Robo Hackers - and the dark Side of AI

Robo Hackers - and the dark Side of AI

While so called "futurists" like Ray Kurzweil and artificial intelligence (AI) amateurs like Elon Musk want to make us believe that the Singularity is coming to us by 2045 or so, a real imminent and mostly silent global war involving AI is already going on all around us. The philosophical discussions about the Singularity and its consequences are only distractions from serious issues and the dark side of AI we already face today: Cyber Attacks and Cyber Warfare.

This global war that is going on uses no physical bombs, no AK47s, no grenades, no rockets, it uses just bits and bytes, but in this war artificial intelligence technology is increasingly involved on many levels in the form of potential weapons and attacking tools on one side but also as potential and easy targets for attacks on the other side.

The effects of the current and future cyber wars and cyber attacks have to be taken seriously. They can be worse than even nuclear weapons when executed in specific and orchestrated ways targeting key infrastructure facilities of countries and cities like : nuclear power plants, the electrical power grid, traffic control and our traffic infrastructure and public transportation systems, our fixed line and mobile voice communication systems, the Internet, our fresh water supply, hospitals and so on...

It is a fact, that rogue individuals, groups of hackers, terrorists of all sorts, state-like organisations and even most major countries with their military and intelligence agencies are already heavily involved in this new kind of war - albeit often in covert operations.

We live in the age of Cyber Attacks and Cyber Warfare and AI systems will be a driving force and potential targets in it in the future.

It all started in the early 1980s and 1990s with the massive emergence of personal computers. The following cyber attacks and cyber warfare activities have seen a major increase in intensity and frequency since then and especially over the last 10 years (see chart above of the major known cyber attacks from the 1980s through 2013).

There is no end to this development in sight, rather the opposite: the frequencies of cyber attacks has further increased in recent years and their impact will be felt even more strongly in the years to come. Many of the attacks will not differentiate between civilian users, government agencies our electronically controlled infrastructure or any small or large firms.

The economics for the attackers are often just too compelling - as the recent ransomware attacks like CryptoLocker, CryptoWall and the high profile 2017 WannaCry (see chart below) worm have shown.

WannaCry, for example, spread through over 150 countries infecting way over 300,000 computers in a matter of a few days - and, even though there are many suspicions about the culprits, it is still unknown today who was behind this attack.

Very few physical crimes (or physical war acts for that matter) could be executed with such a high effect/cost ratio as an effective cyber attack. This makes cyber warfare especially interesting for organised crime, extremists and terror groups and rogue states with limited financial resources and conventional weapons.

A handful of brains could bring down whole countries and their infrastructure within hours. And, contrary to a conventional war, the attacked country or target will in most cases not even know after the attack who and what has hit them - if the attack was carried out in sophisticated ways from servers distributed all over the globe and some smart algorithms.

This is why small groups of terrorists like Al Quaida, ISIS, or home grown (right or left wing) terrorists in the West or in the East, especially in Russia, Bulgaria and Rumania, and even complete states like North Korea pose a real cyber warfare threat. Some orchestrated cyber attack against the USA (see chart below) or any of her allies may be much more effective and less dangerous for them in terms of potential retaliations (if ever detected) and will cost them only a tiny fraction of the cost of, say, developing and testing a single nuclear rocket.

Several countries around the world are involved in a long lasting and ongoing cyber war attacking each other on a regular basis like North and South Korea and Saudi Arabia and Iran (see chart below). For these nations, cyber wars are the less risky and less costly versions and extensions of physical warfare.

Western states, however, are no innocent players in this ongoing warfare neither. All major western countries have their own cyber attack teams, cyber military divisions and intelligence government agencies (like the NSA in the USA). To the outside world they usually operate under 'defensive' mandates, but it is certainly a safe assumption, that all major western governments are also putting massive efforts and resources into developing various advanced cyber attack weapons.

One of the best known examples for such activities was the specially designed "Stuxnet" worm launched, according to Edward Snowdon, in a joint cyber attack of the Israely and USA cyber forces against the nuclear uranium enrichment facilities at Natanz in Iran in 2010. The sole purpose of Stuxnet was to sabotage and to destroy the centrifuges of the Iranian enrichment facilities. This was the first known special purpose cyber warfare malware successfully designed and deployed to destroy working enemy hardware devices.

The Role of AI in future Cyber Warfare

The currently used software tools and techniques in most such cyber attacks are mostly: hacker intrusions, exploitations of operating system loopholes, planted computer viruses, computer worms, Trojan horses, bots, phishing, DoS attacks and sometimes special purpose malware (see chart below). These are mostly quite well known and understood by now and are constantly investigated by the security agencies world wide and by professional software security companies.

Therefore, I will not focus on these conventional cyber attacking mechanisms and tools here but rather on the next level of tools and especially on the role of AI in this developing war machinery.

I want to discuss here the growing and rather dangerous role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in possible future cyber attacks and cyber warfare: how will AI most likely be used as a means to enhance cyber attacks and cyber weapons and how may AI systems become targets of such attacks themselves in the future and what kind of threats do we have to expect and probably experience as a result in the not so distant future ?

Human Hackers

Today human computer hackers are usually seen as criminals. This has not always been the case. In the beginning in the 1980s and 1990s hackers often had some kind of "ethical code". They wanted mainly just to expose security loopholes in computer systems of large firms, banks or the governments. Hackers were often just young and gifted programmers trying to show the world what they could do to our IT systems. They usually did not do much harm to the systems they intruded (so called "white hat" hacking) or to the companies or institutions they broke into. Often they just left some messages and made fun of the security teams that could not catch them.

