Rocket.women: meet our Administrative Coordinator, Patricia!

Rocket.women: meet our Administrative Coordinator, Patricia!

For Women's Day, Rocket.Chat has decided to pass the mic to some of our women employees — or Rocket.women, as we call it! We chose seven women, from Engineering to People, to interview and get to know them better by listening to their stories and experiences and giving them a platform during March. Our final interviewee is Patricia Ferreira, our Brazilian Administrative Coordinator — and one of our oldest Rocketeers in company time!

Some main facts about her are the following:

  1. She currently lives in Porto Alegre, where our headquarters are located;
  2. She describes herself as resilient;
  3. Her favorite place to work is — you guessed it — our headquarters, and her favorite beverage is coffee;
  4. What she likes most about working with us is the flexibility of our schedules.

On to the questions now!

Q: Tell us a little about your Rocketeer career.

A: I used to work with our CEO’s brother: I was his company’s manager for five years until he decided to shut down activity. He relocated everyone who worked there and referred me to work with Gabriel. I went to work with what was still Rocket.Chat’s seed, with only a few people. I was the first woman in the company — and the only one, for a while.

It’s been eight years under my belt that I see in a very positive way, and I’ve learned a lot with Marcelo, for example. A lot has changed during this time, and when RC was created, my work profile changed a bit — I started doing other things that developed me as a professional and as a person.

Q: What is your proudest achievement while working at Rocket.Chat?

A: The company’s facilities, which I run. We did a very long and big renovation, and I feel somewhat responsible for this transformation process, in physical terms.

In the Finance field, it’s everyday work. It does not allow any mistakes — of course, everybody makes mistakes, but it’s basically work that stays the same. People only realize it hasn’t been done when something happens, so it’s a silent job. I put every task as equal, so there isn’t a most important one, they’re all valuable to me.

Q: Did you have to overcome any barriers, being a woman?

A: I worked in the administrative and financial areas my whole life, and graduated from Executive Secretariat. 90% of my bosses were men, and it’s still hard to see women in management positions. These areas are more masculine, and it’s necessary to work harder to show your skillset and knowledge and stand up for yourself, showing that you can do that. It still happens, less often, but it’s still common.

I’ve experienced situations such as, “Oh, you can stay until later because you don’t have any kids”, and that is always an issue for women. People make distinctions like, “oh, you can do that”, but they don’t exist for men, it’s put differently. So in other places, I had to stand up for myself, but today we can see we are capable of things, and people talk more about it.

Q: Which fellow Rocketeer (woman) inspires you the most? Why?

A: Initially, I had not had much identification with other women, but I really like Suely — our VP of Finance. Since she entered, I like her experiences as both a person and a professional. She remains a good example of a leader and VP and knows the importance of her team and what we do for the company. Nowadays I identify with her. The women we hire from Asian countries also inspire me, because of the cultural aspects they face in their countries — I think they’re amazing.

Q: What about a woman who inspires you, alive or dead?

A: My aunt, who raised me. She lived inside an antagonism: having a sexist upbringing and teaching me how to take care of the house because I should get married, but at the same time, she encouraged me to study and have independence. I think about how she wanted to set free from that at the time, but couldn’t because of the issues of that period, like being maligned, for example. She was ahead of her time for wishing for such things.

And that is a wrap on our #internationalwomensday interviews! We want to thank all Rocket.Women for joining this initiative and giving some insight into the people behind such important roles in our company.



