Robotics and Autonomous Systems Task Force
One of the few projects I have worked on over the past 8 years that I can speak of is my association with the Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) Cross Sector Task Force Lead by Professor Samia Nefti-Meziani OBE, Chair in Robotics and AI and Director of the Birmingham Robotics Institute, with the support of other UK-RAS member Universities.
With my employed role being that of a multi-industry “System Integrator” with an added role in “Emerging Technologies for Robotics”, I felt humbled to receive an invitation that lead me to the Department of Science & Innovation at Westminster where I received an introduction to the largest array of minds from multi sector origins all with goals to develop the use of Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
I have added a link to white paper (below) that originates from data gather from 2022 onwards that shows the extent and high level thinking that forms this subject that is one of the few documents I pressed the “print “button for as I reference it regularly.
I will submit another post soon showing details of the formation and work the National Cross Sector Regulations, Standards and Ethics Committee undertaking to develop joint approaches and lower supply chain barriers.
Your input could be valuable.