However, these "successes" and the associated global PR and media attention the early day "ethical" hacker attacks received, attracted not only more "ethical" hackers but certainly also many serious criminals that had no humorous or intellectual or political goals but rather simple and direct monetary interests.

Hence, in a second big wave of hacks many banks and financial institutions where hacked and lots of money was stolen or diverted (see chart below) or the hacks were used for blackmailing and related cash outs. Since then, hacking is no longer considered a "sport" for smart programmers, but a serious crime and many countries have changed their laws to protect companies and banks from hacks and malware attacks.

However, the tightened legal systems worldwide have not stopped individual criminals and the international organised crime scene from using hacks to make money. Nor did tougher legal rules hold back political minded and motivated hackers from attacks. To the contrary: cyber attacks have escalated as we all know by even interfering actively in the recent political election campaigns in the USA and France.

Big companies and institutions of all kinds have taken things into their own hands by now and have adapted to the hacker culture and are even trying to use it for their own safety. As an example, many companies use programmers from trusted outside firms (so called "Tiger teams" hired often from large international audit or IT consulting firms) and give them a well paid mandate to try to penetrate their own computer systems like hackers would, to find and disclose unknown loopholes and vulnerabilities in their IT systems and internal security procedures so they can fix them before they can be exploited by hackers.

This approach is smart and usually quite efficient but not without some serious risks. The hired companies might be trustworthy but some members of their tiger teams might still have criminal intent and may use their know-how about the detected security flaws at some point for their own advantage. They may detect security flaws but not disclose and report them as they should, but rather request some ransom payments later to keep the detected loophole a secret.

Robo Hackers

Here is where AI comes in in multiple forms and shapes. Some specialised companies are now already trying to build what I call "Robo Hackers" or "AI hackers", i.e. AI based systems or algorithms that can take over the function and tasks of human tiger teams and are able to penetrate even complex and strong IT security barriers.

Human tiger teams usually follow a certain protocol, a process with clearly pre-defined steps on how to break the security of IT system. It is an easy exercise to encode such procedures into an AI system and automate the associated task list.

This simple step has a great advantage for the hired tiger team company as it is usually very difficult to find smart programmers that have the equivalent know-how of smart hackers. Not only are such programmers rare to find, they are also usually quite expensive. Hence, it's a no-brainer to try to build an AI system that can do this kind of work for them instead. This would not require much intelligence on the side of the Robo Hacker AI system but it would help cover a variety of standard tasks usually done by expensive human programmers. The reduced cost and higher profit margin would easily justify the development cost for such Robo Hackers (and at the same time get rid of the "rogue employee" problem for tiger teams).

In addition, human hackers as a community (not authorised tiger teams) are also interested in developing such "AI hacker colleagues" for themselves. The Robo Hackers could take a lot of workload off their shoulders and, at the same time and most importantly, would put another protective layer between them and the counter attack forces of companies and governments. Hacker are well known for using all sorts of technical tools to help themselves and they often share these tools and also advanced security know-how among each other.

The Robo Hackers would not work like human hackers anymore but rather work with "smart", distributed intelligent algorithms that can be launched anonymously from some remote corner of the earth. They would have special intelligence for hiding themselves and destroying all critical traces automatically that could lead to their detection. With Robo Hackers at work, catching and identifying the human culprits behind them, will become a near impossible task for any law enforcement entity in the future.

Robo Hackers 2.0 -- Human Hackers lose their jobs

As a matter of fact, why would attackers in the future still be using or hiring human hackers when Robo Hackers become real smart and can automate hacking attacks ? Not only blue collar workers will lose their jobs to intelligent machines, human hackers might do as well as Robo Hackers will go through an intelligence evolution and get much smarter over time.

Simple AI Robo Hackers working off some task lists will just be the beginning. Things will get much worse. The logical second step will be smarter and self improving Robo Hackers. "Ideal", intelligent and improved AI Robo Hackers, let's call them Robo Hacker 2.0, would be more dangerous and more effective. They would try to find loopholes in IT systems themselves by using sophisticated self-learning and self-enhancing AI algorithms.

One big problem for human hackers, for example, is that the security systems they are attacking are getting more and more complex and harder to hack over time as the software providers get smarter as well and react to any known new case of hacking by releasing new versions of their OS or security features and patches.

There are hundreds of public security forums and security related chat rooms online. The major OS system providers like Microsoft, Google etc. have also their own online support systems where they constantly describe the latest security risks and patches so system administrators around the world can download upgraded systems and quickly fix any problems as soon as they become known. It is a big effort just to follow all these online disclosures and the many different OS versions and patches (see below as example some Microsoft patches).

A human hacker can maybe actively monitor a few of the major online security communities and forums. It's too much detailed information to process and swallow in near real time. Hackers therefore often work together in small communities for this reason, informing their co-hackers whenever they become aware of security loopholes or patches that close certain loopholes.

The IT providers also release new versions of their systems in ever shorter time-frames as an effective strategy against hackers because the hackers also first have to learn about the new system features, detect new loopholes, see if the old loopholes are still working etc.

