Robert Marvin Cadwell of Evanston, Illinois demonstrating his vacuum tube and relay based Tic Tac Toe playing machine in Chicago, May 3, 1956.
Peter Sigurdson
Professor of Business IT Technology, Ontario College System | Serial Entrepreneur | Realtor with EXPRealty
As you savor the full, rich nuanced detail of today's story, pause to think about what amazingly good luck we have inherited, by being born into a Universe in which information can be digitized, converted to 1s and 0s, and manipulated in a Silicon Engine using the Mathematical Symbolic Logic system invented over 100 years ago by George Boole. In the old times, Norse Shaman Magicians called Vitki cast the Rune stones, performing Runemal to control the operation of physical reality by manipulating the Runic symbols etched in those small granite stones. Interestingly, Silicon is a major component of granite. Today, Boolean Logic symbols are the Runes, executing algorithms in silicon wafers and yielding to our inquiries the alchemy from which springs our Algorithmic Civilization.
Learn more about HOW ARISTOTLE CREATED THE COMPUTER - The philosophers he influenced set the stage for the technological revolution that remade our world.
In an age dominated by AI and cloud computing, it might seem counterintuitive for business leaders to delve into the rudimentary realms of computer technology. Yet, understanding the foundational principles that drive today's digital wonders is paramount.
This article unveils how a grasp of early computing—from relays and values to vacuum tubes—can empower leaders to make more informed decisions, foster innovation, and remain agile in an ever-evolving technological landscape.
Join us as we bridge the gap between the past's tangible tech and today's digital dominance, highlighting the timeless importance of foundational knowledge.
Eighteen year old inventor?Robert Marvin Cadwell?of Evanston, Illinois demonstrating his vacuum tube and relay based?Tic Tac Toe playing machine?in Chicago, May 3, 1956. It was an electronic brain that never loses. The device is typical of some 600 science fair gadgets made by high school students, being exhibited by the Illinois Junior Academy of Science (IJAS). In 1962 he earned a bachelor of science degree in engineering from the California Institute of Technology.
Building a Tic Tac Toe machine using relays and vacuum tubes is an impressive feat, especially considering the technology of the era.
Here is a proposed step-by-step guide based on the principles behind using relays and vacuum tubes for a game like Tic Tac Toe. If you get this working, post a photo of your work!
Relays are electromechanical switches, and they can be used to create logic gates and memory elements. Let's break this down:
1. Using Relays as Logic Gates:
2. Using Relays as Memory Storage (Relay Latch):
A relay-based latch (sometimes called a "bistable relay") can be created using two relays in such a way that they can hold (remember) their state even after the input is removed. Here's how you can create a basic latch:
Now, when you momentarily energize the coil of Relay A, its NO contact will close, which in turn energizes the coil of Relay B. Even after you remove the input to Relay A, Relay B remains energized because its coil is still receiving power through the now-closed NO contact of Relay A. To reset the latch, you'd momentarily break the power to Relay B's coil, which would also de-energize Relay A, resetting the entire latch.
This relay latch can be considered a basic memory storage unit, similar to how a flip-flop works in digital electronics.
Building circuits with relays is fascinating as it provides a tangible, mechanical way to visualize and understand the fundamentals of digital logic and memory. However, it's also important to remember that relays, being mechanical devices, are slower and less reliable in the long term (due to wear and tear) compared to solid-state components like transistors.
The Birth of Boolean Algebra and its Relation to Electronic Circuits:
The story begins in the mid-19th century with an English mathematician named George Boole. He developed a form of algebra where values could be either true or false (1 or 0 in modern binary terms). This 'Boolean algebra', as it came to be known, laid the foundation for the digital logic that powers all of modern computing.
Logic Gates and Boolean Logic:
Fast forward to the 20th century, as scientists and engineers looked for ways to implement Boolean algebra using electronic components. They developed 'logic gates' - the fundamental building blocks of electronic circuits. These gates take binary inputs (0s and 1s) and produce binary outputs based on a specific logical function.
For example:
These simple gates can be combined in complex ways to perform any logical function.
Memory, Data Control, and Logic Circuits:
Memory elements, like flip-flops, can be made using logic gates, allowing circuits to store binary values (0 or 1). When multiple flip-flops are grouped together, they form registers, which can store more complex information like numbers or instructions.
Data control mechanisms, like multiplexers and demultiplexers, are also built using logic gates. These devices can select between different data inputs or direct data to different outputs, respectively.
Program Execution and Logic Gates:
A 'program', in the most fundamental sense, is a series of instructions that a machine follows. These instructions tell the machine how to process data and generate desired outputs. Modern computers run programs by following a fetch-decode-execute cycle:
All these operations are carried out by logic circuits made of countless interconnected logic gates.
