The Roadmap - Tools to Make it Happen

The Roadmap - Tools to Make it Happen

?Welcome to the TLS Continuum Change Maestro’s Roadmap newsletter. A new edition will be released every Tuesday on LinkedIn. It is by nature an interactive newsletter. What do I mean? My initial intention was the development of a dialogue pertaining to the concept of a change roadmap. I was looking for interaction between those of us here as to what each phase so far meant to you. It appears as though you would prefer to be passive readers, so be it. However, let me reiterate that as we progress through the roadmap if you have something you want to contribute, feel free to comment on any issue that perks your thoughts.

I am going to backtrack a bit this week and start from the beginning. When we look at the tools required to implement the Change Maestro’s Roadmap, we discover that there are three stages. The first stage is the foundation pieces of the process. The second stage is the critical success factors to make it work and the final stage is the implementation of the tools to optimize the problem-solving process. The three stages call for a deeper dive into them. Each stage is designed to answer Dr. Mikel Harry’s charge that we don’t know what we don’t know

Stage 1: The Foundation

The criteria found in the foundation stage begins with last week’s newsletter and considers what our value proposition is. Do we now understand what our values, missions, goals and strategies are and how they relate to the voice of the customer.

With the value proposition in place, we move to understanding the nature of the problem. Is our understanding based on reality or perception? The actress Shirley McClain tells us that we tend to see the world as we see it not as the world sees us. So, it is critical that we understand what the problem is.

What is the first thing you do when starting a project at home? You figure out what you need to complete the project. It is no different here. Once we understand the problem, we need to compile a list of the resources that are required.

You do not operate on an island. This means that you need to identify who is going to help you with the project in the form of your stakeholders. When the stakeholders are identified you need to begin the process of putting the cross-functional team in place.

Each of five components present you with a set of tools to assist you on the roadmap.

Value proposition Tools

As we discussed last week, the value proposition utilizes several tools including a) The left-hand column. Matrix. The matrix records what was said and how you interpreted the message, is what you heard what was really was said. We also take from the system thinking world the World Café tool where we gather the entire organization around tables of five or six individuals and ask their opinions of a certain topic. After a set period, we rotate tables and run the process again, until everyone has the chance to interact with everyone else.

Nature of the Problem Tools

We begin the process of understanding the nature of the problem by utilizing active listening skills to better understand what the issues are. Do we have a good feel for the reasoning behind the complaint from the customer as to what is going wrong with our processes.

Resource List Tools

The best tool is to utilize the Goldratt Fill Kit tool. It does not have to be a formal document. You can take a normal sheet of copy paper and fold it in half creating a column for the primary resources and a column for the secondary resources needed. Consider painting a room. You need the paint (primary resources) and the paint brush to apply it (secondary resource).

Stakeholder Identification Tools

Begin by creating a profile of your stakeholders. The profile should be specific as to who the person is; what organization they represent (internally as well as externally) Once completed identify what their impact is on the total project and whether they are a help or a hinderance to the success of the project. We can do this by utilizing a SIPOC form to create an understanding of how the stakeholders integrate into the process. We can also utilize a preliminary RACI form to understand what each stakeholder’s responsibilities are in your project.

Next week we will look at the critical success factor stage and the associated toolbox.

?An Invite: We have started a new group on LinkedIn. It is the TLS Continuum - The Human Connection. We want to start a conversation regarding how we get around the ASSUMPTION that our human capital assets understand the improvement process and how we can bring them into the game. No selling allowed, just open dialogue. Join the dialogue, invite your network to become involved.

An Invite: We have a Daniel Bloom & Associates, Inc. company page visit and follow for the latest on our services to the business community to enhance the organizational change initiatives.

Looking for the perfect model for improving your organizational processes? Order your copy of the TLS Continuum Field Guide - How the Theory of Constraints, Lean and Six Sigma will transform your operations and Program flow to be released in February of 2024

About the author:?Daniel Bloom?knows HR and Change Management. He’s a speaker on transformational HR, a strategic HR consultant and trainer. Thank you for subscribing to this newsletter. The best strategy that I ever undertook was earning my SPHR and the Six Sigma Black Belt. You can take the same path with our Road to Organizational Excellence Seminar. Starting July 15,2024, you can start the same path as we present live our Road to Operational Excellence - The Human Capital Edition for the following six weeks.

