Robust evaluation of novel technologies framework
Roland Galgoczy, PhD
Critically assessing novel technologies | Asking the right questions | Identifying the right problems | Aggregating & Analysing relevant trends
The evaluation process of novel technologies is often lacking in terms of methodology. I notice superficial, naive assessments from notable LinkedIn influencers every day.
I've put together a playbook describing a more robust methodology, born from a consulting environment. The summary framework is straightforward (see below); not all steps are mandatory, but the more you execute, the better the output is.
Is this framework perfect? No. But will it apply to every type of assessment? Also, no. However, it's thorough and takes into account numerous critical angles. I’ve used this framework to evaluate several emerging technologies, with great success, across therapy areas and technology types.
Following this summary, I will be detailing each of the steps, watch this space ??
If you want to learn more, please get in touch.
Also, thoughts and ideas for improvement are always welcome.
All the best,