Robots assemble! Let's get to work.

Robots assemble! Let's get to work.

Something that comes up time and time again when talking to folks about AI is:

With all the tools out there, I don't know where to start.

Probably the second most common question is:

Which one is the best?

With both, I'd always say to start with the use-cases.

What do you want to do, then find a tool to help you.

For the second one I'd also say "ask me again next week and my answer will probably be different" - for most folks the difference between the main players: OpenAI chatGPT vs Google Gemini vs Anthropic Claude vs Meta Llama vs Microsoft CoPilot... is not noticeable, and with new models coming out frequently, the "best" still remains largely subjective to your use-cases.

Yes, Claude seems to have the edge on generating copy, Gemini takes the lead with tools like Notebook LLM, OpenAI's new search features are great... start with the use-cases.

In partnership with Dorset Chamber we launched Campfire - a half day training session to help businesses adopt and use AI.

A big and important part of that is helping you to identify use-cases with a framework for prioritising, evaluating and piloting them.

How do I work out my use-cases?

One technique we use is to consider these four areas, as a trigger to help with brainstorming:

Innovation: New opportunities enabled by Al

Automation: Improving value-based tasks

Productivity: Improving backend tasks

Insight: Improved reporting and analysis
Slide from Campfire workshop.

Once you've spent some time brainstorming these use-cases, (tasks you could complete with AI) prioritise these and decide how you'll evaluate their success.

Pick of a couple of these and run a pilot - if it works, roll it out wider by creating a playbook to share knowledge. If it doesn't, refine or ditch it!

Actionable Insight:

1) Make some time to identify your use cases, prioritise a few to tackle, consider other factors and how you'll measure them. Pilot and review them.

2) If you'd like help with use-cases, join us for an in-person half-day AI foundation workshop.

Learn about a simple AI adoption framework, how to develop a roadmap for piloting and using AI in your business and see real world use-cases and examples.

Our next one is on 28th November - full details and to book visit the Dorset Chamber website.

Success on the Southcoast Podcast - talking AI

It was a real privilege to be invited onto the Success on the South Coast podcast. I've shared a couple of clips and a link to the YouTube video directly on LinkedIn but felt I wanted to call out a couple of key bits for readers of the newsletter:

1) I think we'll soon see a gap between AI capability and people's acceptance of using the technology - jump to that section

We need to consider not just "can I do this with AI" but "would our customers/partners/staff accept us or expect us to do this with AI". This will change over time, so needs to be reviewed as attitudes change.

2) Why I think an AI statement in important - and what is an AI statement - jump to that section

Not just why I think all businesses should work towards having one, but how that can impact staff and future talent attraction.

You can watch the full podcast on YouTube here:

Also find it on Apple Podcasts and Spotify

Upcoming Training sessions:

Practical AI use-cases webinar Nov 19th @ 1200-1245 (free webinar) - an introduction to practical, actual AI use-cases to give you a taste of the kinds of things you could start doing with AI today.

Elevate your future with AI: A Future Leaders workshop (paid event) - Nov 27th 1600-1800 - This workshop will focus on Digital, Technology, and AI, specifically how you can use these advancements in both your professional and personal life.

Campfire AI workshop (paid workshop) - Nov 28th 0900-1230 - Learn about a simple AI adoption framework, how to develop a roadmap for piloting and using AI in your business and see real world use-cases and examples.

AI For Sales and Marketing - Dorset Growth Hub (free webinar) - Dec 5th 1000-1130 (Webinar)

Thanks for reading, if you have any feedback or topics that you’d like us to cover please do let me know!

We've covered a lot in these newsletters, if you’d like more tailored help with anything, please do get in touch.

Until next time,



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