However, smart AI Robo Hackers can take on this task and fight easily. They can monitor and scan hundreds of such forums without getting tired for a second. They can match new OS system versions against old ones, check out the changes and patches etc and hence can outperform or support human hackers in any hacking relevant system knowledge. This would be especially "easy" for Robo Hackers 2.0 in open source environments like Android or Linux.

But Robo Hackers 2.0 won't stop there. They can also learn and be trained to actually do future hackings themselves by "looking human hackers over the shoulders". Training data and abstract procedures for training Robo Hackers 2.0 can easily be generated and provided by just recording all relevant actions human hackers are performing while they try to penetrate some IT systems somewhere.

The more hackers and the more hacks, the more data for Robo Hackers 2.0 to learn from. They can even learn from failed hacks, maybe more than from successful hacks, as the failed hacks show the Robo Hackers 2.0 what kind of information was available and what info was not available for the hack when it failed, which indicates to the Robo Hacker 2.0 that it needs to seek further information about the target system before trying a new hack.

There are other, more advanced methods for training Robo Hackers. Everything discussed so far requires some human hackers to assist the Robo Hackers in their learning efforts. But Robo Hackers 2.0 can also learn without human support in so called "unsupervised" mode.

One way to do so would be, to just monitor the target security system and collect data by "pinging" the system on certain levels with certain commands and messages and see how the security system responds or reacts. In that way the Robo Hacker 2.0 can generate an internal model of the responses of the attacked system that does not rely upon the official documentation of the supplier of the system. The Robo Hacker can detect system mal-functions, errors and most importantly undocumented system features and use this knowledge for future attacks.

Robo Hackers 2.0 have the potential ability to scan through tons of hacking data and analyse it in a way no human hackers could do (or it would take a myriad of them and years to do). Each massive hacker attack will generate lots of data about our networks, targets, connections between targets, the behaviour of the security systems involved etc. A Robo Hacker 2.0 can analyse all this data and treat the hacking problem as a usual pattern recognition task. It can detect unknown patters, learn from them and autonomously infer and exploit so far unknown security loopholes.

Social Skill Learning by Robo Hackers 2.0

Human hackers do not only use and rely on their technical knowledge when they perform their hacks. Very often they also use social skills and social knowledge to acquire the needed information like passwords or other access or security details. Typical approaches they use are trojan horses attached to "innocent looking" spam emails and online or mobile phishing messages/emails.

It is easy to see how Robo Hackers 2.0 can take over these tasks and "improve" them. They can send out millions of emails and analyse the responses. Depending on the responses from their targets, the Robo Hackers 2.0 can modify and further improve their strategies.

Very often the leads for successful spams and phishing emails come from borderline social activities of their targets like from online gambling or from visits to pornography websites and the related use of cookies or executed links. People with such habits are easier to target and to blackmail (for example when they have downloaded child pornography) and they might not even want to disclose blackmailing due to the associated social embarrassment.

Future Robo Hackers 2.0 will use very efficiently all kinds of social networks and web sites and social online and mobile activities (tweets for example) of their targets to trace and analyse their behaviour and potential vulnerabilities. The Robo Hackers 2.0 will follow their human targets 24/7 in their social activities (online or mobile), figuring out what the targets are mostly and frequently engaged in, who their friends are, what their hobbies and preferences are, at what time of the day/month/year they do what, where they travel to, what they usually buy (online and mobile), what cards and payment methods they use and so on. Based on all this information the Robo Hacker 2.0 can build a potentially very detailed profile of their targets and better guess, infer or detect their passwords and other details to steal and mis-use their (digital) identities.

The Rise of the Bot-Net and the Robo Hacker Evolution

In one of my prior posts here on LI I have described my expectation about the future development of bots and the Rise of the Bot-Net.

(Please see:

?I predicted there that smart bots (online and mobile) will soon take over autonomously many prior offline human activities that require some sort of intelligence like negotiating deals and prices (with other bots), executing financial and legally binding transactions like buying cars and executing loan and insurance agreements by using smart contracts and/or some versions of blockchain technology. Facebook, for example, has just announced the upcoming release of bots that can negotiate deals on behalf of their "owners" and that they may even be "lying" to achieve better deals !

As this trend evolves and unfolds, bots will over time become full legal proxies of their human "owners", i.e. the bots will act legally on behalf of humans and bots will eventually even be subjects (legal defendants or plaintiffs) in law-suits - just like companies do.

When this happens (and even before that in reduced forms we see now already), smart bots will become major targets of human hackers and Robo Hackers 2.0 and all other further enhanced versions of Robo Hackers say versions 3.0, 4.0 etc. This will be so because these advanced smart bots are processes that will need to act and communicate outside of protected environments and of strong firewalls when they are active (for example in a multi device distributed IoT environment - see below) and hence become easy prey for Robo Hackers X.0. The smart bots are much more vulnerable than static IT systems hosted in some computing or data centres behind strong firewalls and processes within companies or institutions that are usually protected by several layers of access control mechanisms.

Smart bots will in the future roam freely around using the Internet protocol, in IoT networks or on mobile networks where they can be hijacked by Robo Hackers. There will be an evolutionary intelligence arms race spiral of cyber warfare between Robo Hackers X.0 on one side and protective AI systems on the defensive side to protect future autonomous smart bots from being hacked or taken over or somehow being modified by future versions of ever smarter Robo Hackers (for example by combining block-chain technology with defensive mechanisms).

