Roads Asset Management
An efficient road transport system is important for better quality of life and economic development of any country.
The people move from one place to other with comfort and safety.
The road infrastructure improves the environments by improving the appearance of streets. The environments are improved by landscaping and streetscaping.
The safety and security is improved by provision of street lighting.
The road infrastructure aids development by facilitating trade, both nationally and internationally, and by improving access of people to jobs, education, health care and other services. Effective and efficient road transport lowers input prices and hence production costs, which leads to greater economic wellbeing.
Road Network as a Biggest Capital Asset
The road network represents the biggest capital asset that any country’s public sector holds.
There is a general perception that spending is insufficient to maintain our transport infrastructure to satisfactory standards. However, the government does not have robust, consistent information about the true cost of holding and maintaining the assets, or the size of maintenance and investment backlogs. And most authorities do not have detailed information they need to drive down the cost base and improve service delivery.
Asset management could and should play a key role in tackling these problems.
Definition of Asset management
Asset management is a strategic approach that identifies the optimal allocation of resources for management, operation, preservation and enhancement of the highway infrastructure to meet the needs of current and future customers.
Potential Benefits of Asset Management
Asset management is used for:
- Whole life cost-based modelling, to understand and minimize costs, maximizing value over the long term
- Scenario planning and option appraisal to model and understand the cost consequences of different maintenance strategies
- Prioritizing work programs to maximize the return on a given level of investment
- Reducing the number and value of successful third-party claims
- Understanding and adjusting trade-offs between capital and revenue spends to achieve the best balance.
- Using the detailed information that the system will provide about the cost of individual maintenance activities to drive down the cost base, and to monitor whether treatments deliver the expected performance
- Informing better procurement
- Monitoring performance trends over time
- Benchmarking
Levels of Service
Levels of Service play an important role in developing asset management. The highway engineers need to identify and respond to customer requirements. So, Levels of Service are a way in which a highway authority can determine whether or not it is meeting customer expectations and its statutory obligations in the delivery of its highway service.
Condition Assessment
The physical condition of the asset in practice has two elements:
- The perceived condition of the asset as ‘measured’ by public and road user perception.
- The condition of the asset as determined by measurement and analysis of road condition data (less obvious to the public and road users).
The distinction is important because whilst this framework promotes a focus on the customers’ needs there may be instances (particularly in relation to the structural condition of the asset) when the customer is not in a position to hold an informed opinion,
Demand Aspirations
‘Demand aspirations’ is a term used to describe the non-condition related performance requirements of the asset. These can relate to safety, availability, accessibility etc. Such measures recognise that the asset provides a service to customers by enabling them to travel.
The development of measures that reflect performance against these aspects and in particular the development of a relationship between the resources allocated to tasks that support them is critical if the principles of asset management are to be applied fully across all aspects of the highways service.
Once a suite of levels of service and performance measures are put in place to support them, it will then be possible to obtain some understanding of the relationship between the cost and level of performance against each level of service. This information can then ultimately be used to inform decisions on the allocation of resources between competing demands.
This ability to rationally assess competing demands is at the core of an asset management approach. The information collected against Levels of Service is the base data that can be used for optimisation.
Demand aspirations may already be documented in the local transport plan.
Valuation of Assets
A replacement value for the asset is a common starting point for a valuation. This may then be adjusted by one of a number of methods to provide a current value that is intended to reflect the depreciated value of the asset. It should be noted that all highway valuations start by placing a value against the asset register, the highway inventory. Most valuation methods then use some estimate of the expected lives of the assets and their components. Calculating expected lives and understanding the effect that maintenance treatments have in prolonging those lives is therefore a critical valuation process. It is also clearly a critical asset management process. The processes and data requirements of valuation and asset management are largely the same. A well-developed asset management approach can provide the information required to meet financial reporting requirements (valuation) and to improve the management of the asset.