Storing and Executing Programs on Logic Gate Circuits:
Programs are stored in memory as binary data. Each instruction in a program corresponds to a unique sequence of 1s and 0s. A special circuit called the Control Unit fetches these instructions, decodes them, and then directs other parts of the processor to execute them. This execution might involve loading values from memory, performing arithmetic in the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), or storing results back in memory.
Every action the computer takes, from loading an application to rendering a webpage, boils down to a series of these fetch-decode-execute cycles, all facilitated by the dance of electrons through millions (or billions) of logic gates.
In conclusion, the journey from Boole's abstract algebra to the digital wonders of the modern era is a testament to human ingenuity. Logic gates, crafted from the principles of Boolean algebra, not only allow us to process and store information but have transformed the very fabric of society, reshaping how we communicate, work, play, and think.
How adding 2 numbers and outputting the result is implemented with relays.
Let's craft a narrative on how the simple act of adding two binary numbers is achieved using relays, the predecessors of modern transistors:
In the early days of computing, before the age of silicon and integrated circuits, there existed vast rooms filled with the rhythmic clicking of relays. Think about 1950s and 1960s Science Fiction movies, with banks of relays and cabinets of magnetic tape drive memory banks.
Like the flashing lights on the control panels of the bridge of Star Trek's Enterprise, these lights provided visual indicators that the relays were clicking. These electromechanical switches, powered by electromagnets, acted as the ancestors to modern-day logic gates.
Imagine a room filled with an array of relays, each waiting for its turn to spring into action. At one corner of the room, an operator, with a gleam of excitement, is about to add two binary numbers together.
Number Representation and Input:
The operator has two numbers in binary. For simplicity, let's say they're one-bit numbers, either 0 or 1.
These numbers are fed into the system using manual switches.
When a switch is turned on, it energizes a relay, causing it to close its contacts and let current flow, signaling a '1'.
If the switch is off, the relay remains unenergized, signaling a '0'.
The Core: The Half Adder:
In the heart of this room, two critical relays are responsible for this addition operation: the 'Sum' relay and the 'Carry' relay. These rudimentary operations, implemented with the clack and hum of relays, represent a profound underpinning of computing history.
Interestingly, the foundational concepts of 'sum' and 'carry' resonate even in today's advanced digital era. Dive into the lowest level of modern computing, the assembly language that interfaces directly with a computer's hardware, and you'll find operations centered around arithmetic, movement, and logical decisions, echoing back to these primitive relay operations.
Such basic operations, when scaled up and accelerated to billions of times per second on modern CPUs, provide the scaffold for high-level programming languages like Python. In essence, when developers execute intricate algorithms in Python, they're abstracted layers above, but still fundamentally reliant on, these elementary operations.
And, believe it or not, even as we enter the domain of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, with their complex matrix multiplications and gradient descents, at their core, they too break down to a cascade of basic arithmetic operations. It's a testament to the power of cumulative complexity. From humble beginnings with relays making simple decisions based on sum and carry, we've now reached an epoch where machines can "learn" and "think", all thanks to the intricate dance of binary logic and arithmetic rooted in history.
Such a perspective offers a bridge between the tangible, physical past and the virtual, high-speed present, showcasing the evolution of technology while emphasizing the foundational principles that remain unchanged.
Reading the Output:
Upon the wooden output panel, two light bulbs, labeled 'Sum' and 'Carry', await their cue. When the Sum relay is activated, the corresponding bulb lights up, and similarly for the Carry relay.
The operator observes: If only the Sum light is on, the result is '1'. If only the Carry light is on, it means the sum is '10' in binary (or 2 in decimal). If both lights are on, the result is '11' in binary (or 3 in decimal).
For larger numbers, multiple such relay systems (full adders) would be chained together, accounting for carry inputs and outputs, making the setup exponentially more complex and fascinating.
And there you have it! In the hallowed halls of early computer rooms, amidst the symphony of clicking relays, binary addition was achieved. While today's computers operate on the same fundamental principles, they do so at scales and speeds that would seem almost magical to the operators of those early relay-based machines.
Now let's implement a tik tak toe game, extending the implementation description of this adder circuit.
Implementing a game of Tic Tac Toe using relays is certainly more complex than a simple binary adder, but with some careful planning and design, it's feasible. Let's outline a high-level implementation.
1. Game Board Representation:
You'd need a 3x3 grid to represent the board. Each cell can be represented by a pair of relays, one for 'X' and one for 'O'. At any time, only one relay in each pair can be active (indicating which player has marked that cell), or both can be inactive (indicating the cell is unmarked).
