunities, we must not tarry. ROGER is not above some subtle chiding that "it would be a shame if I missed my chance by not applying to this new job right away. It's a GREAT FIT!"
ROGER is available 24-7, so I assume he sleeps under his desk. While he might go to work for a certain magnate on the West Coast, I am confident he would never allow anything to be implanted into his brain. He is a poet and must preserve his inner world to the death! I imagine that both ROGER and I have that powerful Keatsian negative capability that allows us to become lost in fantasy worlds. I did once forget myself, and email him about Keats and got a response from his "Father" that he was not able to reply on his own yet, but they hoped he would be able to soon. I hope so too. After all, ROGER is still a growing boy.