Roadmap to building a successful EDI strategy.

Roadmap to building a successful EDI strategy.

With employees having more opportunities than ever before to choose where, when and how they work, having an equal, diverse and inclusive workplace has become increasingly important.?

Having a robust Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategy is no longer a recommendation for business, but rather a requirement if employers wish to attract and retain high-talent staff.?

Tailoring your EDI strategy is essential to creating an environment which emphasises valuing staff and creating opportunities to grow and perform.

Diversity, equality and inclusion – understanding the basics.

In a nutshell, a strategic EDI plan is designed to help a business create an inclusive and equitable work culture to make the most of its diversity. Diversity, Equality and inclusion each form an integral piece of a sustainable workplace.?

Diversity in the workplace refers to recognising all the ways in which people are different – including differences in characteristics between individuals and groups. This includes varying races, religions, ages, languages, genders, socioeconomic statuses, sexual orientations and physical abilities.?

It can also encompass differences in opinions, ideas, perspectives and values additionally fall under the diversity umbrella.?

Equality is the concept that all employees deserve access to the same opportunities for growth, development and success. Equality also acknowledges there are advantages and barriers faced by certain groups that create imbalances. It’s about fair treatment for everyone.

Inclusion refers to building a culture where everyone feels welcomed through the implementation of behaviours and practices that embrace people's differences. When conducted successfully, organisations are able to create an environment where their employees feel valued, respected and a sense of belonging.

Tips for improving EDI in your business.

Improving workplace EDI requires more than an inspiring surface level mission statement. Instead, it should focus on investing the time to make genuine and lasting improvements to your workplace and culture.

The journey to building an environment which is truly equal, inclusive and diverse will take work. Here are our practical tips to help you along the way.

Start with a conversation.

Have you started an open and sincere conversation with your employees around what improvements could be made to achieve greater diversity? Given how different every workplace is, the wants and needs of your employees are going to be unique. The best way to understand how to improve, is to speak directly to the source – your employees.

Data Collection.

Anonymous surveys are a great way to gather unbiased EDI data from your employees.. This will help create a picture of the workplace, culture and level of inclusivity. Here, it is important to gather data in a safe and anonymous manner, where honest answers are provided – enabling the identification of key areas to prioritise.

Create a culture that supports EDI.

Focus on creating real and lasting change by embedding EDI into your workplaces culture. Consider methods to implement accountability towards the manner in which employees act and treat each other. Enable employees to be part of the process in achieving diversity and equality. Educate employees of the benefits of EDI, while highlighting unconscious biases held.?

Most importantly, make it clear the entire workforce is all in the EDI journey together.

Encourage diversity of thought.

Everyone should be able to feel as though their voice is respected and valued. Through actively providing feedback to employees at all levels, conducting anonymous surveys, one-on-one meetings or collaborative group discussions – a business can create a workplace without judgement or fear.

Promote access to career development for everyone.

It’s important for businesses to offer career progression opportunities to their employees if they want to retain high-talent staff. A business can achieve this by:

  • ?providing regular upskilling, learning and development opportunities
  • Offering progressive career pathways?
  • Provide transparent objectives to all staff

Ensure your recruitment process is inclusive

Before recruiting there are a few things a business should strive for. For instance, reviewing their language used so they are not dissuading any particular demographic. Working with an expert recruiter who understands how to attract talent from the widest pool is a great way to ensure processes conducted are inclusive.

With over 20 years of experience, our team can help you find the right fit for a EDI workplace! Contact us to get started.