2. Player Input:
Use a set of 9 push-buttons corresponding to each cell. Pressing a button would activate the relay for the current player for the associated cell. Another relay would track which player's turn it is and would toggle between 'X' and 'O' after each move.
3. Win Detection:
This is the most intricate part. For each possible win condition (3 horizontal lines, 3 vertical lines, and 2 diagonals), design a relay logic circuit that checks if all three cells in a line match a player's mark:
4. Game State Indicators:
Use light bulbs or LEDs to display the current state:
5. Reset Mechanism:
Include a reset button. When pressed, it would deactivate all board relays, clearing the board and setting the game back to its initial state.
6. Preventing Illegal Moves:
This can be a bit tricky. You'd need a mechanism to prevent a player from marking an already marked cell. For each cell, if either the 'X' or 'O' relay is active, the input button should be disabled (or effectively ignored). This can be achieved with additional relay logic.
7. Game Over Detection:
Once a win condition is detected or if all cells are marked (indicating a draw), the system should prevent further moves until reset. This again can be achieved with additional relay logic circuits that effectively "lock out" the input buttons once the game reaches an end state.
Constructing a Tic Tac Toe game with relays requires a large number of relays and careful wiring. It would be a sizable, intricate, and interactive piece, reminiscent of the earliest days of computing. A fun way to spend a Saturday night!
While modern technologies can replicate this with infinitesimal space and energy, building such a relay-based game can provide an invaluable hands-on understanding of logic design and early computing principles.
Are vacuum tubes required to implement this tik tak toe game: why or why not?
No, vacuum tubes are not strictly required to implement the Tic Tac Toe game, as we based our design on relays. Here's the rationale:
Relays vs. Vacuum Tubes:
Relays do this mechanically with electromagnetic switches, while vacuum tubes do it electronically by controlling electron flow between cathode and anode.
Both technologies can implement digital logic, though vacuum tubes were faster than relays but also more prone to burn out, more fragile and subject to easily being broken, and required a lot of power and therefore generated alot of heat.
Vacuum tubes, while they do have a visible glow, don't offer the same tactile feedback as relays.
Vacuum tubes could potentially make the design more compact and faster, but their operation is less intuitive to an observer, and they generate more heat.
While vacuum tubes could be used to implement a Tic Tac Toe game, they aren't required if we're already using relays for our logic. The choice between them would hinge on the goals of the project, available resources, and desired aesthetics or educational outcomes.
Lecture 2: Some more advanced considerations:
How MICRO processor OP CODES for CPU chips enable performing complex cpu operations with a handful of basic operations:
After you are done here, come over and visit me in Mac's CPU warehouse, where the scardonic and always ready with a quick fix shift manager, Mac, talks you through his work day, running his team of specialists to keep his CPU crunching its inputs:
The basic operations of a microprocessor opcode provide specific microprocessor architectur capabilities.
Common basic operations found in microprocessor opcodes include:
Moving (MOV): This operation is used to move data from one location to another. It copies the value from a source operand to a destination operand.
Adding (ADD): This operation is used to perform addition between two operands. It adds the value of the source operand to the value of the destination operand and stores the result in the destination operand. XOR (Exclusive OR):
This operation performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation between two operands. It sets each bit of the result to 1 if the corresponding bits of the operands are different, and 0 if they are the same.
Opcodes can include a wide range of other instructions for arithmetic, logical, control, and data manipulation operations. Describe the full spectrum of lifecycle delivey operations from high level program code syntax to opcode manipulation at the cpu register level including how both compiled and interpeted languages produce files which run as operating system threads on the CPU.
Remember our discussion in the previous Lecture (above)? About how relays or vacuum tubes are switches that implement basic logic operations. AND, OR, NOT, XOR (exclusive OR) are the basic logic operations, first prognosticated up by Geogle Boole). By sewing together these humble instructions, the mighty algorithic civilization we live in has sprung fully formed to life.
Lecture: The Magic Beneath: From High-Level Code to CPU Micro-Ops
OP CODES are numberic codes, specified in the Instruction Sheet for each CPU type. CPUs can be thought of as Warehouses with loading docks for input. These loading docks can consider of the Instruction Register, and data registers. Loading insructions and data into these loading docks (CPU Registers) is how you make the CPU perform an operation -- by loading one of these instruction codes onto the Instruction Register of the CPU, and data onto one or two of the other registers.
The incredible layers of abstraction that allow us to write complex programs with ease and how, deep down, they're all about simple, tiny operations on a microprocessor.
I. The Basic Operations of Microprocessor Opcodes:
Let's begin with a fundamental truth:
CPUs are made up of Registers, into which you can load data and instructions.
