Roarts Inc. Update!
Solve problems in emerging economies and sell those solutions back to developed nations for a profit. This is a double edged sword. It is not to be mistaken for taking from the poor and giving to the rich. Rather the goal is sustained developments in the land mass of the different continents and ensuring harmonized global cooperation.
(Increasing productivity of small farms)- In order to get two birds with one stone an idea that comes to mind is investing large quantities of capital in agricultural output in developing nations. That is the mechanization of the agricultural yields the techniques etc. On the investment side this would be 80% of the equation and the other 20% would come from investing in commodities of these developing economies.
Improving infrastructure might follow the same route spending about 80% of resources on the raw materials of these countries meaning the cement plants and asphalt roads. 20% would be spent on the techniques and technical aspects of hiring people to actually build the infrastructure. To be sure this would be cyclical and money would also be spent on commodities trading knowing that interest would rise and so would the base value of those commodities in whichever market these commodities are being traded in.
In terms of manufacturing. China would be a great model to follow. “China produces about 80% of the world’s air-conditioners, 70% of its mobile phones and 60% of its shoes. The white heat of China’s ascent has forged supply chains that reach deep into South-East Asia. This “Factory Asia” now makes almost half the world’s goods.”(Economist). As more people are inspired to invest in developing economies perhaps a balance could be created in which China’s dominance is not as pronounced as it currently it is. Outsourcing is currently a valuable strategy and remains an integral factor in capitalistic nations but working on both sides of the equation meaning the rising costs of labor as well as betting on the future of these developing economies is a byproduct of investing money wisely. Promoting democracy and human rights is really a question of peace and conflict studies. Since I am not adept at this I’ll quote what I have learned “ The conditions for democracy cannot exist where the preconditions of democracy do not exist” That being said the institutional mechanisms of democracy must be put in place in order to have things such as a free and fair elections and regulatory committees that oversee the allocation of government resources and regulations that would impact a free market economy.
Ensuring environmental protection. The US has withdrawn from the Paris Climate agreement citing it as not a major concern in the current administrations policy planning. Let’s not mistake that with the actual threat of climate change. Thinking long term these minor changes add up and having multilateral agreements leads to a uniform blueprint of what can be done in order effectively reduce the carbon footprint and other problems caused by developing as well as the problems posed by developed nations to the globe’s environment.
This is not intended to be a final outline of what Roarts Inc will focus on but it is in large part what would be the main focus. I was speaking with a colleague and he noted things such as “Someone is probably already doing that” well that’s fine but the wish then would be to have more boots on the ground or challenge these forces of good to do their jobs better. It is an intelligent comment because in an increasingly competitive world, competition will certainly inspire innovation. I have come to the conclusion that whatever is taking up our thinking should be a long term goal and something that I personally would be passionate about and can persuade others to be passionate about as well. I believe everyone can get around the ideas posed above and small incremental changes over time will make a huge difference. I hope this article allows you to reconsider the role that emerging economies play in the future, as well as the benefits that could be derived from implementing these changes.