Voice controlled Virtual Assistants

We are currently seeing the beginning of this smart bot development trend with the emergence of voice controlled smart bot systems like Amazon's Echo and the associated virtual assistant Alexa or Apple's Siri, or Microsoft's Cortana etc. Current smart bots are still all quite limited and not very intelligent but they will soon have more intelligent features and autonomous functions with payment and purchasing or money collection authority and hence will become more like virtual assistant systems (as they are mostly marketed now) and will soon become more attractive targets for human and Robo Hackers.

One problematic feature of these virtual assistants is the voice activation and voice communication with them. It is today already possible to create fake human voices with AI enhanced recording and sound processing methods. The first such commercial systems that can generate fake voices and sound bites of people that are undistinguishable to our ears from the original voices, will soon hit the mass markets.

It will therefore be relatively easy to trick systems like Alexa or Siri or any other voice controlled device into "believing" that the authorised owner is communicating via voice command with the device even though it is just a faked synthesized voice. Robo Hackers can also make fake voice calls to people pretending to be humans with their synthesised voices. Expect many more unsolicited voice calls in the future.

Another dangerous issue with voice controlled virtual assistants and other similar voice bot platforms is that they can not only be used for simple tasks like ordering and buying pizza or downloading music from an app store or Amazon, but they can also be used for all sorts of potentially dangerous external applications, even for remotely controlled drones or any other devices the voice controlled bot has access to through its bot platform or linked software packages.

Amazon's Alexa, for example, already offers over 10,000 so called "skins" for its users. These are applications provided by external 3rd party vendors to Amazon, that can be voice activated, voice controlled and executed by the Alexa assistant on some Echo device at somebody's home or from any other place (see chart above) to execute an attack without the owners knowledge.

The Chat Bot Wave

Driven by the virtual assistant products of Amazon and the big AI and media firms as described above, chat bots of all sorts and variety and quality are popping up everywhere and now also in substantial numbers.

Just for Facebook, for example, there are already over 30,000 known chat bots today available that are linked to the Facebook messenger and individual Facebook pages of users. There are also already around 4,000 start-ups globally offering chat bots as services, products or platforms and there is no end of this trend in sight.

Soon, every major company will not only maintain their commercial web site but also some sort of chat bot on their web sites or mobile services available with varying levels of integration into their business operations. Microsoft's CEO just recently said that "bots are the new apps".

Most of the chat bots will be used for online customer services and augmentation of customer support and call centres and for marketing and sales purposes. We can also expect to see more chat bots on government web sites soon to advice citizens on government related issues as part of e-government services like online tax filings, registrations, visa applications, complaints etc. See a more complex chat bot platform architecture than usual in the chart above.

Continuing this and the emerging "language based commerce" trend we currently see, it seems save to assume that there will ultimately be millions if not billions of chat bots available and online 24/7.

People will even deploy their own "virtual doppelgangers" as chat bots to represent themselves in the digital media space. These personal doppelgangers will be able to chat freely in spoken natural language back and forth with other humans (or chat bots for commercial purposes) and slowly replace typed messages in the usual online and mobile chats we still mostly use today.

The future language based commercial chat bots will need to somehow be integrated into the systems of the chat bot providers to be effective (there is no much use of chat bots that can "only" chat without further executing some sort of transactions).

For example, a chat bot can guide and convince users to execute some tasks like buying a ticket or registering to some service of the company. In this way chat bots can act like humans on behalf of the companies and can generate profits without the cost of usual human labour forces. The more intelligent these chat bots are, the more valuable they will be for the companies to deploy and the more numerous they will become.

With the link of chat bots to the transaction system of the provider the vulnerability comes in. First, it is easy for an attacker to fake the chat bot user interface and replace it with a similar looking but differently behaving chat bot in the same way organised crime today launches copycat fake web sites that pretend to be web sites of larger firms or banks.

Secondly, chat bots are in general much easier to modify than standard executable programs. The chat bots usually need so called knowledge bases (see chart above) or non encrypted plain text data bases that contain the possible natural language phrases and answers to user questions and language interactions. Only very few chat bots create the responses in natural language in real time on the fly. Most of the chat bot providers use some open source standard generic knowledge bases with thousand of standard chit-chat response phrases in plain language and just add some vertical knowledge specific to their business to the bot knowledge bases. This is the reason why we see so many chat bot start-ups today.

Any hacker therefore (human or Robo) has a relatively easy task to modify just these plain text data bases or knowledge bases so the bot will respond differently to user requests than intended by the chat bot provider. In this way customers can be easily misguided by the modified chat bot to do what the hackers want them to do (for example disclose a password or directly execute some transaction that benefits the hacker).

Fake News 2.0

As mentioned above, it will be easy in the future to create whole fake speeches (from some short sound bytes and snippets of voice recordings), that sound like and are indistinguishable from the original human voices. When further combined with some high quality, photo realistic facial animations provided by professional animation studios, very realistic lip synch but fake videos of human "doppelgangers" can be produced on a shoe string budget (see below the photo realistic 3-D rendering of Daniel Craig, the popular James Bond actor).

When further combined with smart chat bot technology (see below next chapter) not only pre-produced videos can be created but also seemingly "live" video interactions with animated virtual characters pretending to be real humans are possible. Commercial systems providing these features will come to the mass markets soon, not in decades, but rather in just a few months from now.