Placing a monetary value on highway assets emphasises their importance and hence the need to maintain them. Monitoring how the asset value is changing with time can indicate if costs are being unduly passed to future generations and can provide compelling arguments for investing in the preservation of the asset base.
The government does not have robust and consistent information about the true cost of holding and maintaining assets or the size of maintenance and investment backlogs. In addition, most authorities do not have the adequate detailed information they require to drive down costs and improve service delivery. Future asset management should play a key role in tackling these problems and be more transparent to the public, with more research into the needs and expectations of its users.
Good asset management needs appropriate inventory plus up-to-date local cost data and condition information. It also needs an understanding of how assets or components deteriorate and an understanding of how assets or components deteriorate and in particular when they will have to be replaced or treated.
It has been observed that there could be substantial differences between the results, depending on the type of survey (CVI, DVI or SCANNER) used to produce the carriageway condition indicator (CCI).
The condition data are processed to produce the CCI and this is then used in subsequent calculations to give ultimately the Depreciated Replacement Cost (DRC).
The Gap Analysis is used to determine the current (‘as is’) practice and desired (‘to be’) practice which then forms the basis for developing a prioritised and costed Improvement Plan.
Performance Gaps
Once asset inventory, condition and cost data have been collected, the performance of each asset or asset group should be calculated and compared with the desired or target level. Care should be taken when relying on historic performance data and appropriate levels of confidence should be established.
The desired performance levels are defined in national, industry standards, Codes of Practice and procedures, as well as local standards of the authority. These can also be defined in terms of business objectives, demands and aspirations.
The current performance is usually established through the application of different types of performance assessment methods. These typically are represented by a formal regime of inspection and surveys.
There are two categories of performance gaps:
- Where the condition of an asset component is below that desired.
- Where the level of service provided to the users of the highway is below that desired.
The lifecycle management plans should set out details of the authority’s current service standards and performance assessment methods, as well as the processes for managing the assets.
Life Cycle Planning
Lifecycle management plans form a key part of an authority’s transport and highway asset management plans.
Effective lifecycle planning is about making the right investment at the right time to ensure that the asset delivers the requisite level of service over its full expected life, at the minimum cost.
The plan should describe the decision-making processes associated with the particular asset grouping, at each stage of its lifecycle, from ‘creation or acquisition’ through to ‘disposal’. Although, in the case of highway, roads themselves are rarely fully decommissioned, and may or may not be replaced, depending on current demand. The other phases in the lifecycle to consider are: ‘routine maintenance’, or ‘renewal or replacement’ and ‘upgrading’.
The plan should start with a general description of the asset or asset grouping, and then documentation of the inventory, condition and performance so as to identify the funding required for the current and future needs of the asset.
Lifecycle plans need to capture on a robust and consistent basis all the relevant costs involved in maintaining the asset over the cycle to the chosen service performance. This information, when spread appropriately over the duration of the cycle, provides the basis for financial planning and budgeting and for the measuring asset depreciations.
When lifecycle plans have been developed for all asset groups or at least the main asset groups, objective decisions can be made regarding the proportion of funding that can be allocated to each group to finance the most efficient and effective use of current and future funding. The options within each lifecycle plan should ensure that where the optimum proportion of funding is not available, the next or further best option can be assessed in competition with the options contained in the plans for other asset groups.
As far as possible, selection of options should attempt to minimise lifecycle costs.
Optimisation and Budget Consideration
A good starting point for the investment strategy is to consider the total finance available for highway assets and their consequences, identified in each of the lifecycle plans. Although this may not establish the investment required to meet desired service standards, it will provide a necessary base case.
In the medium to long term future the use of refined deterioration modelling information can then be used to prove the investment requirements to achieve defined service standards and hence match the total finance to those standards or level of services.
It is important to regularly monitor the impact that an investment strategy has on asset performance and the support it gives to lifecycle objectives.
(Note: Different sources were used to prepare this article)