Rocket Crafting Platform- One source all platforms
Unreal Engine 4.24.3 with HTML exstension

Rocket Crafting Platform- One source all platforms

Rocket Crafting Platform is separated on two main git projects, Rocket-Craft (Unreal Engine Projects) and RocketCraftingServer (Node.js project - account session).

One source all platforms
Project Slogan

If you dont wanna to build HTML5 or dedicated servers than you no need UE4 from source. You need to build unreal engine with websocket net driver activated for HTML5 building [html5 websocket networking - Plugin]. On web page you can't use options HOST. On web platform client is just a client you can't host [open port and listen] but you can connect to other clients or dedicated server also communicate with HTTP/HTTPS protocol rocketCraftingServer [node.js].

Github repo link: Rocket Craft This is client part based on UE4 engine.

Based on `Unreal Motion Graphics` to create UI elements and ue4 3d graphics multiplatform implementation. Best solution for multiplatform developing choose in almost any aspect.

Rocket-craft C++/Blueprints Features:

  • Account registration, verification, login , user data and other func. Done in Node.js project name rocketCraftingServer. Used http/s protocol for communication.
  • Handling JSON response/response with rocketCraftServer or any other.Used VAST plugin for handling JSON in blueprint.
  • Handling active server list also add your external ip to server list if you wanna your own host - You need to open port on router page if you wanna be public visible. For LAN no need to do this.

Nature Ue4 features:

  • Host game with from client. Client can be used like server listener (this is not case only for web because it is not possible).
  • Use dedicated server (i use it like master gameplay server with public access for `Brm`, `Hange3d nightmare`game project) Hosted on cent os 8.3 with node http server. Real time multiplayer games must have dedicated server to make instan and easy access to global main playground.

- Use Unreal engine to create classic 2d context applications.?Similar to the standard web application.?Rocket is most powerfull cross platform tool i need to use it.?4.24.3 version is most interest checkpoint for UE.?Last version with `only` opengles 2.0 devices support (mobile).?Also is version where we use new feature `exstension HTML5 build`.?Explanation: with opengles 2.0 (also opengles 3) we can still build our application?for old android 5/6/7/8... os. In other way 4.24.3 is one of the last?releases. Future upgrade will be easy.

Ue4 Editor build from source to get power of dedicated server build options.

 |                                               |
 |   Build from source Unreal Engine             |
 |   Current active and ultimate version         |
 |   is 4.24.3 Read more from html5 ue4          |
 |   exstension github repo readme files.        |
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 |        Ultimate multiplatform solution.       |
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 |       |   ONE SOURCE ALL PLATFORMS    |       |
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 |  UMG/2d Context 3d PhysX libwebSockets        |
 |                                               |

Client part contain next projects:

- Upgraded SurvivalGame Zombies Shooter multiplayer from Tom Looman

- BarbarianRoadMashines [primary work-in-progress] own work

- ShooterGame from Ue4 c++ template

- FullSpectrum is empty basic usage for rocketCraftinServer (Login/Register)


Github repo link Rocket Craft Server. Basic account session staff based on node.js and MongoDB. This repo is private you will need to join the team and participate to get your copy: Contact me for invitation.

- Barbarian Road Mashines

This is race game with zombies.

[ beta version downloads / proof of concept ]:

Windows 64
Windows 32
Windows dedicated server
Mac OS No build
Linux Dedicated server
Android No build
iOS No build
SonyPS No build
XBox No build

BarbarianRoadMashines Beta Testing Video


In 'Hang3d Nightmare' fot web platform use only INSTANT PLAY options.

Multiplayer is currently?supported by dedicated server [linux cent os 8.3] Server builded on windows host mashine using `v15_clang-8.0.1-centos7`.

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Use INSTANT PLAY tab in main menu if you using web (browser) version.

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Downloads :

Live HTML5
Windows 64bit
Windows 32bit
Windows dedicated
Linux dedicated

Chrome Test first build [beta ver] video.

Use profiler fot tex LODS and setup max value 512 or 256. To make smaller pack of data.

Shoot the zombie (Survival)

Realistic rendering - Ue4 template

No alt text provided for this image

- build target HTML5

- emscripten 1.39.0

- Max tex lod size 512

- App size 197mb

Link :


It gives us power of rocket to build and pack app for Windows, MacOs, Linux, Android, iOS, xBox, Sony Playstation, web/html5 etc...

One source all platforms
Project Slogan

Help for c++ template projects

This is only for ue from source case (when you wanna dedicated server builds) in other way just use `build` project, for full rebuild use `rebuild` project.

The option you are referring to (Build -> Project Only -> Clean Only "ProjectName") is a Visual Studio option, not one that is exclusive to Unreal Engine 4. What actually happens when a Project Only Clean process is begun, is that Visual Studio not only cleans the Project, but it also checks to see if it is able to clean anything that the Project depends on. Since you are using a version of the Engine that is built from source code, Visual Studio includes that dependency in the Clean process, which ends up requiring a full build of the Engine. The same occurs if you attempt to rebuild the project only. If you wish to be able to perform a clean at only the project level, you would need to navigate to where your project is located in a Windows Explorer window. In the root project folder, delete the Binaries, Build, DerivedDataCache, and Intermediate folders. Right-click on the project's .uproject file and select the Generate Visual Studio project files option (this will recreate the Intermediate folder). Open the project solution in Visual Studio and Build the project (this will recreate the Binaries and Build folders). When the build completes in Visual Studio, double-click the project's .uproject file to open it in the Editor(this will recreate the DerivedDataCache folder).You should now have a "Clean" project without needing to rebuild the Engine. Source:?


  • Build all target and make it public to become proof of concept.
  • Possible integration with Api-mashine? for now node.js is perfect. Laravel php webserver variant ca be exotic to make this project more interest for public. Create social app. I need minimum one non-3d-graphics project for example.
  • Integrate Kurento project vs Ue4 Test also kms-ov-integrator if is possible.


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