Rodan and Fields Helps you Takes Care of your hands...
Do you remember to treat the skin of your hands, if you don't give proper care to your hands. Your hands can show your age. Hands can be lost when it comes to skincare. Experts agree that your hands can say more about your age than your, face, and neck. Treatment and care can go a long way. Here are easy ways to take proper care of your hands and keep them smooth.
One of the culprits for aging hands is sunlight. Sunscreen is forgotten for the hands. UV light speeds up the skin aging process, which causes skin to wrinkle. Retinoids work well when it comes to combating the effects of the sun damage,on you hands.
Liver spots, are a sign of aging hands caused by production of melanin in the skin. These marks show up on the backs of hands due to sun exposure. Age spots can show up in your 30s if you've been a long time sun tanner, but they are more common in your 50s. To reduce the size and severity of dark spots at home, try a brightening hand cream such as Rodan and Fields REDEFINE Brightening Hand Treatment.
So protect your hands now so you can avoid a"Liver Spots" later.
The skin on your hands is more likely to be dry and have some dehydration. With Age-related changes, like a decrease in skin cell turnover and the skin's inability to retain moisture. Using a hydration serum on your hands works well too.
Avoid sun exposure, use sunscreen on your hands daily (reapply as needed), use a moisturizer and wear rubber gloves when washing dishes or using harsh household cleaners. Start taking care of your hands, and the better off you will be.
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