Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Between Science Fiction and Scientific Facts

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Between Science Fiction and Scientific Facts

Eng. Ismail Y. Hasan

ARA, President

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Between Science Fiction and Scientific Facts

New and interesting discoveries in robotics and artificial intelligence are reported daily, whereby impressive new developments are recorded when it comes to processing in terms of responsiveness and accuracy in decision making. In parallel to such developments, the new materials being used in robotic manufacturing have enhanced the overall capability of robots to read out different surrounding environments with the ability to respond to diverse situations and external factors from swimming to flying, climbing and trailing through mountains and snow. Such developments have also led to the production of new generation robots that serve numerous sectors including medical, military, and diversified services. Such use of robots is continuously being witnessed in tourism, travel, entertainment, psychiatry, photography, adventure and discovery illustrating a form of thinking, so to speak, which was achieved due to enhanced development in artificial intelligence.


It all may seem normal so far, yet surprisingly, all the development in robotics field has been accompanied by growing development in artificial intelligence, internet, large data processing. We have heard many science fiction stories about robots that control human beings and think and perform roles on their behalf replacing the human role in all areas. These science fiction stories go to even further lengths, revealing a futuristic world dominated by robots controlling humans and making all the decisions and threatening mankind’s existence. There is no doubt that the developments are significant and increasing as there are high expectations, ideas and new projects constantly being developed by scientific research institutions that focus on robotics and artificial intelligence.  However, it is important not to confuse science fiction stories and the scientific facts on which scientists rely on to develop robotic systems that have specific abilities and are governed by industrial and scientific principles.


According to specialized scientist and researchers, the science of robotics is interrelated with many other sciences, where developments in robotics are built on scientific foundations that distinguish between the possible and impossible, and on the scientific experiments and research which hundreds of millions are spent on as scientists know what can and cannot be achieved and according to sound research and experimenting.


It is true that a robotic vehicle traveled millions of kilometers to Mars in to order study the planet’s surface, and that science managed to create a robot that can run and execute dangerous acrobatic moves, and that the same science managed to create a robot that can recognize and talk to people in their native language. Furthermore, science was able to build robotic vehicles capable of self-travel for tens of kilometers, robots able to conduct major surgeries, and robots that are able to swim and fly for hundreds of kilometers. However, and despite of all the ongoing development, we are still unable to produce a robot that can operate without electrical power nor one derived from nothing with no data programmed by a person. Furthermore, we are still unable to create a robot that can walk and deal with people in their natural environment without setting the parameters of the robot to adapt to the environment in which it is placed. All conducted experiments and related projects were originally based on the human mind and thinking that produced large quantities of data to be programmed into robots that render them functional only to predetermined purposes. There remains millions of human ideas and inventions being created, in addition to millions of movements and actions that can only be carried out by humans alone. It is true that robots and artificial intelligence have surpassed mankind in some areas, however the truth remains that robots are not able to think on their own, nor deal with matters in a human way as their creativity and innovation are still exclusive to the human effort. The question of us or them? Still remains; and is the human mind that created robotics and artificial intelligence, reflecting a supernatural power only we as humans possess?


What we strive for at the Arab Robotics Association (ARA) is to provide a practical scientific environment for students, researchers and those who are interested in this field, where we believe that this science will play a vital role in the future of humanity due to the different necessities imposed by life. ARA holds several conferences, competitions and diverse programs to encourage students to take an interest in the science of robotics and artificial intelligence as it is considered a major science with growing demand and the importance of social, economic, scientific and research levels. Whether we like it or not, we are destined to coexist in a Human-Robotic world where robots will play an important role in providing services and organizing our life affairs. As such, we have to be ready to deal with this reality and pay close attention to the robotic industry. Also, our institutions must invest in these sciences and establish a society that develops this technology instead of just using it, this could only be achieved through founding advanced research centers for robotics and artificial intelligence, and to allocate a portion of the budgets to support related initiatives and provide financing for students and researchers in this field.


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