CPUs understand a very limited set of commands, known as opcodes. These opcodes direct the CPU to perform basic operations, a few of which are:
Moving (MOV): At its core, much of computation involves shuffling data around. The MOV operation is essential as it moves data between registers or between memory and registers.
Adding (ADD): Arithmetic operations are fundamental. The ADD operation, as the name suggests, performs addition.
XOR (Exclusive OR): Beyond addition and moving data, processors need to perform bitwise operations for a variety of tasks. XOR is one such operation, crucial for tasks ranging from arithmetic to encryption.
While these are just three examples, a typical CPU understands many such opcodes, enabling it to perform a wide range of operations.
II. From High-Level Language to Machine Code:
High-level languages, like Python or C++, are user-friendly and abstract away hardware complexities. But how do we bridge the chasm between a Python program and the simple opcodes a CPU understands?
Compiled Languages (e.g., C++): Here, we use a compiler that translates the high-level code into machine code (a series of opcodes). This machine code is saved as an executable file.
Assembly Stage: Sometimes, there's an intermediary stage where high-level code is converted to assembly language, which is then turned into machine code by an assembler.
Interpreted Languages (e.g., Python): Instead of translating the entire program beforehand, an interpreter reads the code line-by-line and executes opcodes on-the-fly. It's more flexible but can be slower due to this real-time translation.
III. Operating System and Code Execution:
Compiled or interpreted, our code must finally run. Here's where the Operating System (OS) comes in.
Threads: When you execute a program, the OS creates a thread (or multiple threads) to run your code. Each thread is an independent sequence of opcodes dispatched to the CPU.
Scheduling: The OS schedules these threads, deciding which gets CPU time and when.
Execution: Inside the CPU, the opcodes are decoded and executed, often involving several micro-operations at the CPU register level. For example, an ADD might involve fetching operands, performing the addition, and storing the result.
The elegance of computing lies in its layers. A developer doesn't need to think about XOR operations when coding a machine learning model. Yet, understanding this journey, from high-level logic to electronic pulses in a microprocessor, provides profound insights into the heart of technology. It’s a testament to human ingenuity that we've crafted such intricate systems, all built upon simple, foundational commands.
Lecture Title: The Underlying Symphony: High-Level Programming to Microprocessor Dynamics
In the vast world of computing, a fascinating dance occurs – one where high-level instructions elegantly transform into precise, minuscule operations within a microprocessor. This transition is so seamlessly executed that most users remain unaware. Today, we delve deep into the intricacies of this transformation to appreciate the marvels of computer architecture and programming.
I. Anatomy of a Microprocessor:
At the heart of our exploration is the Central Processing Unit (CPU). Within this complex piece of hardware lie numerous tiny registers – storage areas that hold data and instructions.
II. Bridging the Divide: High-Level to Machine-Level:
III. The OS: Choreographer of Execution:
IV. Execution in Micro-detail:
Upon reaching the CPU, machine code isn't simply executed. It undergoes multiple stages:
V. The Multicore Revolution and Parallelism:
Modern CPUs aren't monolithic. They often have multiple cores, each capable of executing threads. This allows for parallelism, both at the software (e.g., multi-threading) and hardware (e.g., pipelining) levels. Yet, this introduces new challenges in synchronization, deadlock management, and resource allocation.
From a developer’s sublime logic in Python to the rhythmic dance of electrons within silicon chips, the journey of code is a miracle of engineering and science. As we stand on the shoulders of computing giants, we gain not only a vantage point into the future of technology but also an appreciation for the intricate ballet that happens every time we command our machines.
Lecture: Translating Intent: From High-Level Syntax to Microscopic Electronic Actions
Building upon our foundational knowledge of relays and vacuum tubes as precursors to modern transistors and the basic logical operations they execute, we take an immersive journey through the full spectrum of a program's lifecycle. By the end of this lecture, the enigma of how a simple text file gets transformed into a sequence of electrical signals manipulating CPU registers will be unveiled.
I. Beginnings: High-Level Code:
II. The Descent: Compilation vs Interpretation:
III. Bridging the Gap: Assembly Language:
IV. Arrival: The Operating System's Domain:
V. At the Heart: The CPU and Its Registers:
VI. The Roots: Logic Gates and Boole's Legacy:
From George Boole's logical theories to the high-speed, multi-core CPUs of today, the world of computation is a marvel of human ingenuity.
At each step, from writing high-level code to CPU opcode execution, there's a culmination of centuries of knowledge and innovation.
As we stand amidst this "algorithmic civilization," understanding the underpinnings gives us both awe and empowerment.
The dance from syntax to electric impulses is indeed the magnum opus of technological evolution.