Chat bots are also slowly getting better in their communication and conversation skills. They are not yet at the level of passing a serious Turing Test but some can carry on reasonable short conversations. And it will only be in a short matter of time when virtual agents cannot be distinguished visibly and by their voices anymore from real humans like when seen on TV or in movies. This technology will open the floodgates to new levels of fake news, I call it fake news 2.0.

The use of such high quality fake news will not be limited to magazines and print media (offline and online) anymore. Artists and movie producers will create videos with virtual actors and virtual reporters (see the photo realistic 3-D rendering of a virtual Japanese female in front of a live video background stream above).

Besides for entertainment purposes, this high quality fake news 2.0 technology will with a high probability also be used for political purposes and political propaganda - similar to what we have already experienced in recent months in the political propaganda "warfare" between Russia and the USA, albeit still based on a lower tech human approach.

Spreading and using fake news with the help of Robo Hackers will become a valuable tool for organised crime and sophisticated attackers. For example, high quality fake news can be used to spreading positive or negative rumours about companies and their management to influence stock markets and cause trading fluctuations and higher trading volumes in real-time.

Financial markets react very quickly to all sorts of news. Rogue traders with malicious Robo Hackers can release sophisticated targeted fake news on social media (with attached high quality videos to make them more believable and trustworthy) to create at least short term trends in a stock's buying or selling trading patterns which can be used by the attackers for their own advantage as they know the fake news in advance.

The malicious fake news generators will most likely have taken out their profits when the fake news will be discredited as this will usually take much longer than the spreading of the fake news. Even a few minutes of a strong increase or decline of a stock price is usually enough to generate huge profits even if the stock retracts back to its "normal" trading levels from before the fake news was released and first spread.

We must again expect a spiralling cyber war between Robo Hacker based fake news generators and Ai based detectors of such fake news on the other side. The generation of sophisticated fake news using AI tools however, is much easier than their automated AI based detection and discrediting.

This is proven by how much difficulties even experienced AI firms and social network companies like Facebook or Twitter have with a similar issue: the automated detecting and automated removal of hate messages or political propaganda messages of terror groups. It requires substantive natural language understanding for AI systems to automatically screen and pick out hate or radical political messages from "normal" messages, whereas the posting of such messages can easily be automated today by Robo Hackers even with limited AI capabilities.

Robo Hackers and The Internet of Things (IoT)

Probably the most vulnerable target area for massive future cyber attacks is the so called Internet of Things (IoT), which is simply a myriad of current day and future electronic devices that are somehow connected with each other via the Internet or wireless communication channels.

The key problem with the IoT is the immense diversity and the sheer huge amount of devices that are part of it world wide. The current estimate of the number of connected devices installed by 2020 is around 50 billion or more - increasing exponentially every few years! There are very many different vendors but barely any norms or accepted security layers and mechanisms between the devices of different vendors and for their communication. That is what makes the IoT a paradise playground for human hackers and future Robo Hackers because of the sheer size of this market and the practically non existing cyber security in this field.

It is no surprise therefore that the IoT has already experienced major attacks and hacks. The most famous was the Mirai malware used in several large scale DDoS (distributed denial of service - see chart below) attacks in 2016. The source code of Mirai has even been published in hacker forums as open source as a basis for further hacker attacks ! Currently Mirai excludes several targets from attacks like the US postal service and the US Department of Defense, but one may very well suspect that this might not last.

The Mirai malware infects vulnerable devices it knows the IP address of. Once infected, the devices become part of the hack and they scan the Internet for IP addresses of other IoT devices. Once it identified vulnerable IoT devices Mirai uses a large table of vendor default production passwords and logs into the device. The infected devices then usually keep working as normal even after the infection and the Mirai system then works in the background trying to infect more IoT devices. The malware uses several smart procedures to avoid being detected by anti DoS protection software.

The most famous attack of Mirai was in October 2016 on the Internet DNS service provider Dyn which resulted in a blockage of GitHub, Twitter, Reddit, Netflix and Airbnb among many others !

In November 2016 some 900,000 routers of German Telekom crashed due to Mirai and caused Internet access problems for thousands of German Internet users.

Besides such specific DoS and malware attacks, voice controlled IoT devices will soon become prime IoT hacker targets.

This is because pretty much any electronic device in our future homes and any modern buildings will be voice controlled. We will be able to talk to and voice control our TV, fridge, coffee machine, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, music system and whatever electronic devices that may be around (see for example the Cortana advertising below).

We will also be able to communicate with all these devices remotely from outside the home or office. We can remotely control today already the heat and temperature in our homes, the water consumption, energy use, light, climate control functions, start the coffee machine before we arrive at home etc. There are hundreds of mobile apps and interactive devices and services like this on the market.

Contrary to large firms or governments our private homes will usually not have any sophisticated security layers and mechanisms. The simplest devices can be hacked and used to harm or control our household appliances. Typical attacking points are the home routers that control the communication internally and with the outside world. These are the known preferred penetration points for government forces like the NSA and CIA.

The problem for the security of our homes is the "weakest link in the security layers. If a household or building has dozens of electronic appliances linked to the Internet or mobile networks, any of these devices can be the weakest link for a penetration or security intrusion. With many cheap and often very small and "innocent looking" IoT devices installed in our homes the number of potential attacking points increases with every IoT device and hence attacks will become more likely.

