Robin's diary 20th July 2017
Robin Luscombe
Managing Director Luscombe Motors Ltd | 2022 Car Dealer Lifetime Achievement | 4 x Suzuki Dealer of the Year | 5 x AM Award Winner | Auto Trader Retailer of the Year 2018 & 2020 | 5 x Motor Trader Award Winner
Health and Safety or “the excuse of Health and Safety” feature this week! (also known as Elf n Safety by Littlejohn, a columnist in the Daily Mail!!)
Can you believe that a tooth removed at the dentist cannot be kept, due to health and safety! My wife had to have one removed this week, and for some reason she wanted to keep it, (I think she thought the tooth fairy may reward her!!!) but the dentist told her it wasn't possible due to Health and Safety – I ask you, how could a tooth possibly cause concern for public health or health and safety??? It is a mystery to me, but as everyone now has to cover themselves, it's an easy cop out!!
Surely we have to allow people to use common sense and we need to educate our kids in a similar vein to take some social responsibility!! Otherwise, the world is going barmy in my opinion!!
Unfortunately the ups and downs of British sport continued this week, with cricketers and tennis players failing to achieve wins, but I guess we are used to small ups and more downs.
“One of the greatest threats to mankind today is that the world may be choked by an explosively pervading but well camouflaged bureaucracy.” Norman Borlaug