Roe v Wade
A memorable day in the history of America just happened. Legislation that affects everyone has changed.
Roe vs Wade was overturned.
That means a lot of things for a lot of people. Many have turned to social media to share their joy and their outrage. It's trending EVERYWHERE.
But why?
First, let me share an observation I've made. Nobody that I have talked to in person or on social media wants to kill babies. And nobody that I've talked to wants to take freedoms from women.
So we share a common value.
But HOW that gets accomplished has become a firestorm in our country. Not just a small thing that will disappear after the next voting cycle.
We are talking about dividing family and friends over which side you stand on.
That is a big deal.
So why is it that we get so worked up about not just the big WHY. (Let's keep freedom and lives intact)
But also the HOW. (Keep Roe vWade or over turn it?)
It's because the how matters as well. Nothing is black and white when it comes to people. There is a lot of gray to wade through.
We have to be willing to meet on the WHY so that we can talk about the HOW in a constructive way.
In this particular conversation, we should be talking about ways to keep the freedoms of women AND how to save as many lives as possible.
Easier said than done of course.
So here is how we will tie this into business today. Because this is a newsletter about holding onto your why.
Don't be afraid to change your HOW to get to your WHY.
Don't be tethered to the way you've been doing things. Be open to conversation, input, and feedback.
And do it with a kind heart.
Keep your WHY.
Adjust your HOW.
How do we do that this week?
(Any conversation about Roe vs Wade on this particular post will be deleted. It is for illustration only.)