Road Trip! Tips for Traveling With Older Adults
If you’re hitting the road this summer, consider bringing Grandma, Grandpa, or another older loved one along for the ride. It would lift them up and be a wonderful experience for the whole family. For a smooth, multigenerational summer vacation, follow these tips:
Address medical issues before you go. If the older adult has a chronic condition such as diabetes, heart disease, or dementia, speak with his/her physician in advance. Follow the doctor’s travel instructions. Bring a list of your loved one’s physicians to have on hand.
Prepare the necessary medications. Create a list of all medications, including the dosages and frequency. Pack medications in zip lock bags, being sure to have enough for the entire trip. If medications require refrigeration, pack them in a thermal bag with an icepack to keep them cold. Request a refrigerator for your hotel room so you can refreeze the ice pack for the next day’s travels.
Mind the pace. Keep the pace comfortable and consistent for your older travel companion. Avoid traveling early in the morning or late in the day if stamina is limited. Make frequent restroom stops during car rides. Allow plenty of time at these stops.
Accommodate physical limitations. Can your loved one walk long distances? Adjust your itinerary as necessary. Bring or arrange for a wheelchair if needed. If you’re traveling by plane and your older companion has limited mobility, check the airline’s policies for people with disabilities.
Keep your loved one’s interests and capabilities in mind when you choose your summer vacation destination. With these travel tips, you’ll be on your way—literally—to a fun, memorable vacation!
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