The Robinson Report - Change Wisely
Kevin Robinson
Radio Talk Host | National Voice Over Artist| Executive Coach | Culture Builder | Keynotes
We noticed it just after the first of the year.
The (what seems like) annual war between cable/satellite providers and local TV stations.
Charter Spectrum and Tribune (among others) go at it for a few days - until one caves to a price increase for the opportunity to carry.
When that channel is your favorite – you’re forced to get local news from another source.
That’s when the ‘uncomfort’ level - grows.
You’re not familiar with this ‘new’ stations’ presentation – anchors - logo – set look.
It’s not that the news product is better or worse –just different.
Generally, change in any business – creates discomfort.
Remember what went down with Coca-Cola in in 1985?
Many brands make wholesale changes with detrimental effects – misreading market changes.
Often times a new leader arrives with an attempt to put ‘their mark’ on the brand.
Without regard to market legacy.
Logo – aural presentation – talent – all matter to the end user.
When considering changes for your brand know - even the smallest changes will take time to print.
Especially talent. Talent – does matter.
In today’s multi-screen – multi-platform world – talent is most often the BIG differentiator.
Especially morning product – where people have a set routine.
Change? Expect a new morning brand – radio and screen - to fully peak six to eight measurement seasons in.
Even with full-scale marketing.
People just don’t change their routines unless the current product is a repellant.
Finally - consider the brand – Bar Keepers Friend.
Initially sold to bar owners in Indianapolis – in 1882.
Available to the general public for decades - the cheap, white powder still gets rave reviews today.
Original formula - Original logo (swinging saloon doors).
For three centuries – even through Prohibition when ‘bars’ were shuttered.
There’s an advantage to incumbency.
Change – wisely.
Next Week: What do you need?
Kevin Robinson is a record-setting and award-winning programmer. His brands consistently perform in the Top 3 of the target – often times as the list leader. In his 35 years of radio, he’s successfully programmed or consulted nearly every English language radio brand. Known largely as a trusted talent coach, he’s the only personality mentor who’s coached three different morning shows on three different stations in the same major market to the #1 position. His efforts have been recognized by The World Wide Radio Summit Radio & Records, NAB’s Marconi, Radio Ink and has coached CMA, ACM and Marconi winning talent. He is also a featured speaker to national groups and state associations. Kevin lives in Indiana with his wife of 33 years, Monica. Reach Kevin at (317) 769-0583 or [email protected].