ROCKING my STRIPES ... Inspiring Change Champions

ROCKING my STRIPES ... Inspiring Change Champions

For those who know me well or have read my blogs, you’ll be aware that I take equality matters seriously. Especially when it comes to equal opportunity for women in leadership roles. So, as I announced a few months ago, it was a no-brainer for our company – Vital Leaders to jump on board with Women & Leadership Australia’s – #100daysforchange initiative, which commenced on 1 July this year.

One thing we pledged was to post 100 Inspo Quotes – one per day from 1 July 2018, on our ElevateHER – Leadership Community Facebook page, to encourage women to step up, stand out and speak up for equality. We have done that and are in the final week – having posted #93 Inspo Quote today.

So what? Well, so far, these daily posts have reached 8230 people, with many likes and several people and groups sharing them around. A ripple effect? – perhaps. I think it’s been more of a continual 'pink wave' of positive reminders and encouragement to the predominately women followers who check out what we are doing in our ElevateHER community, and who take the time to not only read the short quotes, but also the linked articles interspersed between the early morning posts.

So what now? Yes … that’s what I've been thinking too. Now what? Having taken the time to create these uniquely branded tile quotes each week, sometimes using direct quotes [credited], sometimes personalising the message, sometimes creating my own message … I’ve decided that more can be done with these.

I mean, why stop now. Why not another 100 days? … posted where different people can be reached … where it creates even more comment … and particularly, where it is more likely to include men. 

As a proud feminist, I feel for the men who are also feminists [in the true sense of the word – believers in equal rights, equal choices, equal opportunities for all genders]. My partner is one. And, I’ve met some wonderful male champions of change in recent months who are joining in on this so-called ‘new wave’ of feminism revolution [the last notable wave like this was 1970s]. They don’t deserve to be tarred with the same BBB brush [boys behaving badly]. Not all men are self-interested bastards. Just like not all women are great leadership prospects. That goes without saying, but in these times - seems like it needs to be said, so as not to be unfairly judged by the uninformed.

So what’s next? I’ve decided to rock my stripes and step it up in the LinkedIn arena, to stand out proudly as an active feminist who is passionate about driving change to old, entrenched traditional gender stereotype thinking and processes. I’m speaking out to help finish the job that so many of my female predecessors started way back at the beginning of the twentieth century, and so many of my colleagues have continued to quietly [or not so quietly] chip away at for what seems to be ‘little gain for the pain’. It’s TIME to finish to job … once and for all. It’s 2018 – not 1918. A well overdue target.

It’s TIME to call out the unconscious bias that just makes no sense to me, and certainly, no sense to the next generation of women starting out on their careers. It’s time for women to absolutely rock their own stripes; what I refer to in my upcoming book as 'choosing to be their full-arse version’.

It’s TIME to encourage and include men in progressing this change. Men who already believe in the benefits of diversity at the decision making tables. Men who know that the world, our nation, and their organisations will be a better place, make better decisions, and enjoy greater economic outcomes, with more gender balanced leadership teams. Men who have also recognised that gender equality must start in their homes.

I want to celebrate these men … to inspire more of them to speak up at board tables and call out the unacceptable bias they witness ... to put voice to their beliefs and make their own pledges.

So, what am I proposing - exactly?

100 Days + 100 Inspo Quotes = 100s of Change Champions [males and females - collectively]

  • From 1 October – for 100 days … I will be posting 100 Inspo Quotes, one per evening, on LinkedIn. Why evening? Because I know that’s when most of my connections and colleagues have time to scroll, read, comment and share.
  • My challenge to you … please like, leave comment, showcase your support for gender equality, and share with your connections and/or workplaces.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and the upcoming -100 daily Inspo Quote posts ... starting tonight.

Together, we can make this happen. We can close the gap. We can finish the job.

Written by Jilinda Lee - recognised leadership mentor for leaders and managers, ambassador of the Institute of Managers and Leaders, and champion partner of the Lean In global movement – encouraging and enabling more women to step up into lead roles.

Founder and Managing Director of Vital Leaders, Jilinda is a passionate presenter, thought-leading commentator, and writer on all things leadership related. 

Founder of ElevateHER - Leadership Community, facilitator of Lean In Circles, and strong advocate for equity and diversity at decision making tables.

Vital Leaders mission is to develop more dynamic, authentic, and emotionally intelligent, engaging leaders ... and vibrant, diverse workplace cultures.


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