The Road to True Wisdom
Mike Sanders PMP, CSM, SAFe, Prosci, ServiceNow, Agile Coach
Versatile Senior Program Manager | Strategic Planner | Cross-Functional Leader | Results-Driven Project Expert | Agile Coach | Expert in Cost Reduction & Efficiency | Exceptional Communicator | Risk Management Specialist
Native Americans pose four challenges, four levels of consciousness, to find true wisdom.
The first challenge to overcome is Fear. Because to live in fear is to live in darkness. We need to act with fear, despite fear, and not ignore it. Acting “with” fear exhibits true courage and awareness. See Fear as a valuable companion, a true friend, not a debilitating enemy. Fear should not drive us, but act as our co-pilot, solidly by our side. In mastering Fear, to act with fear as our advisor, we climb to the next level in the road to true wisdom, "Clarity."
Our newfound Clarity brings us our second challenge. Although we may now see things much better, we must question this new vision continually to validate what we really see. Because sometimes, we are wrong. Our new vision can be deceiving. Without validation, we can act in ignorance, with bias and wishful thinking. Once we master Clarity, the practice of validating our view, we climb to the next level, "Power."
But our newly acquired Power needs to be used prudently, with intelligence, compassion, and selflessness. The selfish and greedy use of power misguides, corrupts, and destroys its host. Once the proper and prudent use of Power has been mastered, acting with intelligence, compassion and selflessness, the final and most difficult level appears – the challenge of accepting our own “Mortality.”
The final challenge to find true wisdom is to accept that someday we will die, and all those around us will die. With this acceptance, we can properly set priorities, make better decisions, and act wisely. Without this sober acknowledgement and acceptance of our own passing, we can struggle blindly, holding on to a skewed view of the world, hiding in denial, dwelling in unhappiness, and finally, residing in Fear - right where we started.
Once we have climbed these four levels of consciousness, requisites for true wisdom have been satisfied. But know fear, clarity, power, and mortality must be attended to daily, hourly, and by the minute, as each situation stands on its own. ?
Our higher self, our god, looks squarely at us, smiles, and celebrates our mastery of fear, clarity, power, and mortality … then proudly gives us the gift of true wisdom.?