Robin Williams was living with Lewy Body Dementia!
Hilary Cragg
Solicitor and Partner specialising in Elderly Client Law. I do Wills, LPAs, care advocacy and Court of Protection work.
It is very sad that Robin Williams chose to take his life. I've dealt with a number of suicides and the families that are left behind find it very difficult to cope and often feel guilt ridden believing if only....
Robin's widow Susan is incredibly brave to give the interviews she did with People Magazine & ABC News and does not blame herself or her husband for his decision.
Living with mental health problems is a tough challenge for anyone and is tough for their carers. Living with dementia can also be tough. Like many, I still wish that Robin Williams was with us, I wish that he had been able to live in a dementia friendly environment. But he didn't! So I send my best wishes to his widow. May he rest in peace.