The Roadmap
Daniel (Dan) Bloom SPHR, SSBB
Empowering the transition to strategic HR operations in business
Welcome to the TLS Continuum Change Maestro’s Roadmap newsletter. A new edition will be released every Tuesday on LinkedIn. It is by nature an interactive newsletter. What do I mean? My initial intention was the development of a dialogue pertaining to the concept of a change roadmap. I was looking for interaction between those of us here as to what each phase so far meant to you. It appears as though you would prefer to be passive readers, so be it. However, let me reiterate that as we progress through the roadmap if you have something you want to contribute, feel free to comment on any issue that perks your thoughts.
Before we begin the journey, it is necessary that we cover several housekeeping, if you will, points. First, I write this as a consultant not a prophet. At no time will you find an installment which says if you do this then this will happen. That is for someone out of the religious writings. As a consultant it is my role to suggest a change in path, it is up to you the reader to decide whether it fits your corporate culture
The roadmap provides us with a visualization of our objectives and strategies to bring about continuous process improvement
The first stage is to determine what got us here. This accomplished by asking you to determine your organizational value proposition
Sorry to single you out Ben but you were the only one to answer the questions from the 2nd edition. You responded by stating that your company exists to connect people and companies. Candidates to Employers and Sellers to Buyers. We aspire to transform futures. I stated at the time that it was my belief that you did not go far enough. Let’s review your answers more in depth.
What is your organizational mission? You said that your company exists to connect people and companies. Is the answer the full response why your organization exists? Rethink your answer and feel free to contribute an expanded response.
What are your values? In your answer you did not delineate what is of importance to your organization. You did not express the value of your human capital assets.
What is your vision? We aspire to transform futures. Your response to this question should be more extensive. What does that transformed future look like in your mind and in the minds of your clients?
What is your strategy? Your answers did not delineate how you would reach the achievement of the earlier questions,
There is no consultant on the face of the earth who can answer these questions for you. The answers are in your heads and minds. I hope in my response to Ben’s comments you begin to get the picture of what will be expected of you in the journey along the roadmap.
In the coming weeks we take the journey together along a defined route. I am not, as stated above, going to tell you what should occur at each stop but rather I will demonstrate the tasks at each stop. Today we covered the first stage of the journey looking at eh establishment of the value proposition. Heads up we will reist this question during Stage 3.
Stage 1: The Value Proposition
Stage 2: Gaining Knowledge
Stage 3: Building the Cross-Functional Team
Stage 4: Developing the resource list
Stage 5: Problem Identification
Stage 6: Removing the constraints
So put on your traveling clothes and next week we will continue the journey. I still welcome your comments and involvement, but I will not slow down the process if there are none.
About the author:?Daniel Bloom?knows HR and Change Management. He’s a speaker on transformational HR