IoT devices don't even have to be installed on a fixed bases in our homes to pose and generate a threat. It might suffice that malicious electronic devices are brought into our homes temporarily just for minutes and probably often with no intention to do harm whatsoever. For example, if you invite some friends for a party into your home and one party guest likes smoking an E-cigarette with a processor in it (which is the case for some of them), this E-cigarette may influence and help to hack your local IoT system in your home by wireless communication or by sound waves that humans cannot hear. This case was reported just recently in the media.

If the E-cigarette has been charged by using an USB port by your friend using a laptop that was hacked before, then the charging mechanism can be used to infect the chip on the E-cigarette, which then causes the protection of your home security system to malfunction and thereby allows hackers to penetrate devices in your home later !

Such penetrations of your local device infrastructure can also certainly be done in much more straight forward ways, for example, if your guests use their smart phones and are connecting with your local wifi network at your home or if they bring a laptop with wireless connection which has been hacked before.

Another key issue following from all this above is that privacy will be a complete thing of the past for you if you have some interactive cameras or audio recording devices in your home. Your home will not be your castle anymore in any sense soon. Everything you do will be monitored and recorded and stored somewhere in the cloud and potentially screened and observed by others or future Robo Hackers.

Smart AI based devices like Amazon's Echo already now listen to all that is going on in your home 24/7 because they are in constant stand-by mode waiting for certain key-words or phrases to be uttered so they can auto-activate themselves when you say something like: "Hey, this...".

Currently the providers of these voice controlled systems usually claim that voice processes in the devices run only locally on the device and recordings of conversations are not stored in the cloud before it is activated - so your privacy seems to be protected - at least if you believe the PR and product marketing of these providers. You better don't count on this.

The same applies to the cameras or motion detection devices in your smart TVs and game consoles. Cases of hacking into the TVs and cameras are already well known and the hackers were able to see everything going on in your living rooms (or bed rooms for that matter) through the smart TV's cameras.

This actually also works with the integrated cameras in most of the available laptops and desk top computers and also your smart phone cameras - even if you have not activated your phone's camera system ! These devices provide a perfect basis for a "big brother" NSA type scenario surveillance where a government or hackers can listen to and observe all your private activities in your home and your life without you having a chance to know about it.

Even though Wearables are usually considered a separate product category, we will subsume them under the IoT devices here as they are usual IoT devices similar to what you can find in any future home just that they are worn attached to the body and are not installed fixed in the home.

It is obvious that wearables can be hacked as well easily. As a matter of fact, most major branded wearables have already been reported as hacked. This is not surprising as they are usually small, light-weight devices produced with barely any security mechanisms. Most fashion and life-style wearables today are used for sports and activity monitoring. Future life-style wearables may be more intelligent and harder to hack.

Military wearables are already often using strong encryption for communication and are therefore not so easy targets. Nevertheless, wearables are a vulnerable type of products and the key risk with them today is mostly the massive exposure of private health data of users, the unauthorised use of the user's motion tracking and location data and movement patters etc.

But some hacks of wearables are not so "harmless" as just stealing user data and the unauthorised access to confidential data.

In the future there will be many new and intelligent health sensors be used by patients attached to their bodies or implanted into their bodies. These sensors will be monitored 24/7 via wireless communication in the cloud as part of mobile healthcare and telematic systems.

In addition, future more intelligent body attached electronic actuator devices (like micro pumps or implanted retinal or choclear chips etc) will also be wireless communication devices and may be critical for the health of the user (see pic below).

For example, wearable insulin injection machines have already been hacked. This means the hacker can influence the injection of insulin for a diabetic person and literally can kill the person that way by causing the wrong amount of insulin to be injected into the body.

Musk's Brain Lace Projekt and remote controlled Humans

A new level of "wearable" is coming to haunt us. Elon Musk has recently launched another company under his belt in the AI arena. He already launched OpenAI which is supposed to develop "good and friendly" AI. This is a very naive approach in my eyes and has yet to deliver any useful results. Musk is a Kurzweil follower and believes with Kurzweil that the Singularity will happen soon but he expects it to be rather dangerous for us humans contrary to Kurzweil who thinks the whole Singularity thing will be positive for mankind.

Kurzweil also suggested that humans and intelligent machines will merge and we will soon have many intelligent communicating nano devices on and inside our bodies and brains so we can improve and speed up our brains by connecting them directly to data sources, the Internet and potentially to any communicating electronic device - and even to other brains directly for that matter creating human telepathy devices.

Musk now tries to implement this Kurzweil vision now by trying to developing a neural lace that is capable of communicating directly with the Internet and other electronic devices via wireless communication from inside our brains. The lace will be directly connected to the brain either as an implant (see above) or an injected mash or by some intelligent nano robots injected into our blood stream that travel to the brain and communicate and interact there directly with our nerve cells.

We can only imagine what kind of attractive and fascinating targets for any hacker in the world such brain laces would be. Human hackers would race and compete against each other to be the first to successfully hack such brain laces and to have fun with being able to remotely control humans that use such devices.

Robo Hackers X.0 could then take over and really rule the world by controlling the brain activities and direct brain-brain communications between humans. Musk therefore has started to build the devices that may cause exactly what he claims to try to prevent: the taking over the control of the human race by smart AI systems.

That's a perfect example of what is usually called a "self fulfilling prophecy".

Hijacking self-driving Cars, autonomous Drones and Robots

Over the last few years we have seen an explosion of activities in AI around autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles like self-driving cars, all sorts of drones and robotic systems for civilian and military use. The progress AI has made in these areas is astonishing, to say the least. Most AI researchers and professionals would not have predicted this success and development even just 10 years ago.

