Since my email last week to all those on my webinar invite list regarding my Delay and Disruption webinar series, I have been inundated with further enquiries. So, I have put together a fact sheet (see below), and posted it as an article on LinkedIn with all the necessary information for the webinar series; so everything is easy to find in one place.?

If you have a question about the series, can I please ask you to first check this factsheet below to see if your question has already been answered. If your question remains unanswered, please send me an email and I will answer it for you; and add it to the my FAQs for others to see.

Do the webinars qualify for CPD?

I have contacted several professional bodies and can confirm that attendance at each of my webinars qualifies for 1-hour of CPD for the following: Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (“AIQS”), New Zealand Institute of Quantity Surveyors (“NZIQS”), and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (“RICS”).

As other professional bodes confirm, I will advise you accordingly.

If there is any specific professional body that you’d like me to contact to confirm whether my webinars are CPD compliant, please let me know.

How will the 1-hour webinar run?

There will be about a 5-minute introduction, a 45-minute presentation, and a 10-minute questions and answers session. For those of you that log-in early there will also be a short pre-recording that provides an overview of the webinar series.

What does the pre-recorded webinar include?

The pre-recorded webinar includes all the above, plus an additional 10-minutes presentation to replace the 10-minutes questions and answers session in the live webinars.

Can I change my webinar booking to a different time?

Yes. I will email everyone that has booked a webinar, four Zoom URLs. Each Zoom URL will be specific to the 7am, 12 noon, 5pm and 9pm start times and clearly marked as such. This will allow you to join a webinar at a different time to the one you booked if you need to do so.

I don’t live in Australia so how can I order a copy of your book on delay and disruption? And is your book relevant to anyone outside of Australia?

The second edition of my book was released in July this year. The first edition sold out and there are no longer any copies for sale. Thomson Reuters can arrange for shipping from Australia to most places globally.

Re relevance outside of Australia, my book, specifically the chapters on how to quantify delay and disruption costs, is intended to have global application. Indeed, the Hon Peter Vickery QC, former Judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria, says in the foreword to the first edition that the book is “an Australian work of legal scholarship and authority… not only written for application in Australia, but also internationally and in the second edition as “The new additions in this Second Edition will … cement this book as a leading ‘go to’ text in this complex and all-important area of construction and engineering.” To find out more please click here.

Can I join your LinkedIn Delay & Disruption Webinar Discussion Group?

YES. The LinkedIn Delay & Disruption Webinar Discussion Group group welcomes anyone involved in the construction and engineering industries who has either an interest in, has been, and/or is involved in the quantification / analysis of delay and/or disruption. Please click here to join.

Will I receive a CPD Certificate of Attendance?

Yes. I will provide a certificate of attendance to each attendee that requests one. This will be emailed following each webinar to the address you made the booking with.

How can I make a group booking for my team?

Please send an email to [email protected] with the following details:

-???????Number of attendees

-???????Name and email address of each attendee

-???????Webinar date and time slot you wish to book for these attendees

-???????Business details for invoicing (company name, contact details, ABN/CAN, purchase order number)

All individuals who wish to book one or more webinars, please continue to use the links below and book via Eventbrite.

When will I receive the Zoom link?

All registered attendees will receive a Zoom link 48 hours prior to the commencement of their booked webinar. This link will be emailed to the address you registered your booking with, so please double check this is correct at the time of booking.

The Webinar Series

Starting at 7am, 12noon, 5pm and 9pm AEST / Brisbane time, I will deliver the following 1-hour webinars. Please click on the hyperlink for your webinar(s) of choice and then follow the instructions to make your booking(s):

Webinar 1 on Wednesday 6th October 2021: Introduction to and the distinction between delay and disruption. What is, and what causes, delay and what is disruption? Why do we need to know and separate them out? Identification of the methods/approaches to quantify delay and disruption costs.?BOOK HERE.

Webinar 2 on Wednesday 10th November 2021: A deeper dive into the various methods / approaches to quantify loss caused by DELAY. BOOK HERE.

Wednesday 8 December 2021: A deeper dive into the various methods / approaches to quantify loss caused by DISRUPTION. BOOK HERE.

Webinar 4 on Wednesday 19th January 2022: A detailed examination of how to quantify delayed preliminaries costs (part 1):

Global pro-rata approach;

Planned and modified planned versus actual approach; and

Weighted average delay rate approach. BOOK HERE.

Webinar 5 on Wednesday 9th February 2022: A detailed examination of how to quantify delayed preliminaries costs (part 2):

Delay-rate per-day approach;

Resource-by-resource ‘but-for’ approach; and

Summary and review of all the approaches. BOOK HERE.

Webinar 6 on Wednesday 9th March 2022: A detailed examination of how to quantify delayed preliminaries costs (part 3):

Identification of the most appropriate approach to use and why; and

Which approaches are the recognised experts using and why? BOOK HERE.

Webinar 7 on Wednesday 13th April 2022: A detailed examination of how to quantify:

Delayed labour costs; and

Head office overheads and profit (additional head office costs plus loss of opportunity to recover). BOOK HERE.

Webinar 8 on Wednesday 11th May 2022: A detailed examination of the methods/approaches to quantify loss caused by disruption (part 1):

Measured mile method; and

Baseline productivity method. BOOK HERE.

Webinar 9 on Wednesday 8th June 2022: A detailed examination of the methods/approaches to quantify loss caused by disruption (part 2):

Other methods to quantify disruption costs;

What methods/approaches are the recognised experts using and why; and

Identification of the most appropriate approach(es) to use. BOOK HERE.

Webinar 10 on Wednesday 13th July 2022: Global claims for delay and disruption – what are they and are they really a good idea?

What is a global claim?

Are global claims permissible?

Causation based on inference; and

Proving a global claim / establishing the inference. BOOK HERE.

Wednesday 17 August 2022: Summary and review of the above sessions. BOOK HERE.

Your Investment

Webinar (1st to 3rd): AUD$15.00 per person per webinar

Webinar (4th and ongoing): AUD$25.00 per person per webinar

Webinar + PDF slides: AUD$35.00 per person per webinar

Webinar + PDF slides + webinar recording which includes an additional 10min presentation: AUD$45.00 per person per webinar


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