For more information visit





















?The Roadmap – Tools to make it Happen


Welcome to the TLS Continuum Change Maestro’s Roadmap newsletter. A new edition will be released every Tuesday on LinkedIn. It is by nature an interactive newsletter. What do I mean? My initial intention was the development of a dialogue pertaining to the concept of a change roadmap. I was looking for interaction between those of us here as to what each phase so far meant to you. It appears as though you would prefer to be passive readers, so be it. However, let me reiterate that as we progress through the roadmap if you have something you want to contribute, feel free to comment on any issue that perks your thoughts.


I am going to backtrack a bit this week and start from the beginning. When we look at the tools required to implement the Change Maestro’s Roadmap, we discover that there are three stages. The first stage is the foundation pieces of the process. The second stage is the critical success factors to make it work and the final stage is the implementation of the tools to optimize the problem-solving process. The three stages call for a deeper dive into them. Each stage is designed to answer Dr. Mikel Harry’s charge that we don’t know what we don’t know


Stage 1: The Foundation

The criteria found in the foundation stage begins with last week’s newsletter and considers what our value proposition is. Do we now understand what our values, missions, goals and strategies are and how they relate to the voice of the customer.

With the value proposition in place, we move to understanding the nature of the problem. Is our understanding based on reality or perception? The actress Shirley McClain tells us that we tend to see the world as we see it not as the world sees us. So, it is critical that we understand what the problem is.

What is the first thing you do when starting a project at home? You figure out what you need to complete the project. It is no different here. Once we understand the problem, we need to compile a list of the resources that are required.

You do not operate on an island. This means that you need to identify who is going to help you with the project in the form of your stakeholders. When the stakeholders are identified you need to begin the process of putting the cross-functional team in place.

Each of five components present you with a set of tools to assist you on the roadmap.

Value proposition Tools

As we discussed last week, the value proposition utilizes several tools including a) The left-hand column. Matrix. The matrix records what was said and how you interpreted the message, is what you heard what was really was said. We also take from the system thinking world the World Café tool where we gather the entire organization around tables of five or six individuals and ask their opinions of a certain topic. After a set period, we rotate tables and run the process again, until everyone has the chance to interact with everyone else.

Nature of the Problem Tools

We begin the process of understanding the nature of the problem by utilizing active listening skills to better understand what the issues are. Do we have a good feel for the reasoning behind the complaint from the customer as to what is going wrong with our processes.

Resource List Tools

The best tool is to utilize the Goldratt Fill Kit tool. It does not have to be a formal document. You can take a normal sheet of copy paper and fold it in half creating a column for the primary resources and a column for the secondary resources needed. Consider painting a room. You need the paint (primary resources) and the paint brush to apply it (secondary resource).

Stakeholder Identification Tools

Begin by creating a profile of your stakeholders. The profile should be specific as to who the person is; what organization they represent (internally as well as externally) Once completed identify what their impact is on the total project and whether they are a help or a hinderance to the success of the project. We can do this by utilizing a SIPOC form to create an understanding of how the stakeholders integrate into the process. We can also utilize a preliminary RACI form to understand what each stakeholder’s responsibilities are in your project.


Next week we will look at the critical success factor stage and the associated toolbox.


An Invite: We have started a new group on LinkedIn. It is the TLS Continuum - The Human Connection. We want to start a conversation regarding how we get around the ASSUMPTION that our human capital assets understand the improvement process and how we can bring them into the game. No selling allowed, just open dialogue. Join the dialogue, invite your network to become involved.

An Invite: We have a Daniel Bloom & Associates, Inc. company page visit and follow for the latest on our services to the business community to enhance the organizational change initiatives.

Looking for the perfect model for improving your organizational processes? Order your copy of the TLS Continuum Field Guide - How the Theory of Constraints, Lean and Six Sigma will transform your operations and Program flow to be released in February of 2024



About the author:?Daniel Bloom?knows HR and Change Management. He’s a speaker on transformational HR, a strategic HR consultant and trainer. Thank you for subscribing to this newsletter. The best strategy that I ever undertook was earning my SPHR and the Six Sigma Black Belt. You can take the same path with our Road to Organizational Excellence Seminar. Starting July 15,2024, you can start the same path as we present live our Road to Operational Excellence - The Human Capital Edition for the following six weeks.

For more information visit






















The approach I have used as decades as a change agent and process improvement guru. Having worked for Chinese, Korean, Saudi Arabian, Italian, and Israeli companies as head of HR how things are changed have specific variability based on the home country cultures. Many change efforts failed in these companies because Western assumption about change are not the same around the globe.


