Robin's Diary 21st September 2016
Robin Luscombe
Managing Director Luscombe Motors Ltd | 2022 Car Dealer Lifetime Achievement | 4 x Suzuki Dealer of the Year | 5 x AM Award Winner | Auto Trader Retailer of the Year 2018 & 2020 | 5 x Motor Trader Award Winner
As this Sunday would have been the birthday of Ronnie Barker, I thought it was apt to remember some of his classic lines - fork handles and four candles being the best – but “The toilets at a local police station have been stolen. Police say they have nothing to go on” is a good one too, and there are far too many to list them all, but I thought remembering them might give you a chuckle, and remind you of one of the best comedians! So Happy 87th birthday Ronnie, it’s a shame you’re not still about.
In the world of cars, we have just heard about a new model coming in October, a family sized Crossover, with a 1.0 engine, more torque than a 1.6, so it makes me wonder where engine technology is going and how small the engines will get!! How on earth do they get so much power from such a small engine?
But who would have thought the world would be like it is now 25 years’ ago? Back then we still had coin operated phones, the internet was unheard of, we shopped in shops, we didn’t need apps or even knew what they were, but that’s progress and in the main it’s good!
“There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect”. Ronald Reagan