Robot Framework - A quick start guide for Web Automation Testing
Muhammad M.
Sr. SQA Analyst | SDET | ISTQB Certified | Certified in Cybersecurity | Certified Blockchain Expert | Certified Blockchain Security Professional
Robot Framework
An open source framework for TEST AUTOMATION and ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION. In other words this framework provides a high level automation capabilities and allows you to extend the capabilities by integrating it with other libraries like Selenium for Web App testing, similarly you can use Browser Library if you want to you Playwright for web application automation testing.
Furthermore, you can use Appium Library for Mobile App testing, Request Library if you want to automation API testing, and Database Library to automate database testing.
There's more!
you can automate Robotic Process (Tasks, Processes etc) as well by using RPA framework Library collection for example Salesforce (accessing Salesforce using REST API), SAP (wraps the SapGuiLibrary, which enables you to create tests for SAP GUI Application), Twitter (Accessing Twitter using developer API), Windows (for Windows Desktop Automation).
Wow! that covers almost every possible automation, one framework that fits and covers all your requirements when it comes to automation testing.
Environment Setup
Install Python
Visit and download the installation package as per your needs or your operating system. Run the package file and follow installation wizard. In this case, we are using MacOs.
Verify python installation by executing following command in Command Prompt or Terminal window.
python -V
If you installed Python 3.x.x version then you should use python3 -V
Install Robot Framework
In order to install Robot Framework you can use following command and execute in in your Command Prompt or Terminal window. This command is same for both Windows and MacOs.
You can verify robot framework installation by executing following command in the Command Prompt or Terminal window.
robot --version
Install Robot Framework Library
In this case we are going to use Selenium Library for our Web Automation test demonstration. Run following command in Command Prompt or Terminal window.
Setup IDE
You can use Visual Studio Code or you can also use any text editor. If you are going to use Visual Studio Code, I would recommend you to use following VSC (Visual Studio Code) Extension "RobotCode".
Create your Automation Project
Create a new directory and name it as your automation project or whatever you want. Now open this folder in VSC.
Create a new file with extension "*.robot".
Here in the example you can see three main sections or headers in the file.
*** Settings ***
This section describes the libraries or other settings that you require for your tests. For example in our case, we imported Selenium Library for our Web Automation test demonstration.
*** Test Cases ***
This section lists all the test cases that you need to automate. In this case we declared a test case name by using keywords:
search Google for text
The very next line of script tells the robot framework to open a browser with URL and timeout settings.
The next line enables us to input search criteria or search text. All of these keywords and human understandable and easy to read more like a sudo code. Later we will also introduce variables and replace the hardcoded values and parameters like browser URL as parameter against open browser command, & searchText as parameter against Input Text command.
Run Tests
In order to run the test script use following command. You can execute this command within Command Prompt or Terminal window within the VSC.
robot <filename>.<extension>
for example:
robot searchGoogle.robot
The first execution resulted in an error.
Report, output and log files
Whenever your encounter an error during the execution, the robot framework automatically captures a screenshot for you. Not only a screenshot but it also generates a Report file, an output file and a log file for you to easily identify the root cause of the failure.
Screen Capture
You can also use Screen Capture command to record screenshots whenever you need to or you want to.
Capture Page Screenshot
Yep! that's it, this will record a screenshot for you.
*** Variables ***
Introducing a new section in our script file as variables, yes you are right. This section contains the declaration of variables.
Our demonstration script is updated by using variables to replace the hardcoded values.
Congratulations! you have successfully created your first Web Test Automation Script using Robot Framework. That was easy. You did it.
Enjoy exploring more details and libraries. Let me know if you have any questions / suggestions or requests. Happy to help :)