Autonomous cars are marvels of modern AI and technology. With dozens of on board chips, broad band real time wireless communication and navigation and dozens of sophisticated high tech sensors they are more driving computers than traditional cars.

However, with these dramatic advances also come again dramatic new threats and dangerous attacking options. The more autonomous and independent of human control such vehicles become, the more dangerous they may be when they are hacked and hijacked by human hackers and eventually by Robo Hackers.

There are even already several web sites available now discussing possible car hacks. Several car hacks have been demonstrated successfully and there are Youtube videos about them. So, hacking self-driving cars is not science fiction anymore, but a real life and imminent potential threat.

The motivations for hacks of autonomous vehicles may mostly be white hat hacks or cash driven in the beginning as stealing cars may never have been easier than when commercial self-driving cars will go mainstream. We can probably bet on the fact that it will only take a few weeks - if that - after self-driving cars have become commercially available when the first cars will be stolen or remotely controlled by hackers.

Another more serious threat is the potential killing or kidnapping of the passengers in such vehicles by hacking and remote controlling the cars. The threshold for such attacks is much lower because the attackers don't risk their own lives during the attacks when they do them remotely maybe from the opposite side of the planet. Once hacked into the systems of autonomous vehicles (see chart above) the hackers can just overwrite build-in security mechanisms and murder the passengers by causing a crash or execute terror strikes turning these vehicles into weapons from hidden, remote and safe locations.

Since the 9/11 attacks where commercial airplanes were used as deadly weapons and since the recent terror attacks in France, Germany and the UK, where standard trucks and cars were used to kill innocent citizens, such terror scenarios are even more worrying when one considers the huge wave of upcoming autonomous vehicles that can be hacked.

In addition, there is now also a trend of merging cars with planes to produce smart flying cars for the mass market (see pics below). Several of such vehicles have been build and successfully tested. UBER has even announced that they are planning flying cars for new taxi services.

From a security standpoint, all such flying vehicles must be considered potential terror weapons in the future.

It must be expected that hacking attacks on autonomous vehicles will increase strongly the more such vehicles are commercially available around the globe. It is therefore mandatory that security agencies and governments have to consider these new risks world wide and must develop soon protective guidelines and regulations and support the development of intelligent, effective and hard to hack protection mechanisms for autonomous vehicles - no matter how difficult and expensive such efforts may be.

On the lighter side of things, we will probably also soon see a self-driving car version of the popular Grand Theft Auto video game. Self-driving cars have already made it prominently into the latest sequel of Fast and Furious 8 in which self-driving cars where hacked and used in a terror plot.


My motivation for writing this post was that I have just recently received an offer to lead a big project to actually develop a smart AI based Robo Hacker for a large multinational accounting firm ! At first, I was excited and fascinated about the idea and the diverse range of intellectual challenges it poses and the generous budget that would come along with it.

However, after a day or two of serious considerations I decided to not go forward with the offer and this project. To me, the risks associated with such an intelligent Robo Hacker X.0 (or even just parts of it) getting into the wrong hands, was just way too high.

I have tried to show and explain in this post how close we are already in certain areas to experiencing some major AI enhanced attacks and to become potential victims of new forms of cyber crime, cyber warfare and cyber terrorism on a global scale.

I also tried to show, that future AI systems may themselves soon be prime targets for hacking attacks ! We need to put much more effort and research into the field of protecting AI system from being hacked or misused. The final goal here would be to develop AI systems that would have their own intelligent "auto immune system" that would detect intruders autonomously and would destroy or disable them before they could do any serious harm.

To summarise: the most critical and most likely areas of future attacks, besides intelligent cyber weapons being used to support real physical warfare, are in increasing importance:

  • Robo Hacks of smart voice controlled devices and bots,
  • Robo Hacks of autonomous vehicles and
  • Robo Hacks and attacks on future IoT systems and devices including wearables as they seem to be the weakest link in our future connected world.

My conclusion from all this is that: we need to develop more intelligent and way better cyber counter attack systems and very strong and innovative AI based cyber defence systems as soon as we can.

The new cyber wars are already going on. There is no more time to contemplate and to think about what might happen by 2045. It is not the possible "super intelligence" of future AI systems or the Singularity that should scare or worry us, it's the use of already currently available AI technology and systems in attacks against mankind that is the real threat !

We urgently also need new laws, rules and regulations for safety standards of AI based systems that are "fail safe" and "hacker proof" as only white hat hackers will respect or honour such rules and regulations. The organised crime and terrorists will not.

The future lies not in "friendly AI" as people like Musk suggest - but rather in strong, defensive AI systems that can protect themselves against any potential hacker attacks - attempted by humans or any intelligent robots.

I am a big fan and supporter of AI and have spent most of my professional life working on improving AI and have applied AI successfully to many areas including security. This is why I am not putting my head into the sand right now to not see and notice what is going on with AI in the security and cyber warfare space.

I want AI to prosper and continue to improve to make all our lives a little better, but this means, we now have to stop the useless and excessive AI hype and rather go back to work and focus instead on the real important issues we still have to solve !

Why am I qualified to talk about AI and cyber attacks/warfare ?

