The Roadmap- Strategy Guide
Daniel (Dan) Bloom SPHR, SSBB
Empowering the transition to strategic HR operations in business
?Welcome to the TLS Continuum Change Maestro’s Roadmap newsletter. A new edition will be released every Tuesday on LinkedIn. It is by nature an interactive newsletter. What do I mean? My initial intention was the development of a dialogue pertaining to the concept of a change roadmap. I was looking for interaction between those of us here as to what each phase so far meant to you. It appears as though you would prefer to be passive readers, so be it. However, let me reiterate that as we progress through the roadmap if you have something you want to contribute, feel free to comment on any issue that perks your thoughts.
?As part of his Ph.D. Thesis, Alexander Osterwalder created the Business Model Canvas in 2008. If we take the canvas, (It is available under Creative License for general use in the marketplace) it can be the basis for the strategy map for the roadmap. With this edition and the subsequent edition for the next seven weeks we will walk through the canvas components and its implications.
Business Model Canvas Steps
1.??? Define the value proposition
2.??? Stakeholder Identification and inputs
3.??? Stakeholder relationships
4.??? Stakeholder Segments
5.??? Key Resources
6.??? Organizational resources
7.??? Revenue streams
8.??? Cost Structure
Step 1 Define the value proposition
If you remember at the beginning of our discussions of the roadmap, we talked briefly about the value proposition – for the total organization and for the cross-functional team. Establishing the value stream proposition is critical for the success of the roadmap.
Patrick Lencioni. In his book The Advantage, suggests the key to the value proposition is the response to a set of very directed questions:
Question 1: Why do we exist?
The answer to this question is not as easy as it appears. Some will tell you that your organization exists to make a profit. Others will tell you that the organization exists to provide the market with a service or a product. Still others will tell you that the organization exists to serve the marketplace by being a servant leader in making the world a better place. Even more may claim that the organization exists to bring new and better products and services to the world as the first in the world to do so.
Whatever your answer to the question, your organization, through open dialogue must establish the firm answer in the moment why you exist.
Question 2: How do we behave?
Especially in the current world we live and breathe in, this question is a critical one. What does our organizational beliefs tell us as to what is expected and not condoned in our corporate behavior. It is not a one-sided response. We have the existence of organizational ethics, and we have individual human capital asset ethics. For example, back in the 1970’s I worked for a recruiting firm where the president of the division I worked for after an incident with a client, told the office that if you have any business ethics you are working in the wrong place.
The lack of an ethical basis when dealing with stakeholders will come back to haunt you in the long run.
Question 3: What do we do?
Call it an elevator speech. Call it a value statement. I do not care what you call it. Can you clearly delineate what it is your organization does? Typically, the answer is covered by your mission, goals, and vision statements. Be sure that you walk the walk and talk the talk when it comes to this area. Be sure that the message to the marketplace clearly states what it is you do. Is it the service or product you deliver or is it something larger in nature?
Question 4: How will we succeed?
Develop the metrics which tell you that you are right on the track. Include feedback from each of your stakeholders. Layout the steps in the delivery of your value to the marketplace and make sure everyone in the supply chain continuum can relate to the steps and the expected delivery of the roadmap.
Question 5: What is most important to us right now?
I wish the world did not change. However, at any given time our priorities do change. In discussions with your stakeholders identify what is the priority that must be attended to at this date, time and place. Be sure that the stakeholders sign off on the priority of the moment. That is not to say the choice of the priority s the fad of the day, instead it means that based on the client wants and needs this is the priority at the moment. We meet those wants and needs and then move on to the next priority.
Question 6: Who must do what?
Deming told us that if you can’t describe something as a process, you don’t know what you are doing. Every process is constructed of specific steps to arrive at a conclusion. Your stakeholders are expected to contribute to that effort in the form of roles and responsibilities. Clearly formulate those steps and who is responsible for what facet of the process.
The creation of the value proposition is the first stage of the Roadmap Business Canvas. It should not be rushed in its development, but rather it is the result of open dialogue among all you stakeholders. Each one plays a critical part in the success of the roadmap and your processes.
?Looking for the perfect model for improving your organizational processes? Order your copy of the TLS Continuum Field Guide - How the Theory of Constraints, Lean and Six Sigma will transform your operations and Program flow to be released in February of 2024
?About the author:?Daniel Bloom?knows HR and Change Management. He’s a speaker on transformational HR, a strategic HR consultant and trainer. Thank you for subscribing to this newsletter. The best strategy that I ever undertook was earning my SPHR and the Six Sigma Black Belt. You can take the same path with our Road to Organizational Excellence Seminar. Starting July 15,2024 you can start the same path as we present live our Road to Operational Excellence - The Human Capital Edition for the following six weeks.
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