My background: besides being a senior expert in AI technologies with some 30+ years of experience, I am also a pioneer in the cyber security area since the mid of the 1980's. I was one of the first researchers to study computer virus in the world starting in 1985 and I stayed active and interested in this field ever since. I wrote and published one of the first books about computer viruses and how to fight them in 1988. I also developed the first commercial anti-computer virus software systems (Virus Blocker) and was the first to apply AI technologies like genetic algorithms and neural networks to detect mutations of self-modifying computer viruses as early as 1990. In addition, I consulted the German government's computer security agency BSI (Bundesamt fuer die Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) and developed the first safety guidelines and standards for intelligent expert systems.


Hong Kong, Berlin

June 20, 2017

miera lee

Director at IT business development

4 年

Criminal organized by Catalunya independentist resistance government with members as VISA Applus lab and Cyberkiller Xavier Vilarrubla @Xav_Vil vilarrubla@brightsightcom are Psycho terrorists killers like a film of Alfred Hitchcock, yesterday I saw that another tenent came to my share house one of collateral for criminal Spanish policies killers, because Latin man name is Jonathan invited to his room for showing, I saw the more biggest TV on the wall that is the same model TV when terrorists policies killers used for kill me with Portable Ultrasonic machine installed from 3 of neighborhood apartments, first machine was from behind of wall living room sofa neighborhood house , second from aside of my room neighborhood house, third from downstairs to our balcony, at the street Avinguda Catalunya 9, 08172 Barcelona, Also called as William origen Honduras prepared all way to kill me with terrorists policies killers during 1 month until coming me to that share house like camera on ceiling in too smallest house for watching where I hide from killer's Ultrasonic radiation attack and putting earings which were frequency receivers or routers hidden within mirrors camuflaged and amplifiers and a biggest TV the same model like Jonathan room for emissions microsonic, After Catalunya terrorists government failed kill me by sending hitman or poison nikel to me or gas explosion to share house by one of killers collateral his name is Jose at the street Angel guimera 7, 08172 Barcelona where was a Hell of death by policies hitman,.. I see Criminal Catalunya terrorists government with Killers Center National Agency and head criminal Applus lab and Cyberkiller Xavier Vilarrubla are making another Hell of death in this share house newly at the street Valeirelo 24, 46007 Valencia Spain even I changed the region from Barcelona to Valencia by putting killers collateral in this share house, Today another female sent by killers is coming into this share house, So, 3 of them will kill me by Ultrasonic attack and poison me and finally house gas explosion when they can not gain to me, because I am very smarter than all of CNI + Terrorists Independentists Catalunya + head criminal Applus lab with Cyberkiller Xavier Vilarrubla,

miera lee

Director at IT business development

4 年

As you said many companies or the government are hacking, but, when that issue is occurring to me means Catalunya independentist resistance government with members as VISA certification Applus lab where I worked at 2008 with actual Cyberkiller killer Xavier Vilarrubla and Center National Intelligence agency are making me their victim during 14 years stil now each second by hacking & Spying to my business almost 4500 contacts such as Samsung, LG, SK telecom, KT telecom, including Korean government, Hyundai Motors group, Endesa innovation, President Telefonica, Olli USA autonomous car, POD UK autonomous car, Dubai Sultan,.. Also criminals are killing me and people by invisible electro magnetic emission which is calling Directed energy weapon microsonic radiation attack in 24 hour any where any time without any stoped, I asked them recompense, but only they are killing me nothing more, just now my mobile blocked and duplicated by Criminal for controlling all my internet action, facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Chrome, WhatsApp,..Then Only I can do complaints or report to Justice offices that are criminals members or made corrupted, even criminals blocked my SNS I try to upload this story for defending me, for example Applus lab and Catalunya many companies are converted millionaire meanwhile all of my business blocked and stolen by criminals, Also Criminals not only steal my business ideas, they are calling to my business contacts for asking them to deny works with me, after that criminal recompense them with money or bring spyed information through my gmail business contacts,

miera lee

Director at IT business development

4 年

Dear, Volexity,Hello, this is Miera Lee from Valencia Spain, My be hacked experiences by Criminal organized by Catalunya independentist resistance government and Center National Intelligence agency Spanish and Cyberkiller @Xav_Vil Xavier Vilarrubla and head criminal Applus VISA certification lab use by changing Internet Explorer instead of MS, and fake Writable Windows system on device, and opening " Unknown" page google and fake maping google ubication for victims and Auto complete & reCapcha function, stil to duplicated devices of victims and commander emission electro magnetic frequency for killing people keeping in driver and blocking display and redirecting links and hacking configuration by links on victims computer or visual machine that will be disappeared when investigate by forensic, All of these for Killing slowly to victims by microsonic radiation invisible attack in 24 hours, These Criminal mafia more biggest of the whole world only kill people when victims devices are vulnerable information security, that could be Cyberkiller Xavier Vilarrubla is working for transactions & payment & common criteria certification, So,Criminals persecute you by GPS Satellite by reading your magnetic cards like credit or transport cards and bar code also by detecting metal as your jarket zipper, What I am say, Information security on our devices is too important, miera,

Maria Luciana A.

Responsible AI Executive | Advisor to Governments & Industry | Speaker | Aspiring Founder | Ethics-Driven AI Strategy & Governance

7 年

Great piece of writing

Larry Dilley

Cyber Security Expert

7 年

I am a mobile phone and software encryption specialist. Contact me if you need a phone hack. email: eightspyders at gmail dot com



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